国际噬菌体研究中心(International Phage Research Center, IPRC)2014年11月在中国南京成立,在江苏省农业科学院主办的第一届国际噬菌体会议上揭牌, 该中心由国际噬菌体会议主席Elizabeth Kutter 教授和格鲁吉亚Eliava噬菌体微生物与病毒学研究所所长Mzia Kutateladze教授亲自命名,由国际噬菌体会议主席Elizabeth Kutter 教授和中国微生物学会医学微生物学与免疫学专业委员会主席胡福泉教授在会议开幕式上揭牌成立。 p8.8AO5.4mK5~6N
该中心的成立为实现我国噬菌体研究与国际噬菌体研究的同步发展与合作奠定了平台和基础,加速了开展国际合作研究项目。中心位于江苏省农业科学院食品质量安全与检测研究所畜产品污染监测与预防研究室,主要承担国内外科学家间噬菌体相关的学术交流合作与项目申报,人员出访培训和组织国际国内的噬菌体workshop及噬菌体会议)。 Q8~7hn1;5fH7:,v
目前该研究中心设置行政委员(5名)、专家委员会(10-14人组成)、主任1名,副主任4-6名,专职秘书1名。 V5=5gP4+9VW6-,n
- Introduction: X9~1hZ1?3sL2:2h
International Phage Research Center (IPRC) is a non-profit multilateral cooperation organization about phages, established in the opening ceremony of China 1st Phage Meeting held on Nov.18-19, 2014 in Nanjing. f6;7Ob7?4QA4+2L
In 2016, IPRC was approved by Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) and appointed and granted to build the Chinese Phage Bank for Agriculture. IPRC now located at Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences (JAAS) in Nanjing. MOA and JAAS have committed RMB 500, 000 to provide partial support for the activities and phage bank research. F,:8Ez7+,MG2?5z
- Mission of IPRC L4.1Wz5?5FL7!4N
To undertake research and actions focused on using bacteriophage as well as the related components and derivatives for human, animal, agricultural, and environmental applications. y73ov9+2HF3:3X
- Focus of IPRC v9+3qm8-6ph2+,n
² Developing the multilateral international cooperation on phage research, including scientists and students’ short-term visits for training, workshops, the joint international project application, etc. k9;,Gs2+6rG,:4l
² Organization of the international and National phage meetings in China f9=8rk7=4FR2!1B
² Share the information on phage research to world scientists, government and regulators. i3;7BO2=7uD,5y
² Other activities which benefit the phage research y7:8jv49zS9?4r
- Structure of IPRC J5=9PF8?4GH2+9o
The structure is currently being built. V6-5ph8+4By88k
This initially includes: a chairman, a scientific and executive board with 7-9 international and Chinese scientists, and an administrative assistant. u5!4sU9?8Sh8=9k
You are welcome to collaborate with the IPRC. g6.7cj6-9au,7K
地址:江苏南京市玄武区50号 g2~3by3~6kK7+1X