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河北地质大学(原石家庄经济学院)会计学院成立于2003年,是在原财务会计系基础上发展而来。河北地质大学1953年建校,1956年开始招收地质会计与统计中等专业学生,1977恢复高考制度后招收地质经济管理专业本科学生,1981年设置并招收地质财务与会计专业本科学生,1988年设置并招收审计学专业专科学生;1991年在原经济管理系会计学专业、审计学专业的基础上组建财务会计系;1994年招收审计学专业本科学生,1998年按照教育部专业目录调整方案,审计学专业并入会计学专业,2000年设置并招收财务管理专业本科学生,2006年获取会计学硕士学位授予权,2007年招收会计学专业硕士研究生;2010年招收高校教师在职攻读硕士学位研究生;2015年招收会计专业硕士研究生(MPAcc);学院现有会计学、审计学和财务管理三个本科专业,均为河北省本科一批招生。学院设有综合办公室、辅导员办公室、会计教研室、审计教研室、财务管理教研室、电算会计教研室、会计综合实验室、MPAcc教育中心等机构。截止2018年7月底,在校本科生772人(不含2014级毕业生),在校研究生103人。 K8=3TZ6!6Rd9~,g

学院现有教职工56人,其中专任教师43人。教授12人、副教授17人(另有会计学教授6人、副教授2人担任学校职能部门负责人);博士(博士后)11人,在读博士5人,教师中具有硕士以上学位占95%;已取得注册会计师、注册税务师、注册资产评估师等资格的教师12人;河北省会计领军人才、三三三人才7人。 S1:,Px6?4Vt7+1B

学院设有综合办公室、辅导员办公室、会计教研室、审计教研室、财务管理教研室、电算会计教研室、会计综合实验室、MPAcc教育中心及现代会计研究所等行政、教学、科研机构。 M9;2Th6+2MT4?90

60多年来,会计学院全体教职工认真贯彻党的教育方针,深化教育教学改革,全面提高教学水平和人才培养质量,不断改革和完善教学内容、教学方法、教学手段,在学科、专业和课程建设方面成效显著。会计学专业2000年列为国家管理专业、2010年被评为河北省品牌特色专业、2012年列为河北省综合改革试点专业,2013年会计学科被评为河北省重点发展学科,2014年获得专业学位(MPAcc)研究生招生资格,2014年学院获批河北省专业学位(MPAcc)研究生教育综合改革试点单位,2015年学院获批河北省专业学位研究生培养实践基地。在课程建设方面也取得可喜成绩,《内部控制与公司治理》等9门课程先后建设成为省级、校级示范课或精品课程。 G6:7yO7=1TW,:8w

近年来,会计学院教师在完成教学任务的同时,不断提高教学与科研能力,在成本预算管理、内部控制、公司理财等方面形成了稳定的研究团队,尤其在研究成果推广应用于社会经济工作、服务地方等方面成果突出。先后在国家级、省部级等刊物发表学术论文500余篇;出版学术专著、教材60余部;完成国家级、省部级科研项目30余项,在研和完成企业横向联合项目40余项,到位科研经费600余万元;研究成果获省部级以上奖励16项。 R,:6Ci,6bg3:2b

会计学院遵循“厚基础、宽口径、重能力”的培养理念,立足河北、面向全国、兼顾国土资源行业,在半个世纪的时间里先后为国家培养6000多名会计、审计、公司理财等方面的专业人才,毕业生以基础扎实、工作务实的良好素质和优良作风,受到用人单位的普遍欢迎和好评。 02?6ZU4+4aX15R

会计学院全体教职员工将继续秉承我校的办学宗旨,开拓进取、务实创新,追踪会计学科发展动态,紧盯社会需求,为将我院建设成国土资源行业及河北省会计学科领域一流的教学科研基地而努力。 y75ya5.9bV6!5Q

(2018年7月31日) i1:5QZ3=4an6:,H

Introduction of Hebei GEO University, School of Accounting i9!1cv2+2Ed3=5M

Hebei GEO University (The original Shijiazhuang University of Economics), School of Accounting was founded in 2003,it developed on the basis of the original school of financial accounting. Hebei Geo University was established in 1953. It began to recruit geosciences accounting and statistics secondary students in 1956. Since 1977 the universality entrance exam system restored, we started to recruit the geological economic management undergraduate students, enrolled in the geology finance accounting undergraduate students in 1981, recruited auditing college students in 1998, established Financial and Accounting Department on the basis of the original department of economic management on accounting and auditing in 1991, recruited auditing undergraduate students in 1994,.auditing incorporated into the accounting according to the Ministry of Education professional directory adjustment programs in 1998, set up the financial management major and started to recruit the undergraduate student in 2000, obtained a master degree in accounting to award in 2006, recruited graduate accounting in year 2007, recruited college teachers’ in-service master's degree graduate students in 2010, recruited MPAcc in 2015. Now School of Accounting has the three exiting undergraduate majors of accounting, auditing and financial management, all are first-class undergraduate in Hebei Province. Currently, we have 1072 undergraduate students, more than 80 graduate students. N4-2nv,:2WN9!,N

School of Accounting has 51 existing staffs, including of 12 professors, 17 associate professors (Another 6 Accounting Professors and 2 associate professors as the school functional departments); 12 PhD (postdoctoral), PhD candidate 2 people, 95% teachers with master's degrees or above. There have 12 teachers have been certified public accountants, certified tax accountant, certified asset appraiser. School of Accounting has a comprehensive office, counselor office, accounting department, auditing department, financial management department, computerized Accounting, Accounting comprehensive laboratory, MPAcc education center and the Institute of modern accounting and other administrative, teaching and research institutions. E2-2fs4=7Gn4+2n

In more than 60 years, all faculty and staff of School of Accounting are conscientiously implementing the Party's education policy, deepening educational reform, and comprehensively improving the level of teaching and talent training quality, continually reforming and improving the teaching content, teaching direction, and teaching methods. We achieve remarkable success in discipline, professional and curriculum. Accounting major was listed as a national professional management in year 2000, it was named the brand specialty of Hebei Province in year 2010, and it was listed as a comprehensive reform pilot Professional in 2012. In 2013 accounting subjects was chosen as the focus of development of the discipline. In 2014, it obtained professional degree (MPAcc) graduate enrollment eligibility and it was approved as Hebei Province College degree (MPAcc) graduate education comprehensive reform pilot units at the same year. In 2015, it was approved as Hebei Province Institute of postgraduate Education practice base. In the course construction it has also made gratifying achievements, "Financial Management" etc 9 courses have been built a provincial, university-level courses. A9.6aX8.,Yv8=90

In recent years, teachers in School of Accounting completed the task of teaching, at the same time constantly improved teaching and scientific research ability, it form a stable team from cost budget management, internal controls, corporate finance and other aspects, especially achieve the outstanding achievements from the promotion of social and economic work in applied research, local services and other aspects. Successively they published more than 500 papers in the national and provincial journals, published more than 60 academic monographs and textbooks, completed 30 research projects with national, provincial and ministerial level, completed enterprise transverse joint projects more than 40 projects, placed scientific research more than 6 million RMB, research result won 16 projects awards with the provincial level or above. D,~4Lm9=6vw9.5H

School of Accounting adheres to the cultivation of the concept of “solid foundation, wide opening, and stressing abilities”, based in Hebei province, open to the nation, taking into state and land resource industries, successively cultivate more than 5000 accounting, auditing and corporate finance professionals for the nation in the half of the century. Graduates with a solid foundation, pragmatic work of good quality and the best style, was widely welcomed by employers and praise. y2=5Jc4-2BZ8+8n

Faculty in School of Accounting will continue to uphold the mission of our university, pioneering spirit, pragmatic innovation, tracking developments accounting discipline, focused on the needs of society. We are working very hard for the purpose to build our school to be the first-class base of teaching and scientific researching in land and resources industries and the accounting discipline in Hebei Province. l7=,QX5;3Uv9+5n


( June 3, 2016) u4-4wg4+4oA,=2e



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