外国语学院下设专业外语教研室、大学英语教研室、留学生教学部和小语种培训中心;现有教师63名,其中教授2名、副教授13名、外籍教师4名。学院教学设施先进,师生比高,坚持小班化教学。未来五年内,之江学院英语专业将努力建设成为省内应用型本科院校的明星特色专业。 o7.5zt17xM1-,P
The School of Foreign Languages consists of: English Department, Japanese Department, Department of College English Teaching, Department of International Students, and Training Center for Minority Languages. It has a strong faculty of 63 teachers, including two professors, 13 associate professors and 4 foreign experts. The School has a high teacher to student ratio, holding to the principle of organizing small scale classes for key courses, and is equipped with advanced teaching facilities. In the next five years we aim to ensure the English Department is a star performer with outstanding features among application-oriented colleges in Zhejiang Province. t9+3MD,;3AV3~,b
学院高度重视学风建设和学生综合素质的提高。历年来,学生的英语专业四、八级和日语一级等标志性考试通过率均在全省同类院校中名列前茅。 w4;9Wx4-3Ic63n
The School stresses the fine tradition of studying and improving the students’ comprehensive qualities. In recent years our students have ranked top among independent colleges in Zhejiang Province in TEM4, TEM 8 and JLPT-N1 (The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test). K,-,DP,+9tc4,J
外国语学院十余届毕业生的毕业率、学位率、就业率一直保持在96%以上。2020年出国考研率达到27.12%,名列之江学院第一。学院与杭州东忠、InfosysBPO (中国)、新东方、新航道等多家知名企业合作,促进学生就业实习。 o4!3LX9~5Ko4!7y
Based on employment statistics, the School of Foreign Languages maintained its high rate of graduation, degree-attainment and employment above 96%. The number of students who continued academic learning overseas in 2020 accounted for 27.12% of the total graduates, thus ranking first in Zhijiang College. The School has established cooperative relations with Totyu (Hangzhou), InfosysBPO (China), New Oriental Education & Technology Group, New Channel International Education Group Limited, and other corporations offering students internship and employment opportunities. M7!7Us4;6Ij7+,a
学院重视国际化合作培养模式的开拓,构建了学生游学、海外研修和留学平台,与美国、澳大利亚、新加坡、马来西亚、台湾、日本等多所院校开展交流合作项目,为学生提供多样化的海外学习机会。 a5-,ng8+8Rz6:6s
The School also attaches importance to creating opportunities for students to receive an internationalized education through its cooperation with oversea universities and colleges. Students are therefore exposed to a variety of choices for further studies, including academic and cultural exchanges, advanced studies for research, and MA programs in the United States, Australia, Japan, and in Taiwan Province. M8~5DU7.8Ar4+7X