National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)简介
NCEP任务 o4=30u4-,AX72o
NCEP向其合作伙伴和外部用户社区提供国家和全球天气,水,气候和太空天气指导,预报,警告和分析。 o8-,JA7+5Gd2;9C
这些产品和服务基于服务科学的传统,可满足用户的需求,以保护生命和财产,改善国家的经济并满足国家对环境信息日益增长的需求。 x64gC4=7OM8;3H
合作伙伴 -我们与之合作开发,改进和提供产品和服务的合作伙伴,包括新创建办事处和私营部门。 z95eW2.3GF2-4n
指南 -预报员用于进行预报的产品(例如,数值模型输出,国家规模的基本天气预测...)。 F6+1jr9:4vJ8-6x
用户 -应用NCEP产品和服务以满足特定需求的用户。其中可能包括NCEP的合作伙伴。 u4=5tG6?8BU7-,S
环境信息数据库 -收集和分析所有可用于评估环境对国家的影响的数据。 s2+,Mb8~6zx8-8o
服务-科学遗产 -半个世纪以来,通过科学改进服务,尤其是在数值建模方面。 S3;,Bo,~4OZ78p
NCEP delivers national and global weather, water, climate and space weather guidance, forecasts, warnings and analyses to its Partners and External User Communities. x2.8jh7!9Ni7=,V
These products and services are based on a service-science legacy and respond to user needs to protect life and property, enhance the nation's economy and support the nation's growing need for environmental information. E1!6eI8-7eO9=9l
Partners - Those with whom we work to develop, improve and deliver products and services, including NWS Offices and the Private Sector. x8-,pU7;3SF9-9g
Guidance - Products used by forecasters in making forecasts (e.g. numerical model output, national scale basic weather prognoses...). c3~2Wu8;9mp5-9G
Users - Those who apply NCEP products and services to meet specific needs. These may include NCEP's partners. V9=3Sc1+7ZS9~5T
Environmental Information Database - The collection and analyses of all data that can be used to assess the impact of the environment on the nation. m96Cb1~5HY2~,J
Service - Science Legacy - A half-century of improving services through science, especially in numerical modeling. x8~2Dt81Zk1.2v
关于NCEP e4;4HH2?8eN3!2a
国家环境预报中心(NCEP)是NOAA国家气象局(NWS)的下属机构,由9个不同的中心和主任办公室组成,它们为国家气象局提供各种国家和国际天气指导产品世界各地的气象服务现场办公室,政府机构,紧急管理人员,私营部门的气象学家以及气象组织和协会。NCEP是国家和全球天气预报的重要国家资源。NCEP是美国几乎所有天气预报的起点。 C,!7hS5~8BD2+9x
该办公室主任负责指导和规划的科学,技术和以下国家中心的操作: L8?8DY5-1SP1:5D
在航空气象中心(AWC)在国内和国际空域内的各个级别提供航空警告和危险飞行情况的预报。 n,=3Ni9-9Br,;2Y
在气候预测中心(CPC)监测和预测短期气候波动和提供长期的全球性影响气候模式的指导信息,可能对国家。 j3;7LZ7~5IY6=7q
在环境模拟中心(EMC)的发展和提高数值天气预报,气候,通过数据分析应用研究项目的水文和海洋预测,建模和产品开发与更广泛的研究团体的合作伙伴关系。 P5;8da7=5ex5.8X
在美国国家飓风中心(NHC)向NWS提供有关热带天气系统运动和强度的官方预报,并为美国及周边地区发布适当的监视和警告。它还发行了一套涵盖热带大西洋和东太平洋的水产品。 W5!2Hu,8Iu9+4H
该NCEP中央营运(NCO)维持并执行数值分析与预测模型的业务套件,并准备NCEP产品进行传播。它还通过计算机和通信相关服务将所有九个国家中心连接在一起。 t6~,VY1=8Eo4.5X
在海洋预报中心(OPC)问题,天气的大西洋和太平洋预警和预报了五天,在图形,文本和语音格式。 B,=5CL9!8PM9;8L
该风暴预报中心(SPC)提供连续美国的龙卷风和恶劣天气监视表,以及一系列危险的天气预报,中尺度制导产品和中尺度大气过程的连续表。 x,.7uI2?2Dv2:8s
该空间天气预报中心(SWPC)提供了空间天气警报和警告可能会影响人员和设备的工作空间和地球上的干扰。 s5.7WR4.4mz3:8Q
在天气预报中心(WPC)提供的分析和预报产品,专业的定量降水预报到五天,天气预报指导七天,实时气象模型诊断讨论和表面压力和正面的分析。 D9,Ar6~9IM1.5k
About NCEP b9:5BV9;3iZ8?,v
The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), an arm of the NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS), is comprised of nine distinct Centers, and the Office of the Director, which provide a wide variety of national and international weather guidance products to National Weather Service field offices, government agencies, emergency managers, private sector meteorologists, and meteorological organizations and societies throughout the world. NCEP is a critical national resource in national and global weather prediction. NCEP is the starting point for nearly all weather forecasts in the United States. l5,yR9.5PW17Z
The Office of the Director is responsible for directing and planning the science, technology and operations of the following National Centers: z9-6st7+5fh,?8w
The Aviation Weather Center (AWC) provides aviation warnings and forecasts of hazardous flight conditions at all levels within domestic and international air space. I3?8LD5.6g01!3P
The Climate Prediction Center (CPC) monitors and forecasts short-term climate fluctuations and provides guidance information on the long-term global effects climate patterns can have on the nation. N65YS5-9Qz1?2P
The Environmental Modeling Center (EMC) develops and improves numerical weather, climate, hydrological and oceanic predictions through programs of applied research in data analysis, modeling and product development in partnership with the broader research community. k6=6au7~9DE8+4B
The National Hurricane Center (NHC) provides official NWS forecasts of the movement and strength of tropical weather systems and issues the appropriate watches and warnings for the US and surrounding areas. It also issues a suite of marine products covering the tropical Atlantic and eastern Pacific. E8~2rL7?5df7~5T
The NCEP Central Operations (NCO) sustains and executes the operational suite of the numerical analysis and forecast models and prepares NCEP products for dissemination. It also links all nine of the national Centers together via computer and communications-related services. b1:4qU,+7Kq1;,o
The Ocean Prediction Center (OPC) issues weather warnings and forecasts out to five days, in graphic, text and voice formats for the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. O3~1Jf2.2Ml7!6k
The Storm Prediction Center (SPC) provides tornado and severe weather watches for the contiguous United States along with a suite of hazardous weather forecasts, mesoscale guidance products and a continuous watch on mesoscale atmospheric processes. n3;,Os3:9Gn36e
The Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) provides space weather alerts and warnings for disturbances that can affect people and equipment working in space and on earth. t4;4dI74fi2;5I
The Weather Prediction Center (WPC) provides analysis and forecast products, specializing in quantitative precipitation forecasts to five days, weather forecast guidance to seven days, real-time weather model diagnostics discussions and surface pressure and frontal analyses. H38JJ6-6Zj4-6T