园岭实验小学的前身是深圳老一代拓荒牛耳熟能详的园东小学。 q83uG8.1VU,.3Q
1985年9月,园东小学随着改革开放的脚步诞生于园岭社区的东部,十七年的励精图治,使得园东小学彰显出其特有的内蕴气质。 C,?8EH7-,fV9,H
2002年9月,园东小学顺应教育整合和重构的潮流加入大园岭,十年的大园岭教育小区的熏陶,既保留园东的精神底气又增添了开放的青春和活力。学校先后获得全国现代教育技术实验学校、国家级科研兴校示范基地、全国心理健康教育特色学校、广东省文明单位、广东省一级学校、广东省依法治校示范学校、广东省红领巾示范学校、深圳市现代学校制度建设先进学校、深圳市教育先进单位等荣誉称号。 J2?5XA5~7Nd4!7I
2012年9月,福田区全面深化教育改革,园岭小学一分为三,深圳市福田区园岭实验小学应运而生。学校现有32个教学班,1600多名学生,102名教职员工,其中,特级教师3名,中学高级教师5名,外籍教师2名,区级以上名师、骨干教师、学科带头人25名。在继承传统的基础上,园实通过挖掘“幸福福田”、“园岭东部”、“园东”、“园实”这一组与学校息息相关的名称的内涵,“微风化雨,幸福花开”,提炼出“微风”作为文化意象背后所承载的“田园”(校园),构建以中国传统文化中“笑”为核心的学校文化,同时赋予时代气息。 02;1YN3~8LM5~7S
学校坚持“让每一个孩子充满童年微笑”的办学宗旨,以“微笑校园、微笑教师、微笑孩子”的“三微”教育理念为价值追求,坚持“五笑”并举,即通过建设微笑校园、构建微笑课堂、培养微笑少年、打造微笑教师、形成微笑团队为实施途径,进一步统整各项工作,让每一位孩子都能摘到自己的星星,以六年的微笑成就孩子一生的微笑。 o9~3LO5-,Nu,-9k
2015年12月,园岭实验小学迎来建校三十周年。推掉华丽的庆典,省去隆重的表彰,“以课为庆、以活动为庆”,邀请活跃在教育一线的全国著名专家和特级教师走进校园,用一场“有气质”的“诗画语文”教育研讨会,开启微笑教育新的征程。 D3:,Ke8~9Yy9?3F
三十而立的园岭实验小学,依然保持着最纯真的教育初心。在一个又一个静谧的时间的年轮里,一代代才情教师在微笑家园里潜心耕耘,光阴荏苒,任她童年满园。在新的征途上,园岭实验微笑起航,诗意前行,在这所浸润独特文化气质的“笑园”、“田园”和“心园”里,孜孜不倦实践着属于园实风格的文化理念体系——微笑教育。 e2.4tt8.8LR1.4F
YuanDong Primary School, which was the predecessor of Shenzhen Yuanling Experimental Primary School was well-known by the old pioneers in Shenzhen. m1;9cR6=3Nz,.6J
In September 1985, YuanDong Primary School was born in the eastern part of Yuanling community with the pace of reforms, and shows its unique connotation temperament through seventeen years’ hard-working. I2?3YF27uV,;8Y
YuanDong Primary School conformed to the trend of education integration and reconstruction with Yuanling in September, 2002. By the influence of Yuanling education district in ten years, YuanDong not only retained and emboldened the spirit but also added open youth and vitality. The School acquires the honours of National Modern Educational Technology Experimental School, National Scientific Research and Demonstration Base, National Mental Health Education School, Civilization unit of Guangdong Province, Provincial level of Primary School in Guangdong Province, The Model of Law School in Guangdong Province, The Red Scarf Model School in Guangdong Province, Shenzhen Modern School System Construction advanced school, Shenzhen education advanced units and so on. V4-,eg,?3oE2.7h
In september 2012, Futian District comprehensively deepened educational reform. Yuanling Primary School was divided into three parts, Shenzhen Futian Yuanling Experimental Primary School came into being. The school has 32 teaching classes, more than 1600 students and 102 faculty members, including 3 special-grade teachers, 5 middle school senior teachers, 2 foreign teachers and 25 district famous teachers, key teachers, academic leaders. On the basis of inheriting the traditions by mining "happiness, Futian’’, "Eastern of Yuanling" and "Eastern" and "Yuanling Experimental" of the group , the name of the school is closely related to the connotation of "the breeze and the rain, happy flowers”. We extract the" breeze "as a cultural image behind the bearing" Pastoral "(school), to build our school culture of which Chinese traditional culture of" smile "is the core , and give the flavor of the times. R,?4PY1=3OF12T
We adhere to the principle of "let every child smile full of childhood", We value pursuit of smile education, with educational concept of "smile school, smile teachers, smile children" . We adhere to the" Five smiles ", through the construction of smile school, smile classrooms, smile children, smile teachers, to create the formation of smile teams as the means of implementation, further integration of the management, so that every child can pick each one’s own star, through 6 years’ achievements of smiles to accomplish a child life’s smile. s9=4FT8;4fl2=5G
In December 2015, Yuanling Experimental Primary School ushered the 30 years’ anniversary of the founding. Pushing off the gorgeous celebration and eliminating grand recognition, "to have classes for the celebration, with activities for the celebration“, We invited famous experts and teachers active in the frontline into the school to open a new journey of smile education with a temperament and poetic Chinese education seminar. x1!2jO3+9YL4-9d
Yuanling Experimental Primary School at her 30 years, still remains the most pure education of beginner’s mind. In a quiet ring and ring, generations of talented teachers in the smiling home painstaking work, although time passing fast but her childhood in the garden. In the new journey, Yuanling Experimental Primary School smiles and set sail, poetic forward, in the infiltration of unique cultural temperament of "smiling school", "idyll" and "heart garden", and diligently practise belong to Yuanling Experimental style -- smile education. U,-7Cq,2cD2=7q