首页 > 国内网站 > 武汉理工大学硅酸盐材料工程研究中心(硅酸盐建筑材料国家重点实验室)


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2021-5-9 14:00
2021-8-6 04:13



一、实验室概况 A3:2iM9.5eP1?7F

硅酸盐建筑材料国家重点实验室是在原硅酸盐材料工程教育部重点实验室的基础上、于2011年10月获科技部批准立项建设的国家重点实验室。实验室依托的材料科学与工程学科是国家重点学科、“211工程”首批及“双一流”重点建设学科,国家第四轮学科评估结果为A+,进入世界ESI学科排名前1‰;其硅酸盐材料专业至今已有50多年的建设历史。1992年由原国家建材局批准成立硅酸盐材料部门开放实验室,2000年成立硅酸盐材料工程教育部重点实验室。 V8;5LH3.1rL3~2e

二、总体定位与目标 l230Q42gS4?1Y

以服务国家重大战略和建材行业发展重大需求为宗旨,以引领世界建筑材料科学技术发展为目标,以解决硅酸盐建筑材料制备和服役过程的重大基础理论和共性关键技术为中心,聚集和培养一批在国际建筑材料领域有重要影响的高水平创新人才与团队,开展高性能、低环境负荷硅酸盐建筑材料前瞻性、原创性的基础和应用基础研究,研发支撑绿色和智能建筑体系发展以及重大工程建设的多功能、高性能及前瞻性建筑新材料,为实现建筑材料与结构安全服役和循环利用提供新理论、新方法和共性关键技术,为加快实现我国建材行业战略转型升级,保障国家重大战略实施提供科技与人才支撑。 F8-3vG1+3Yh,=4s

三、研究方向 d1;8Gk6+6RC1;8c

围绕总体定位与目标,以及硅酸盐建筑材料“制备-应用-服役-再生”全寿命周期特征,实验室形成了四个特色鲜明的研究方向: M9.4tp5+9FO1~6z

(一)硅酸盐建筑材料的低环境负荷制备 y6.1OP,;6vW73p

以降低硅酸盐建筑材料制造过程能耗与资源消耗、减少污染物排放为目标,发展硅酸盐建筑材料低环境负荷制备的新理论、新方法和新技术。 r7?7oe86oe7+2W

(二)硅酸盐建筑材料的功能设计与调控 n9.8ma3+6Nx9.5Q

以建筑节能、宜居、安全和智能化为目标,发展满足绿色建筑需求的高性能、多功能硅酸盐建筑材料。 h7~9Ra5-2ao1+6D

(三)硅酸盐建筑材料的服役行为与延寿原理 v8.1Xn6=5dw4=4o

以提升建筑结构与工程使用寿命为目标,优化建筑材料服役行为,发展硅酸盐建筑材料延寿新理论与新技术,形成硅酸盐建筑材料长寿命化技术体系。 G2.,hH3?6Sz,-7n

(四)硅酸盐建筑材料的可循环设计 J2:1tg,!7BG8.7y

以实现建筑材料再生利用和固体废弃物建材资源化高效利用、减少建材产业天然资源消耗为目标,发展建筑材料可循环设计新理论与新方法。 J3~5ZH1.3av1:8X

四、人才队伍 G2.3AR63rI3!3L

(一)学术队伍 W7;1Vm8?7iu,.,m

实验室现有固定人员90人,其中研究人员80人,技术支撑人员7人,管理人员3人;78人具有博士学位(占比98%);研究人员中有正高职称65人、副高职称13人,形成了一支结构合理、科研能力强,富于创新的高水平学术队伍。 h,:3JF4;5TJ4.1t

(二)研究生培养 e2?1Ee5.4lJ1.6D

实验室近五年共共培养博士研究生185人、硕士研究生1104人,其中毕业博士研究生89人、硕士研究生631人。毕业研究生中3人获湖北省优秀博士学位论文、5人获湖北省优秀硕士学位论文奖励。共进站博士后17人,出站博士后10人。 y9+1Fl59ME1-4W

(三)省部级以上的创新团队 l2+6ZD9:20W4?5k

赵修建团队(教育部):功能薄膜材料的结构调控与光电性能 C6~2Mx4-4jT51H

胡曙光团队(湖北省):建筑材料失效机理及其耐久性设计 D4?8nB9.5mb8.3m

吴少鹏团队(湖北省):多元废弃物再生建筑材料的设计与制备 O8:2YV9.1qL1?3Y

李远志团队(湖北省):纳微结构光催化环境净化建筑材料 F71nm4=8wi7?7e

陶海征团队(湖北省):玻璃制造过程节能减排的基础研究 I6-4Am39sD3+7p

水中和团队(湖北省):多功能高岭土矿物材料研发 s3.,Ec8;6hR9;2m

五、科学研究 k7+4BF9!2Fx7?9k

(一)科研项目 E7:1JV,!6rN7!1c

实验室围绕国家重大需求与研究方向,近五年组织承担了各级各类科研项目679项,到款科研经费31350万元。其中,国家任务141项,到款经费15524万元,占到款总经费的49.5%;25项重点任务经费18223万元,评估期内到款10156万元,占到款总经费的32.4%。 承担的国家重要任务与百万元以上企业委托研发项目如下: s7:9eG3=1jl6-9l

国家重大科学研究计划项目 X5:,kb3.5CI1-6f

1项(项目首席科学家) t1:2Fi6.8lk9?9g

国家科技基础性工作专项项目 F1.2KV,.6rc7:7O

1项(项目主持单位) p5!2Hk1-3YK2=8D

国家973计划项目(青年项目) O2~4wf79Cx8:8P

1项(项目主持单位) H5.90T9:7GQ6!3o

国家重点研发计划项目 z780n5=,yC4:9T

1项(项目主持单位) x1!7sI3;5Cy5+,0

国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目 z5-8ud3:5Mv2~1R

2项 w6!2wh1-9Xn1~,a

国家973计划课题 P,-9Dd53oN3-7M

2项 e9!,sb1;5Kn9:2s

国家重点研发计划课题 I5-1wi52vG,-,H

16项 x,?60y7?6yb8=5c

国家863计划课题 e1~9zF9?9xc1?6t

1项 N8;1jC3.,wg,!7r

国家科技支撑计划课题 U2+3rn5:2FP3;5E

16项 A3!1xI2!4CC2:5J

国家重大科学仪器专项课题 Z2!8l07~9QP91h

1项 d5;8nm9=8nx3=3l

100万元以上企业委托开发项目 F4~,LV5=1eQ,;3s

59项 Y,!9eN9,BG9.2t

(二)论文专利 i,1Vd,+6Rg1.4B

近五年发表SCI收录论文 925篇 x2+9eC3?4Jj31C

EI收录论文 1039篇 F3!8Cm,?2dr7+5D

在大型学术会议上做特邀报告 93次 y2~3em2.2Lh1!7k

获国家授权发明专利 326项 l9=1s027LO1:7p

专著 15部 K5?5ya4.3Ky8:9O

国家和行业标准 7项 g59tS4;9Pi6-2S

(三)成果奖励 h78Do5.8Kh7;1c

技术成果在全国千余条水泥、玻璃、陶瓷、墙体材料等生产线,以及港珠澳大桥、武汉天兴洲大桥、南海岛礁等一大批“一带一路”控制性重难点工程应用,取得显著的社会环保与经济效益,近五年获国家自然科学奖1项(排2、5)、国家技术发明二等奖1项(排1、4)、国家科技进步二等奖2项(单位排2和4)、省部级一等奖和特等奖15项(9项排第1)、二等奖19项。 X3:3hU2=8wL,:4Z

六、对外合作与学术交流 K8=9Rf8?4Mz3;2u

近五年,实验室承担国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目在内的重点国际合作项目4项,举办国际学术会议14届次,邀请国外知名学者来实验室讲学交流152人次,培养留学生18名,为留学生授课320余人次,培养国际青年学者26名。 Y2!4mR7=9zq53n

实验室先后邀请中国工程院院士缪昌文教授、中国建筑材料研究总院姚燕院长、北京金隅集团王肇嘉总工程师、凯盛集团彭寿董事长等国内外著名学者和企业家到实验室讲学150余人次,实验室人员参加国内外学术会议450余人次,实验室固定研究人员在国内外学术会议作特邀报告168人次,实验室派出60余名研究人员赴境外高水平高校或研究机构合作研究、进修和短期学术交流。 A1!1bC3;2uv8!2B

实验室与瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院、加拿大多伦多大学、英国剑桥大学、英国伦敦大学学院、美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学、美国康宁公司等本领域著名高校和科研院所开展广泛的学术交流和实质性科研合作,共同署名发表了244篇SCI论文,在良好的前期合作基础上组织申请了国家外专局和教育部“环境友好建筑材料学科创新引智基地”,并成功获批。 I3!5Tg1.6if7?8V

七、研究设备与条件 Q7=1kv9~6qh8+,Q

实验室拥有15000余万元的专业研究设备和10400 m2的实验房屋;有专职仪器设备管理人员7人,其中2人具有博士学位、3人具有硕士学位;建立了仪器设备共享网络平台,服务全国其他高校、企业和科研机构500余家。近五年,更新录入大型通用设备58台套,更新录入设备共享率100%,平均机时达到1500小时以上,平均服务共享率40%。同时,实验室以开放课题为依托,向承担开放课题的科研人员、访问学者来实验室工作提供便利的仪器设备条件。 P1;8GI8:8BN2=6V

Introduction to MSE Discipline of Wuhan University of Technology U5:1wS,?8No39w

1. Briefs of WUT’s MSE Q6=2ec8.5fu6~,y

Founded in 1958, the Materials Science & Engineering (MSE) discipline of Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) was supported in priority through the “State 211 Project for Higher Education Universities” from 1995 to 2015, and has been supported via the “World-Class University & World-Class Discipline” development plan of China since 2016. WUT’s MSE ranks A+ among 172 leading universities in China (No.1 alongside MSEs of Tsinghua University and Beihang University) in the 4th round national discipline evaluation organized by the Ministry of Education in 2017, and is world top 1‰ in Clarivate Analytics’ Essential Science Indicators. c1~9pp8~9lW6.2n

WUT’s MSE owns 1 member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2 members of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 3 members of Academia Europaea, 1 member of the Royal Academy of Belgium, 1 member of the World Academy of Ceramics, 1 fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, 10 fellows of the Royal Society of Chemistry, American Physics Society and American Ceramic Society. It also owns 23 national high-level talents including recipients of the National Natural Science Foundation of China for Distinguished Young Scholars (equal of NSF Career Awards), and 14 national high-level young talents. h4!3SD,+,rx8.9N

WUT’s MSE has established 2 state key laboratories, the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing and the State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures. The State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing was evaluated “Excellence” (No. 1) among 21 state key laboratories in MSE in 2018. It also has built 2 state international joint-research laboratories, and 4 bases of foreign outstanding expertise-introduction for discipline innovation (also known as “111 Project”). V58wV5?8cS9.5j

2. Representative Achievements and Academics j7+8yj9~1Rt,~8w

Targeting the frontiers of global science and technology, and striving to fulfill the significant needs of the country, WUT’s MSE has invested 1.25 billion RMB (190 million USD) in the past 5 years in 6 primary research areas, including green manufacturing of environmentally friendly building materials, key materials serving in extreme environments, high-performance energy conversion and storage materials, and frontiers of interdisciplinary materials science. The representative achievements and academics during 2016-2020 are briefed as follows: P2!4Xk7+1xm3!8T

(1) WUT’s MSE has been granted over 330 national key projects, with a total fund of 1.2 billion RMB (185 million USD). V3=8ky7:5AJ7-4t

(2) WUT’s MSE has won 5 national science and technology awards, and has published over 4000 papers, including 3 in Nature, 1 in Science, 46 in the sister journals of Nature, Science and Cell, 69 in Advanced Materials. Among these publications, 229 are highly cited or hot papers. p7!9iZ1-5lR1;9v

(3) Prof. Qingjie Zhang was elected as member of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2017. Prof. Lianmeng Zhang was elected as member of Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2017. Prof. Zhengyi Fu was elected as member of the World Academy of Ceramics in 2017. Prof. Jiaguo Yu was elected as member of Academia Europaea in 2020. Profs. Jiaguo Yu, Liqiang Mai, Pei Cheng and Shaowen Cao were listed as Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate Analytics in 2020. Z6+8bm1?2yr7-1e

3. Talents Cultivation and Representative Graduates S9.6eF3-9Wo4!2J

WUT’s MSE aims at cultivating top-notch creative talents with exceptional pursuit and ability, international vision to lead the future development of materials science and materials industry. Currently, there are 5418 students in WUT’s MSE, among which 673 are PhD students and 2289 are master students. V9+9yq6?2zV4?4f

Prof. Ce-Wen Nan, PhD graduate in 1992, was elected as member of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2011, is now director of Research Institute of MSE in Tsinghua University. Dr. Shou Peng, graduate in 1982, was elected as member of Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2019, is now chairman of the Advisory Committee of International Commission on Glass. Prof. Yi-Bing Cheng, graduate in 1983, was elected as fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering in 2007. Prof. James Zhijian Shen, graduate in 1978 and professor of Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry at Stockholm University, was elected as member of the World Academy of Ceramics in 2017. Dr. Yuxian Zhou, graduate in 2003, is the president of China National Building Materials Group Corporation, a leading company in materials industry that ranks No. 187 in Fortune Global 500 in 2020. Dr. Yeqing Li, graduate in 1984, is the president of Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd., cradle of the Chinese cement industry. M,!6Nq6=3PH5.3a

4. Domestic and International Impacts z8?6sv12hw8!2M

Prof. Qingjie Zhang, president of WUT and member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, has been selected as member of the 1st National Basic Research Strategy Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Science and Technology since 2020, and panel chair of Major Research Plan of Materials Science of the National Natural Science Foundation of China since 2019. t6.1Gb5=1rK7!9Q

Prof. Qingjie Zhang received the 2017 Frontiers of Science and Technology - Rustum Roy Lecture Award from the American Ceramic Society, in recognition of his contribution to global energy challenges and developments of thermoelectric materials and systems in China. Prof. Zhengyi Fu received the Samuel Geijsbeek PACRIM International Award in 2019, for his contribution in the field of ceramics technology that has resulted in significant industrial and academic impact, international advocacy, and visibility of the field. Prof. Liqiang Mai received the Research Excellence Award in the International Conference on Electrochemical Energy Science and Technology in 2018, for his contribution in advanced in-situ characterization of single-nanowire devices for energy storage and conversion. Asso. Prof. Wei Ji, received the 2019 Ross Coffin Purdy Award from the American Ceramic Society in recognition of his contribution to ceramic technical literature in 2017. L7-9bx3:3vq4.5c

16 world-recognized scholars, including 3 Nobel Laureates, have been appointed Lecturing Professors by WUT’s MSE since 2016. Faculty members in WUT’s MSE have collaborated with these scholars and obtained 19 key international cooperation research projects, as well as published 256 joint research papers in top-level journals including Nature and Science. u3.8QE1~6Gl2!3u

WUT’s MSE has organized 13 high-level international conferences. Together with MSE of Tsinghua University, WUT’s MSE hosted the 1st World University Forum on Materials Science and Engineering Leadership in 2019, and announced . The representatives of this forum include heads of MSE of Northwestern University, UC Berkeley, UC Los Angeles, UC Irvine, Pennsylvania State University, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Washington, University of Texas at Austin, University of Central Florida, University of Birmingham, University of Surrey, University of Lorraine, Monash University, Tohoku University, Seoul National University, National University of Singapore, Tel-Aviv University, Indian Institute of Technology - BHU, etc. from 15 countries (USA, UK, France, Australia, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Israel, India, etc.), deans of top 50 MSE schools in China, and presidents of 5 world material research societies (American Ceramic Society, European Ceramic Society, Ceramic Society of Japan, Korean Ceramic Society, and Colombian Materials & Minerals Society). E1!1Od,+8TT9!4x



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