艺术学院成立于2020年,由原艺术设计学院及影视艺术学院合并而成。现下设艺术设计系及传媒系。学院现有教职工46人,其中教授4人,副教授7人,具有博士学位4人。2017年获得艺术设计专业硕士授予权。艺术设计系现有广告学专业、环境设计专业、视觉传达设计专业、产品设计专业(家居产品方向)、中外合作办学环境设计专业。传媒系现有播音与主持艺术专业、广播电视编导专业、影视摄影与制作专业。艺术学院教师先后在国家核心期刊发表学术论文百余篇,在国家级出版社出版了多部高质量的学术专著,完成了多项教育部及省级社会科学研究课题。艺术学院学生先后在中国大学生广告大赛、深圳国际海报节、白金创意国际大赛、靳埭强设计大赛、澳门设计大赛、中国国际空间设计大赛、CIDA中国室内设计大赛中获得全场大奖及金奖。艺术学院将继续秉承学校“达观博物”的校训,将学院文化定位为“弘扬艺术精神,体现人文气息”,在道德与艺术相统一的传统艺术精神指引下,实现独立、自由、原创、和谐、充满人文气息的现代艺术精神,努力将艺术学院建设成为艺术特色鲜明、学术气息浓郁的新型艺术学院。 m4!4LH2+8pR7,e
The GEO College of Arts was established in 2020 when it incorporated the School of Art and Design and the School of Film and Television Art. There are two departments at present in the college: Art Design and Mass Media, with a 46-member faculty in total, including 4 professors, 7 associate professors, among whom 4 are holders of doctorate degrees. In 2017, the college won the privilege of conferring master’s degree in art design. There are currently five majors available in the Art Design Department, including advertising, environmental design, visual transmission and design, product design (with a preference in household products) and a joint program on environmental design with overseas universities. The Mass Media Department is currently open to three majors, including broadcasting and anchoring, radio and television production, and cinematography and film production. The faculty members have published over a hundred of academic papers in the national core periodicals and a dozen of high-quality academic monographs by top publishers, and have accomplished a number of national and provincial research projects in social science. The students of our college have participated actively in the National Advertising Art Design Competition for College Students, Shenzhen International Poster Festival, Platinum Originality International University Students Graphic Design Competition, Kan Tai-Keung Design Competition, Macao Design Competition, China International Space Design Competition, and China Indoor Design Competition, winning gold prizes and other awards. v,=7hV7.9Ae,5g
The college will continue to follow the GEO motto of cultivating universal perspectives and pursuing infinite knowledge, and position itself as a carrier of fine art and an embodiment of humanity. With a guidance to integrate traditional ethics and art, the college seeks to measure up to modern artistic spirit of independence, freedom, originality, harmony and humanity, and aims to become a new-style art school with distinguished artistic features and an intense academic atmosphere. x64CY8=3nv,.9A