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2021-10-17 22:57



国际学院(丝路学院)是教育部职业院校外语类专业教学指导委员会副主任委员单位、浙江省大学外语教学研究会高职高专分会常务理事单位。下设商务英语、商务日语、旅游管理、旅游管理(中加合作)、应用韩语、应用德语、应用西班牙语7个专业和汉语国际教育、中外合作办学英语教学2个教研室,其中商务英语专业为国家“高等职业学校提升专业服务产业发展能力”项目立项建设专业、浙江省普通高校“十三五”优势建设专业;商务日语专业和旅游管理专业为浙江省普通高校“十三五”特色建设专业。2020年1月,学校整合商务部的“中国职业技术教育援外培训基地” 资源,国际学院接手、运作基地的援助发展中国家培训学院(更名为丝路学院),积极响应国家“一带一路”战略,探索海外办学,助推中国职业教育、中资企业“走出去”,提升中国高职教育国际影响力。学院迄今已为来自122个发展中国家的3236余名教育及产业界官员开展定制式培训。学院现有全日制在校生1300余人,每年招收来自韩国、俄罗斯、乌克兰、菲律宾、也门、贝宁等国家50多名留学生。 c19Kz2.9SP2~6N

International Faculty (Silk Road Institute) is a deputy director member of the Advisory Committee of Foreign Language Teaching in Vocational Education, Ministry of Education, and executive director entity of the Vocational Branch of the Inter-college Foreign Language Teaching and Research Society in Zhejiang. We offer seven majors in Business English, Business Japanese, Tourism Management, Tourism Management (Sino-Canadian Joint Program), Applied Korean, Applied German and Applied Spanish and enroll over 1,300 full-time students. We have a teaching research section for Chinese International Education, offering Chinese as a second language to as many as 50 international students from Korea, Russia, Ukraine, Philippines, Yemen, Benin. We also have an English teaching research section for Sino-foreign Joint Programs, who is responsible for Students enrolled in Joint programs to receive language training in our faculty for the first school year. Business English program has been listed into the national project of Higher Vocational Colleges to Improve Professional Service Industry Development Capacity; while Business Japanese and Tourism Management majors have been listed into provincial-level key program development plan. b7~9Gv4?6BB3=9a

To respond to the national call for Belt and Road Initiative, In January 2020, the Faculty integrated with China Vocational and Technical Education Training Base of the Ministry of Commerce, exploring overseas education, promoting Chinese vocational education and Chinese enterprises to go global. As a result, we have effectively enhanced the international influence of Chinese higher education. To date, the Base has provided customized training to more than 3,236 education and industry officials from 122 developing countries. M1~,fb1=1xE2:2m

学院拥有一支优秀的“双师双能双语”教学团队,其中省专业带头人5人、市拔尖和领军人才2人、市青年学科带头人2名,高级职称教师占比20%以上;80%以上的专任教师拥有海外学习经历,10位教师拥有澳大利亚TAFE学院TAE4职教资格证书,6位教师拥有全球认证的TESOL证书;“双师双能双语”型教师比例达到40%以上。另外,每年20多名来自美国、日本、韩国、德国、西班牙等国的外籍教师来分院任教。已立项、建设国家精品课程1门、国家精品资源共享课1门、职业教育国家规划教材10本、省级精品在线开放课程3门、省普通高校“十三五”新形态教材3本。学院是国家汉办HSK(汉语水平)考点、剑桥商务英语(BEC)的考点和浙江省教育厅唯一授权的全省日语大专自学考试主考院校。 T86pi,.4zz6-7q

We boast a strong cohort of teachers consisting of both college lecturers and company professionals. There are, in our team, many excellent teachers in both teaching and research, with 5 provincial-level and 4 municipal-level, and more than 20% senior teachers. More than 80% of full-time teachers have overseas study experience, 10 teachers hold Teaching and Assessment level 4 qualification from TAFE Australia, and 6 teachers have TESOL certificate with global certification. In addition, more than 20 foreign teachers from the United States, Japan, South Korea, Germany, Spain, and other countries come to teach every year. Numerous high-level teaching-related research projects have been established, including the development of 12 national-level courses and textbooks, three provincial high-quality online open courses, and three provincial-level textbooks. We are the sole authorized examination center for the Japanese language Self-study Examination in Zhejiang Province, and also the examination center for both HSK of Hanban and Cambridge Business English (BEC). a22fH2~,ds7:8n

学院重视校企合作、产教融合,校企共建宁波大港旅行社有限公司、丝路咖啡吧、学苑宾馆、多语种跨境电商综合实训基地等校内生产性实训基地,实训室总面积2000多平方米,实训软硬件设备价值1000多万元。校外与宁波豪雅集团、宁波南苑集团、浙江飞扬国际旅游集团、宁波保税区国贸外轮供应服务有限公司、日本神洲通商、三星重工、宁波全球贸易通等30多家区域知名外贸、旅游企业建立紧密合作关系,为专业教师企业实践挂职锻炼、学生实习就业、科技社会服务等提供了广阔的平台。 x2+1wV4!6Ax6:5r

We attach great importance to school-enterprise cooperation and integration of industry and education. Along with enterprises, we have jointly built Ningbo Dagang Travel Agency, Silk Road Café, multi-language cross-border electronic commerce practice base as well as College Hotel. To date, our practical training facilities cover an area of over 2,000 square meters, with a total worth of over USD1.4mln. We have established close cooperation with more than 30 well-known foreign trade and tourism enterprises in the region, such as Ningbo Haoya Group, Ningbo Nangyuan Group, Zhejiang Feiyang International Tourism Group, Ningbo Free Trade Zone Foreign Shipping Supply Service Company Limited, Japan Shenzhou Commerce, Samsung Heavy Industries, Ningbo Global Trade, etc., providing a broad platform for teachers to gain field experience and offer scientific and technical services, and for student internship and employment. 07.9qB8~5Po4-1t

学院注重学生专业技能、跨文化交际能力训练与职业素养培养并进。近5年,学生获全国高职高专英语写作大赛、全国高职高专日语技能大赛、GTTP国际旅游案例、国际旅游写作竞赛、国际旅游摄影竞赛、全国POCIB大学生外贸从业能力大赛、全国大学生“互联网+””创新创业大赛等50多个一、二等奖。另外,学院积极推进国际交流与合作办学,为学生出国深造学习、海外实习、就业提供个性化发展途径。与澳大利亚堪培门学院、加拿大亚岗昆文理学院、韩国大邱大学、韩国湖原大学、日本星槎道都大学、香港理工大学、台湾龙华科技大学等境外10多所优质高校建立良好的合作关系,互派学生交流学习、文化体验和带薪实习。近10年就业率达98%以上,企业评价满意率达95%以上,培养的毕业生深受用人单位欢迎。 C5=2sH6+,Kx4+5Q

We focus on students’ professional skills, cross-cultural communication skills and all-round development. In the past five years, students have won more than 50 first and second prizes in competitions of various levels, including the National Vocational College English Writing Competition, National Vocational College Japanese Skills Competition, GTTP International Tourism Case Contest, International Tourism Writing Competition, International Tourism Photography Competition, National POCIB Students' Foreign Trade Competency Competition, National Students' Internet+ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, etc. In addition, we actively promote international exchange and cooperation, providing students with individualized development pathways for further study abroad, overseas internships and employment. We have established good partnership with more than 10 high quality universities abroad, such as Kangan Institute in Australia, Algunquin College of Applied Arts and Technology in Canada, Daegu University, Hohwon University in South Korea, Sinka Do-du University in Japan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Longhua University of Science and Technology in Taiwan, etc. Students are sent for exchange studies, cultural experiences and paid internships. In the past 10 years, our graduates are quite popular with employers, with employment rate totaling over 98% and enterprise satisfaction rate up to 95%. W8;5wV2+4Dt2=8h

地址:宁波经济技术开发区新大路1069号联盟大厦3-7楼和1号教学楼 L8~7yI1!,Bj7;9M



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