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中国石化化工销售有限公司(以下简称化工销售)是中国石化 下属全资子公司,负责中国石化所属企业生产的石化产品资源 统筹、市场营销、产品销售、物流运作、客户服务,以及所需 相关化工原料采购和供应工作,并开展物流设施及海外化工业 务投资。
2020-10-6 04:41
2021-11-10 14:00



中国石化化工销售有限公司(以下简称化工销售)是中国石化下属全资子公司,成立之初为中国石化化工销售分公司,2005年5月10日正式挂牌;2009年2月2日,完成化工产品内外贸业务整合,更名为中国石化化工销售有限公司,实现一体化运作。 j7-4Ud5?6yP2!1q

Sinopec Chemical Commercial Holding Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as SCCHCL) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sinopec. It was established as Sinopec Chemical Sales Branch and was officially listed on May 10, 2005. On February 2, 2009, the integration of domestic and foreign trade business of chemical products was completed, and it was renamed as SCCHCL for integrated operation. a5.2DG3+2Qf8!2F

化工销售是目前国内及亚洲最大的内外贸一体化石化产品专业经营公司,业务涵盖石化产品资源统筹、市场营销、产品销售、物流运作、客户服务,相关化工原料采购和供应,物流设施及海外化工业务投资。现有员工2300余人,年经营化工产品逾7700万吨,合成树脂、合成橡胶、合成纤维原料、合成纤维和聚合物、有机化工原料、化肥及特殊化学品等主要产品国内市场份额领先。与众多知名物流服务商建立战略伙伴关系,年物流运作量超过1500万吨。 S2=4uz4=9wu2:4h

With integration of domestic and international market, SCCHCL is currently the largest petrochemical company in China and as well as in Asia. Its business covers petrochemical product resource planning, marketing, product sales, logistics operation, customer service, related chemical raw material procurement and supply, logistics facilities and overseas chemical business investment. SCCHCL has more than 2,300 employees and operates more than 77 million tons of chemical products annually. Its main products such as synthetic resins, synthetic rubber, synthetic fiber raw materials, synthetic fibers and polymers, organic chemical raw materials, fertilizers and special chemicals all take the leading domestic market shares. Having established strategic partnerships with many well-known logistics service providers, its annual logistics operation exceeds 15 million tons. Y2;3Ko5=1BI8?5r

化工销售总部位于北京,分别在北京、上海、广州、武汉、南京设有华北、华东、华南、华中、江苏5家区域分公司,在全国各主要消费集中地和物流集散地设立有27个营销网点、35家驻企业办事处、2家自贸区公司,配备中转仓库,贴近市场一线,能够快捷服务客户。在境外设有香港公司,依托香港公司在越南、新加坡、中东、北美、韩国、俄罗斯、台湾设立7个办事处,密切与全球同行合作,服务全球市场客户。 Z36pe3.9Gg2;,z

Headquartered in Beijing, SCCHCL has five regional branches: North China Branch located in Beijing, East China Branch in Shanghai, South China Branch in Guangzhou, Central China Branch in Wuhan and Jiangsu Branch in Nanjing, SCCHCL has established 27 marketing offices in major consumer concentration centers and logistics distribution centers across the country, 35 offices in the enterprises and 2 companies registered in free trade zones, has equipped with transit depots with a view to be closer to the market and to respond faster to customer demand; SCCHCL set up SCCH(Hong Kong) Co., Ltd in Hong Kong, relying on which, established 7 overseas offices which are respectively located in Vietnam, Singapore, Middle East, North America, South Korea, Russia and Taiwan, China. These overseas offices facilitate SCCHCL to work more closely with its international partners and offer best service to its global customers. p8?1VH,9kw2!4S

2016年6月,石化e贸(www.chememall.com)正式上线;2019年1月,物联网系统正式上线。石化e贸是中国石化所属的专业电商网站之一,专注于石化产品,专注于为石化行业客户创造交易机会、便捷交易服务、打破交易壁垒,凭借中国石化的资源优势、客户优势、品牌优势等,为客户提供一站式服务。2018年被评为"中国石化优秀服务品牌"。 r8+5uo4+1oR4:4C

In June 2016, Petrochemical e-Trade (www.chememall.com) was officially launched; in January 2019, the Internet of Things system was officially launched. Petrochemical e-Trade is one of Sinopec's professional e-commerce websites, focusing on petrochemical products, focusing on creating trading opportunities for petrochemical customers, facilitating trading services, breaking trading barriers, and with rely on Sinopec's advantages of resources, customers and brand, providing its customers with one-stop service. In 2018, it was awarded as "Excellent Service Brand of Sinopec". Y6=,An2+1Ch9~6J

化工销售秉承中国石化"融入地方、借势发展、合作共赢"的理念,肩负中国石化"为美好生活加油"的企业使命,坚持"人本、责任、诚信、精细、创新、共赢"的核心价值观,以市场为导向,以客户为中心,一品一策、一户一案、一企一制,不断健全完善营销网络,塑造中国石化品牌,努力建设成为"国际一流化工贸易商"。 U5!,oX9+9me1=7P

SCCHCL adheres to the philosophy of "integrating into the local, taking advantage of tendency for development, and achieving win-win cooperation", shoulders the corporate mission of "Better Energy for Better Living" and adheres to its core values of "people, responsibility, integrity, excellence, innovation and collaboration" keeps to be market-oriented, customer-focused, and, one marketing strategy has been made for one product, one service scheme devised for one customer, one system customized for one enterprise. SCCHCL constantly improves and perfects the marketing network, shapes the Sinopec brand, and strives to be a world-class chemical trader. t6+8vy,:9Dq5!1n


中国石化: A3:4Gl3.8Wq,=1j

企业使命——为美好生活加油 F9=8vm8=6WH6+9J

企业愿景——打造世界领先洁净能源化工公司 F6.1NE8+4Ns27u

企业价值观——人本、责任、诚信、精细、创新、共赢 o3?,gW3!6sB9+2R

企业作风——严、细、实 A8:50w5.6UG6?9y

化工销售: u6!3HM67ZX5;,y

企业愿景:打造世界领先化工贸易综合服务商 l9!5Gc5-1eU5.7S

地址:中国北京市朝阳区朝阳门北大街22号 J1?2Il3.8nI9-1f




