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2021-8-16 23:26



适合教育让每个学生成为最好的自己 Q3=6eE7=2VT5=5j

——奋进中的福田区园岭外国语小学 B3!5nb3:3Mu,.5X

福田区园岭外国语小学原名“福田区园西小学”,创办于1987年,2002年与园岭小学、园东小学三校合并办学,命名为“园岭小学一分部”。2012年9月,学校分开独立办学,更名为“福田区园岭外国语小学”。学校现有30个教学班,学生1400多名,教职员工近100名。其中,特级教师1人,副高级教师5人,区级以上学科带头人12人。 I6?7SS24KD,!6G

分开独立办学以来,学校继续秉承“敢为人先、追求卓越”之精神,牢固树立“提供适合学生发展的教育,让每个学生成为最好的自己。”这一办学理念,始终坚持“以提高质量为核心,以改革创新为动力,以特色学校创建为抓手”的办学思路,促进每个学生健康成长和全面发展。学校的教育教学质量稳步提升,校园文化建设、自主课堂构建、博爱教育探索、国学外语并重(学校开设有英语、西班牙语、法语、俄语、韩语、日语等六种语言)、心理健康教育已成为特色品牌,学生博雅管乐团、舞蹈团、合唱团、京剧社、文学社、篮球队和乒乓球队等参加各级组织的比赛成绩斐然。其中,学生博雅管乐团参加全市、全区管乐比赛多次荣获金奖,学生篮球队、乒乓球队在全区、全市比赛中多次荣获冠军。2015年4月,学生舞蹈团表演的舞蹈《离别的车站》在中央电视台少儿频道播出。 n8=6uK8~4Ks5;6m

学校先后被评为“全国科研兴校示范基地”“全国儿童版画教育示范基地”“全国心理辅导特色学校”“广东省依法治校示范校”“广东省红领巾示范校”“广东省巾帼文明示范岗”“广东省师资培训基地学校”。2012年被广东省委省政府评为“省级文明单位”。近五年来,学校先后被评为深圳市“现代学校制度建设先进校”“依法治校示范校”和“最具变革力学校”和“教育科研先进单位”“安全教育先进单位”“优秀基层党组织”等光荣称号。2016年9月,学校被福田区教育局确定为“STREAM教育实践基地学校”。《中国德育》《教育名家》《新课程研究》《广东教育》《教育》和《南方教育时报》等媒体多次推介我校适合教育的办学成果。 k9:3EY2.5Lx1=2L

Creating an education suitable for the development of every student, while helping the children to become their best self. i7-7Fr2?7Yq,;9x

——Yuanling Foreign Language Primary School in courageous advance i2;4m06!9SF4;2Z

Yuanling Foreign Language Primary School, which was formerly known as Futian Yuanxi Primary School, was established in 1987. In 2002, it merged with Yuanling Primary School and Yuandong Primary School into a new establishment named “Yuanling Primary School Branch 1”. Finally, In the autumn of 2012, it became an independent school and was renamed Futian Yuanling Foreign Language Primary School. 03.9Iw3:8fV2.3F

Nowadays, the school has over 1400 students grouped in 30 classes. There are 100 members of the staff in the school, including 1 special-grade teacher, 5 senior teachers, as well as twelve district-level masters, backbone teachers and academic leaders. e9?5GM8-6mb4.1w

Grounded in its philosophy of “Daring to be pioneers in the pursuit of excellence”, this school has embraced the concept of focusing on improving educational quality and increasing motivation by means of reform and innovation. Our school aims at promoting a healthy growth and overall development of each student. As a result, the quality of our education has improved greatly. For example, several foreign languages are taught at our school (Spanish, French,Russian, Korean and Japanese). We have also achieved remarkable results in our psychologist provides mental health education, students’ symphonic, basketball, dancing and table tennis. Yuanling Foreign Language Primary School has been widely commended and acclaimed by both the government and the local society. F6-5RQ2?2kK1,s

Looking ahead, we will firmly establish our educational philosophy “To create an education suitable for every student and to let the children to be the best self” and accelerate the process of the modernization and internationalization of education, continue to build the strong brand. Thus, we have to research in the field of foreign languages teaching, traditional cultural education, and independent efficient class, etc. In this way, we can build up a modern school which is well known in province, influential in China, and has international exchange. H3!7OB4?2qt3.1P




