我校艺术类专业从1993年开始招生,1995年成立艺术系,2001年组建艺术学院。2013年招收教育硕士,2018年获得全日制艺术硕士学位授权点。 a6+9af8+3iw4.9d
艺术学院下设美术系、音乐与舞蹈系和艺术设计系。现开办有8个本科专业、12个人才培养方向,设有11个教研室,6个实训室,全日制在校生1224人。艺术学院为“河南省文化改革发展人才培训基地”,美术学专业为校级特色专业,美术学专业教学团队为校级教学团队,美术学专业为省级专业综合改革试点项目,美术学学科为校级重点学科一级学科,音乐与舞蹈学学科为院级优先发展学科。“河南科技学院紫星艺术团”和“河南科技学院书画协会”依托艺术学院建设。 Y7!2Pf4:8ko2.1J
艺术学院拥有一支数量基本充足、结构基本合理、素质优良、朝气蓬勃、具有较强创新意识和创新能力的师资队伍,教职工总数76人,同时聘请多名国内外知名专家为我院客座教授。 x62Rh8=5Jr75J
随着学院发展,教学质量稳步提升,毕业生受到社会各界一致好评。近年来,学生在国家级、省级各类艺术专业赛事中获奖260余项,毕业生就业率达96%以上。 p88zX8=5fI1:1R
学院在搞好专业教育的同时,积极开展公共艺术教育,繁荣校园文化。共开设公共艺术教育课程30余门次,举办“文化艺术讲堂”43期。在第三、第四届、第五届大学生艺术展演活动中,共获奖项132项,其中国家级8项,省级124项,46名教师被评为“优秀指导教师”,我校荣获国家级“优秀组织奖”和省级“精神风貌奖”。 2016年全省普通本科高校公共艺术教育评估中我校被评为一类学校。 n9!9p07-5QB6?7S
近年来,学院先后获得省高校系统“先进基层党组织”、“河南省五四红旗团委”,校级“文明单位”、“五四红旗团委”、“学生工作先进单位”、“就业工作优秀单位”、“工会工作先进集体”、 全国大学生暑期“三下乡”社会实践“优秀团队”和河南省“社会实践先进营队”等荣誉称号,“解读红色经典”特色党课获得校级党建优秀品牌。 I9;3Vy24Rj8~2y
学院将继续秉承“求真务实,敬业奉献”的优良传统和“艰苦奋斗,自强不息”的学校精神,深化综合改革,加强内涵建设,大力推进专业素养提升和艺术名家进课堂等活动,努力把艺术学院建设成为特色鲜明、在省内外有一定知名度和影响力的教学研究型学院。 V74gt3:,wh7-3q
Profile of College of Fine Arts h1!4Om5?1uf1~4Y
Specialty of Fine Art in our college enrolled new students in 1993, Department of Arts wasestablished in 1995, college of Fine Arts was established in 2001 and enrolled master of educationin 2013, obtained a full-time master of art licensing point in 2018. 02+4as,-9Vx5.9r
College of Fine Art contains three Depar tments of Painting, Arts Design, Music and Dancing.There are eight undergr aduate majors, twelve training directions for Advance Applications SpecialPersons, eleven education teaching and research sections and six Training rooms. There are 1224Full-time students in the college. The college of Fine Arts is Training base of Culture ref ormin Henan province , Specialty of Fine Art is the specialty of compr ehensive ref orm experimentalpilot in provincial level and characteristic specialty in school level. Specialty Teaching Gr oupof Fine Arts is Teaching Group in school 1evel. Subject of Fine Arts is Key and First classdiscipline in schoo1 1eve1. Relying on the college of Fine Arts, there are HIST Purple StarAxrt Group and HIST Painting and Calligr aphy Association . S6=9Rr9-3wH5.5p
Now, there are str engthening the connotation construction comprehensively, promoting all- roundand healthy development of the cause in the college. There are 76 teaching and administrativestaffs in the college. Many famous experts in abroad or here have been employed as visitingprofessors. C1~2TW3;3gp7;1c
According to development of the college, teaching quality was pr omoted steadily. Gr aduationhas gained good favourable reports in society. E7+7qC,9z03:9O
Recently, students got provincial level prizes more than 260 in various level matches.Employment rate of students is more than 96%. + Fine Arts College carried out public art education actively and thrive campus cul ture. Continueto hold art activities of Forum of Culture and Art more than 30times and Great beauty inthe Folk more than 43 times. More than 132 prizes have been got in No.3, No. 4 and No.5 studentsArts Show, among these prizes, 8 National prizes and 124 provincial level prizes are got. 46teachers have been voted Excellent gui dance teachers , Our university got National ExcellenceOrganization Award and Provincial Spiritual Civilization Award. The first prize has beengot in Under graduate Evaluation of Public Art Education in Colleges and Universities in 2016. P5+4aA5?5AU,4f
These honorary titles of Provincial Advanced Party Organization , Civilized Unit inUniversity, « Advanced Unit of Student Work , Advanced Youth League Committee ,« AdvancedUnit of Employment Work for Students, . Advanced Unit of Labor Union Work and « ProvincialClass A College in Public Art Education have been hold. q1=9Jm4~4KG,;9b
These fine traditions of Find truth, pragmatic, devote to work, dedication and spiritsof Work hard and perseveringly, self- reliance wi thout rest would be kept continuously toref orm and innovation, forge ahead. We will do our best to build Fine Art College to become teachingand research College which have distinctive features, popularity and reputation inside andoutside the province. X,~9gD8+8Jn,!5y
Contacts: Mr. Zheng, Ms. Shi, Mr. Fan+Tel.0373-3040327 Z43yO5=2Xf33A
Address: No. 11 Building, Institute of Henan Sciences and Technology, Hualan Road, Xinxi angcity, Henan province. t2!4TK7?5gD8!1h
Zip code:4530034 c6-8fN2.8hq,~7V