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主办:广东财经大学英文网站 ;地址: 广东省广州市海珠区仑头路21号(广州校区)、广东省佛山市三水区云东海街道学海中路1号 (佛山校区)
2023-1-18 09:52
2023-4-17 00:04


Guangdong University of Finance & Economics

Guangdong University of Finance & Economics (GDUFE) was founded in 1983 with the approval from China State Council. It received “Excellent” in the undergraduate education evaluation conducted by China ‘Ministry of Education in 2008. It’s a member of the Association of Belt & Road Universities, the University Alliance of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, the Association of Universities of Finance and Economics for Belt & Road Education Internationalization of Industry–University Collaboration and the Association of China-Russia Economic Universities. O59yo8.9kn7?3V

It consists of two campuses with a total land area of about 150 hectares. Guangzhou is a hub along the “Belt and Road” as well as a central city of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the Guangzhou campus is within walking distance of the Canton Trade Fair Complex (Guangzhou International Convention Center), and the Foshan campus is located within the scenic Sanshui Forest Park. V98Cw6?9Kr7:5i

The total enrollment of full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students is over 25400. X3~9iw9~4qc7.8t

1. Disciplines and Programs k2-4i03+9sj7~,x

GDUFE has developed a multi-disciplinary education system in economics, management, law, humanities, science, engineering and arts. Because of its strong expertise in economics, management and law, GDUFE is now listed as a leading educational provider of high-quality academic programs, scientific researches and social services in South China. H4+2nt8;9on7;2B

GDUFE offers 63 bachelor programs, among which, Taxation, Finance, International Economics and Trade, Business Administration, Marketing, Accounting, Auditing, Law and E-commerce are listed as “First-class” key national undergraduate programs; Public Finance, Finance, Marketing and Accounting are categorized as outstanding programs of national level. U7?9Nd6+,nX,:3l

Applied Economics, Business Administration and Law are listed as provincial advantageous key disciplines while Applied Economics is listed as provincial key discipline with features. Over 40 academic master programs and 13 professional master programs are offered by GDUFE. A postdoctoral research center was approved in 2013. l7+,ID5-1nN3~,V

GDUFE has been approved to be a conferring unit of doctoral degree, with Applied Economics as the discipline authorized to offer doctoral degree program. x3!,Zj4!2Gy9?2P

2. Faculty e2?60x,;1Hw7:7X

GDUFE boasts 1613 full-time faculty, among whom 684 are professors and associate professors, 840 are PHD holders; 369 are master program supervisors and 21 are postdoctoral co-supervisors; 1 national teaching team (Cross-disciplinary Comprehensive Experimental Teaching Team in Economics and Management ), 13 provincial teaching teams and 6 provincial scientific research teams. y6+2OB7+3Hf7.4L

GDUFE has 22 “Pearl River” Scholars and “Nanling” Scholars, 13 Professors receive special national allowances, 4 are member of the Higher Education Committee of China's Ministry of Education, 1 is a member of the Provincial University Degree Committee, 4 Law professors are on the list of “ Ten Young Law Experts”, 5 Teachers have been awarded the title of “ Provincial Best Teacher of the Year”, and 16 Teachers have been awarded the title of “Outstanding Teachers in South China ”. K4?9Jn28Pc,.6c

3. Talents Cultivation d8=9dG4-8Lf,+,Q

GDUFE’s educational philosophy is to foster students’ all-round development by student-centered education and develop students’ practical skills in accordance with their aptitudes. GDUFE is constantly perfecting the idea of “Teachers-led, students-oriented, theoretical studies combined with practical learning, in-class education combined with extra-curricular activities, actual classrooms combined with virtual classrooms, and on-campus resources combined with off-campus resources” with the aim to cultivate all-round highly trained young experts with sound morals, scientific spirits, humanistic qualities, professional knowledge and international visions. N3+3xT1=2Kz6!,o

In recent years, GDUFE has made a number of achievements in the training of high-achievers: w1.7w06=1hO3:2X

The “Economic and Management Experimental Teaching Center” is one of the first two national teaching demonstration centers in China and is selected as the National virtual simulation experimental teaching center. The “Economic and Management Talents Cultivation Experimental Zone” which strives to educate students with entrepreneurial ambitions and potential is a national experimental zone for innovative educational methods. n2;7zT1!6yz5-9M

GDUFE is also one of the first national educational centers for outstanding law students, as well as a center for university students’ cultural education. Besides these, there is a Practical Teaching center for Economics (jointly run with the Guangzhou Local Tax Bureau), which is functioning at a national level. Y,=1Ss6.,Bg3~3l

GDUFE is the one of the first universities that is approved by the ministry of education to develop graduate courses. GDUFE is also a platform for international young experts specializing in applied accounting and taxation. t8:5Ue9?6nM,-6J

An innovative and entrepreneurial education model centerd around finance and economics has been developed by GDUFE. In this way the university has become a demonstration university for innovation and entrepreneurship education. F7+1Vy4+1ZU,-2m

GDUFE’s graduate employment rate is one of the highest among all universities in the province and the graduates’ quality has consistently been relatively high. In the past five years, employer satisfaction rate regarding GDUFE graduates has been 99%. N6=5Yj74LM9-6H

4. Scientific Research o8.5sN960W9,U

Adhering to the idea of “ pursuing truth and applying the results” in scientific research, GDUFE is continuously upgrading its level of scientific research. The following are key areas of our endeavors: U2.8Yv2=4OQ7~6D

- GDUFE has five key research centers for Humanity and Social Sciences: Research Center for National Economics; Research Center for Legal and Economic Development; Research Center for Public Finance in Guangdong Area; Research Institute for Capital Market and Auditing Governance in the Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Greater Bay Area; Research Institute for Innovative Competitiveness in the Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Greater Bay Area; g5-1rD,:3LQ8:5t

- One Provincial Collaborative innovation Platform: i.e. Collaborative innovation Development Platform for Technology and Finance Industry in Pearl-River Delta; q9+5Tm2~6LF4+8L

- One Key Laboratory for Philosophy and Social Sciences: Laboratory for Big Data and Educational Statistics Application; H1:8GZ5~6Hn5?2j

- One Provincial Key Think Tank: Think Tank for South China Business Development; V,+3ki1~9fq7:3u

- One Provincial Research Center for Engineering Technology: Guangdong Research Center for Intelligent Business Engineering Technology; h4.2Kb,:3YC1:6Q

- Two Provincial Research centers for Decision Consultancy: Research Center for Logistics and E-Commerce, Research Center for the Open Economy; h,!3fl5!1Kl3+9r

-Two Provincial Research centers for Social Sciences: Research Center for Business History of South China, Research Center for Rural Area Construction; e8;3vr7;3cY2.1W

-Two Municipal Research centers for Humanities and Social Sciences: Guangzhou Research Base for Modern Logistics and E-commerce development, and Guangzhou Research Base for Metropolitan Literature and Culture. B85vw4?6oJ7!6D

In the past five years, 96 national research projects, 353 provincial research projects, 3 national significant tending projects sponsored by The National Social Sciences Fund of China and Key Projects of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research (Ministry of Education), were conducted by our university. c9+9Zy8+6XI8;,t

1363 papers were published in core journals such as China Science, Economic Research, Management World, etc. 291 papers were indexed by SCI, EI, ISTP. 213 books were published. 31 works received the award of “provincial excellent scientific research” including 4 “first class” and 12 “second class”. J4:5Xs9:,Hu6~,g

“The Journal of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics” is a resources journal of CSSCI, and listed as a national Chinese core journal, a national AMI core journal for humanities and social sciences, a national core journal for RCCSE, a core journal for China humanities and social science, and it is on the list of the Top 100 best journals in Chinese universities, etc. r22wu2+,VI1+7c

5. Social Services u3=3eL,:,bm2~9G

Adhering to the service philosophy of “Gaining support by doing service and seeking development by contribution”, GDUFE conducts scientific research and offers consultancy service in response to the needs of economic and social development of Guangdong Province. m4:6Rf6.5Jy6:5e

67 professors are appointed as decision consultancy experts, provincial contingency management consultants, legislative legal consultants and finance consultants, etc. E3;7gt3+7uT2-1j

GDUFE has established long-term partnerships with the government and all sectors of society. Most important among these are: U8:2sw5.7ku9~2F

- “Research Center for Guangdong Tax Service ”, jointly built by the National Tax Bureau and Local Tax Bureau; U9;9QK3.4qw6~8q

- “Internet Plus Taxation Research Center”, jointly built by Guangdong Taxation Society and Bozhi Information Technology Company Ltd.; l,!2Cb5?3zF7;9k

- The first “Tax Personnel Education College”, jointly built by Guangzhou Tax Bureau; P7=3QU2~3aq4!7F

- “Guangzhou Collaborative Innovation Research Institute for Technology and Finance” , jointly built by Guangzhou Technology and Finance Comprehensive Service Center Ltd.; i,;3Ev7~7en6.,w

- “Guangdong Collaborative Research Center for Tourism Industry”, jointly built by Guangdong Research Center for Tourism Development; S,;,tM6.9yD5;,S

- “Qingyuan City Legislative Research Evaluation and Consultancy Service Base ”, jointly built by Qingyuan People's Congress Standing Committee; d6+2RB8+4zY2;5r

-“Dongguang E-Commerce Research Institute ”was jointly built by Humen, Dongguan city. C47pI2;6DY72e

Besides these, a myriad of strategic partnership agreements have been signed with different city governments such as Qingyuan, Kaiping, Xinfeng, Hezhou and with different industries and enterprises. M2-,tt,.4FX6~1L

6. International Exchanges and Cooperation o29ti3;,Rl7:8T

GDUFE attaches great importance to the internationalization of education by proactively seeking international quality educational resources with the aim to build a “first-class university of Finance and Economics in the greater bay area with distinctive characteristics” and educate all-round young talents with global competence. The following activities were undertaken to achieve this: Z8=80n2;1DO,4T

GDUFE has developed an international training platform for teaching and managerial personnel: GDUFE has established 2 overseas training bases at Pace University, USA, and at the University of Western Australia (GDUFE has been sending cohorts of young teachers to study in these bases each semester since 2015.) n6~6OY5:,za7?4G

GDUFE has developed 9 international (including Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan) innovative platforms for joint scientific research and has been hosting influential international forums such as the “International Forum on Economic Development in the Bay Area” and the “International Forum of China and Latin American Countries on Taxation”. H5=6WZ9:4pt9=7e

GDUFE has developed an international education platform for highly trained young talents in the applied sciences, mainly by: U9!5l08+2Iv1?5R

- having established partnerships with more than 70 universities and educational agencies in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Poland, Japan, etc., as well as in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan V4+3Zr1.6wm5:3S

- implementing over 50 programs of joint education at all levels s3;8jg35EP7;7k

- implementing 10 articulation programs with University of Northern Arizona, University of Exeter, University of Western Australia, Curtin University , University of Technology, Sydney in International Business, Financial Management, Finance, Law, Accounting, Taxation, Journalism Translation, Statistics and Tourism Management V9-2SF4;,JX2+1X

- having established 4 overseas bases for practical teaching in Germany, New Zealand, Argentina and Italy (in every summer vacation since 2015, students have been sent for entrepreneurship or aesthetic education in these bases ) R6+7jN6;7lT6!5P

- having established the “GDUFE Goethe Language Center” in collaboration with the Goethe Institute, which is the only authoritative base for German language study and examination in South China O6=1hE5.2EX1+6r

- having become a member of “Innovation Center for China-US Youth Exchange” and “Educational Project for Smart Manufacturing ”. C9;5Vv8-3Aw8;9O



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主办:广东财经大学文化创意与旅游学院、湾区影视产业学院(合署) ;地址: 广东省广州市海珠区仑头路21号(广州校区)、广东省佛山市三水区云东海街道学海中路1号 (佛山校区)详情>>
