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2021-7-21 08:08
2021-10-17 22:21



旅游外语学院现设旅游英语(省级特色)、商务英语、旅游日语(省级特色)、应用韩语(中韩合作)、应用俄语和应用西班牙语六个专业,共有在校生1500余人。多年来,旅游外语学院一直秉持和谐、多元、包容的发展理念,以培养具有扎实语言功底、精通专业技能的现代旅游服务和国际商贸人才为目标,全力打造“外语+专业方向”的国际化人才。 I2;5xt8=6Yf6.,X

旅游外语学院师资力量雄厚。在现有61名专任教师中,90%具有海外留学和访问经历,其中,中高级职称教师50余人,教授2人,博士9人,共有20余名教师担任浙江省旅游行业外语导游考评员、领队英语考评员、星级饭店英语考评员,90%以上教师为“双师型”教师。5名教师入选浙江省151人才工程,1名教师被评为省级教坛新秀,1名教师获得“浙江省优秀教师”荣誉称号,省级访问工程师、访问学者15名,2名教师获得教育部留学基金委资助出国访学,2名教师获得富布赖特奖学金资助赴美国访学,1名教师获得省级教学技能大赛二等奖,2名教师获得省科研成果奖。此外,旅游外语学院每年都聘请近20余位来自英美、日韩、俄罗斯、西班牙的外籍专家、学者来系任教或讲学。近三年来,我院科研水平稳步提升,获得国家社科基金一项,公开发表学术论文208篇,出版论著、教材24部,承担省厅级以上教科研项目17项,科研水平在全校名列前茅。 D7+30q2=1FZ7:9W

旅游外语学院各专业提供的大量社会实践机会和专业实习机会让学生亲身体验中西文化交融的全球化时代氛围。如积极与国外大学开展联合办学,共享国际优质教育资源,每年选拔超过1/3的优秀学生赴美国、日本、韩国、西班牙、俄罗斯、迪拜、港澳等国家和地区开展为期半年以上的实习、研修、交换学习,并与意大利歌诗达邮轮、美国迪士尼乐园、迪拜七星级帆船酒店等国际知名企业建立紧密合作关系,提供大量优质外语人才。此外,学生还可以通过“2.5+2”或“3+3”的形式直接攻读国外的本科或硕士学位。学院一贯以来致力于为学生发展提供良好的平台,学院在国际化发展合作方面已在全国高职高专、旅游院校中首屈一指。 X,,yc78gm6;1o

不断加强学生党建工作,积极组织丰富多彩的第二课堂、校园文化和社会实践等活动。每年的外语节都是学生领略世界文化风情的饕餮盛宴,有拨开西方文化神秘面纱的中外文化沙龙,有开阔视野、增长知识的日本文化周之旅,有成为校园亮丽风景线的外语角活动,更有外语演讲比赛、辩论赛、外语短剧比赛、外文翻译大赛等诸多特色活动,大大增强学生使用外语、了解外国文化的能力和水平。 a1?,oz,?7cj5.7h

旅游外语学院学生以自主促学习、以自律强规范、以自信求发展,在诸多省市乃至全国举办的各类外语比赛中捷报频传。曾在世界旅游组织(GTTP)国际案例大赛中获一等奖、在全国“挑战杯”高职高专创新创业大赛中获二等奖,在各类省级技能大赛、导游大赛、英语口语大赛、英语写作大赛、职业生涯规划大赛中均摘金夺银,取得硕果累累。学生凭借其国际化的视野与体验在激烈的就业市场中积极掌握主动权,历届毕业生就业率均高达98%以上。 r,~3gv7+3sv4~2p

回首以往,旅游外语学院为一批批优秀的莘莘学子搭建良好的成长平台,使他们能够在走出国门后继续奋发学习,在开拓视野中励志成才;放眼未来,旅游外语学院将继续秉持国际化办学理念,充分利用国内外优质教育资源,进一步提高办学水平,继续谱写国际合作与交流的辉煌篇章。 c98jw9.9kU7:3H

Foreign Languages Department was founded in 1984 as the former Tourism Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Section. There are 5 majors established by now, namely, Tourism English, Business English, Tourism Japanese, Applied Korean and Applied Russian. z95hR1~3FH3~8M

Foreign Languages Department has a teaching team with considerable expertise, strict discipline, full diligence, great enthusiasm and persistent creativity. Currently, there is a faculty composed of more than 60 teachers including 1 professor, 1 doctor, and 30 more teachers with equivalent to or higher than associate professor level, 90% of whom are double-qualification teachers. Moreover, there are 10 foreign experts from Australia, America, Korea, Japan and Ukraine. At present, Foreign Languages Department has a full-time enrollment of over 1,300 students. a1+,ME34VC,=8s

With a market-oriented perspective and focus on students’ language basic knowledge, major directions and all-around development, Foreign Languages Department is committed to cultivating special appliance-typed talents with high-quality, multiple skills, international vision, spirit of innovation, and capacity of practice. They are educated to meet the demands of social and economic development, and be capable of working in tourism, trade, and business circles. w8?4ih9:8rm9:2L

Centered on education for international talents, Foreign Language Department actively advocates internationalized vocational education, establishing co-operation with colleges and universities in Japan, Korea, Ukraine, Hong Kong, and Macau. Every year, excellent students will be selected to have more than half a year further education at brother institutions abroad, where they can directly pursue bachelor’s degree or master’s degree by means of “2+2” and “3+2” programme. R8.,fn9:6fB4:5E

Foreign Language Department places great importance on extracurricular activities. Various kinds of activities are conducted with combination of classroom teaching and major study, namely, English Star, Oral Vocational English Contest, Korean Speech Contest, Japanese Culture Festival, Communication between Chinese and Japanese Youth, Summer Foreign Languages Festival, English Corner and so on, which provide students with opportunities of putting their language knowledge into practice. Many students of our department have won fairly good achievements in East-China area, provincial and municipal-leveled foreign languages contests. M4-7fo6~5yG4~7w

Conforming to a harmonious, diverse and inclusive development concept, Foreign Language Department has cultivated graduates with strong language foundation,excellent personal integrity and practical working attitude. Many of them have gained high praise of their employers and have already become the backbone members. C9:6MB,=4QE7:4d



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主办:浙江旅游职业学院组织(统战)部; 地址:杭州市萧山高教园区详情>>
