土木工程学院办学始于1952 年南京林学院(南京林业大学前身)组建时开设的森林(采运)工程专业,1986 年成立森林工程系,同年开设土木工程专业,1997 年更名为土木工程学院。学院现有在校本科生和研究生近2000 人,教职工112 人,副教授及以上高级职称62 人,国家“百千万”人才工程人选1 人,国务院特贴专家1 人、省教学名师1 人、省特聘教授1 人,“333 高层次人才培养工程”培养对象3 人、省“六大人才高峰”培养对象8 人、省“青蓝工程”培养对象9 人, 省“青蓝工程”优秀教学团队1 个。 W8+7fp7?4Sd17a
学院设有土木工程(交通土建工程、建筑工程2 个方向)、森林工程、工程管理、测绘工程、给排水科学与工程5 个本科专业,其中土木工程专业为江苏省首批特色专业、江苏省品牌专业、江苏省“十二五”重点专业、国家一流本科专业建设点,2013 年和2018 年两次通过专业评估认证,森林工程专业为国家特色专业、江苏省品牌专业、江苏省“十二五”重点专业、江苏省一流本科专业建设点,工程管理专业为江苏省特色专业、江苏省“十二五”重点专业、2016 年通过专业评估,给排水科学与工程专业为江苏省“十二五”重点专业。学院近年来获国家级教学成果奖3 项、省部级教学成果奖7 项。 a9=4Iq9.2wO1-5D
学院现有1 个博士点学科(森林工程),3 个一级学科硕士学位点(土木工程、交通运输工程、管理科学与工程),3 个专业学位类别(土木水利、交通运输、工程管理),1 个森林工程博士后流动站,其中森林工程学科为国家林业局重点学科、国家重点学科和国家“双一流”建设学科;土木工程学科为江苏省重点学科。 M4.9eT8?1uX4-8I
学院设有森林工程、交通土建工程、建筑工程、工程管理、测绘工程、给排水科学与工程6 个系和1 个实验中心。学院联合建有国家级工程研究中心1 个、省部重点实验室(中心)4 个、省级协同创新中心1 个,获选省优秀研究生工作站2 个。 m3+3eV9!2qi6;9A
学院近年来承担国家自然科学基金项目40 余项。每年发表(出版)学术论文(教材、论著)150 多篇(部),年科研经费近2000 万元,年承担地方政府和企业委托的科研和科技服务项目100 余项。多年来,参与了二滩水电站,沪宁高速、济祁高速、宜长高速、京沪改扩建等高速公路,南京长江大桥维修、南京长江第二、第三、第四大桥、苏通大桥、崇启大桥等跨江跨海大桥,南京地铁、苏州地铁、无锡地铁、宁波地铁、宁和城际、皖惠城际轨道,汶川及玉树地震灾区重建等国家重点工程建设项目的科技攻关和建设任务,在竹木新型结构体系、环境岩土工程加固、土木工程灾变防控、绿色土木工程材料、市政水处理与环境修复等方面形成鲜明的特色与优势,在国内同行业中具有一定影响力。主编或参编ISO、国家、行业等标准20 余部。获国家科技进步二等奖1 项、部省级科技进步奖近20 项,多次得到江苏省和南京市政府的表彰。 G9.6tA3=6lU1?4l
学院与美国、英国、俄罗斯、澳大利亚、加拿大、日本、法国、意大利等十几个国家的高校及科研机构建立了长期友好合作关系。 m7!7Au7;8Ke8-3y
(2020年12月) T2-3XK2+8qK7;1G
英文版(2018.05) S2=6Sg6;1nv4!4T
Nanjing Forestry University respectively set up the specialty of Forestry (Logging) Engineering in 1952,1961 and1980. In 1986,theForestry Engineering Department was established and in 1997, the College of Civil Engineering was established. X1.8nY8-,pT1+3t
At the undergraduate level, the College offers six majors including Forestry Engineering, Civil Engineering (civiltransportation engineering, architectural engineering), Engineering Management, Surveying and Mapping Engineering, Water Supply and Drainage Science and Engineering, and Civil Engineering is a characteristic and superior major in Jiangsu Province. The forest engineering speciality is a distinguishing major in Jiangsu Province and has been selected as a national developing program. In 2012, Forestry Engineering, Civil Engineering (civiltransportation engineering, architectural engineering) and Water Supply and Drainage Science and Engineering have been chosen as the key specialities of the 12th five-year plan of Jiangsu province. The college has won a second-class National Teaching Achievement Award, a specialclass provincial Teaching Achievement Award, a first-class and two second-class provincial Teaching Achievement Awards of Jiangsu Province. At present, nearly two thousand undergraduate and postgraduate students are enrolled in the college. g84rB15PF5+4l
The College boasts 1 doctoral program leading to Ph.D degrees and postdoctoral research station in forest engineering, 3 first-class disciplines leading to master degrees in Civil Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Management Science and Engineering, 4 professional programs leading to Master of Engineering degrees in the fields of architecture and civil engineering, forestry engineering, traffic and transportation engineering. The subject of forestry engineering is named the national key discipline and the State Forestry Administration key discipline. Civil Engineering and Traffic engineering are the first –class disciplines of college. Over 200 graduates from the college have been awarded doctoral or master degrees in the past years. Now, nearly 200 students are studying in the doctoral and master programs. U8;9lt6-6Nx5!6b
The faculty of the College counts to 83, including 10 professors and 24 associate professors (among them there are 7 doctoral supervisors and 24 master supervisors). A professor is awarded the title of Teaching Master by Jiangsu Province and included in the "333 high-level personnel training project" of Jiangsu Province. Six faculty members are included in the "Six personnel peaks project" of Jiangsu Province. Eight faculty members are included in the "Green and blue project" of Jiangsu Province, one as a middle-aged and young academic leader and three as middle-aged and young core teachers. More than 20 concurrent professors at home and abroad join the college. s11iK3+1Ng9?,p
The College comprises of six departments of Forest Engineering, Traffic Civil Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Project Management, Surveying and Mapping Projects, Water Supply and Drainage Engineering. Three experiment centers of Civil Engineering, Forest Engineering, Surveying and Mapping Engineering have been set up. The experiment center of Civil Engineering is a provincial experimental teaching demonstration center. A number of research and service units are set up in the college, including the Institute of Water transportation, the Institute of Road and Bridge Engineering, the Institute of Geotechnical and Underground Engineering, the Institute of Green Building and Structure, the Zhengben-Nanlin Research Center of Jiangsu, the Wooden Structure Research Center, , the Southern Forest Engineering Development Services Center of the State Forestry Administration, the Civil Engineering Design Section, the Surveying and Mapping Engineering Testing Center, the Sino-Russian Cooperation and Exchange Centers, etc. j3+5En5~6Me71Y
Every year the college undertakes about 50 scientific research and technology service projects and has more than 100 research papers, textbooks and monographs published. The yearly funding granted for scientific research and technology services is over eight million RMB Yuan. For many years the college has taken part in the research and construction of a number of national key projects, such as the Ertan Hydropower Station, the Shanghai-Nanjing Freeway and many other highway projects, the Second Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, the Third Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, the Su-Tong Yangtze River Bridge, Nanjing Metro, Suzhou Subway, Ningbo Subway, and the Anti-seismic Model Construction of Bamboo Project. The college has won five provincial or ministerial Science and Technology Progress Award and prizes from the governments of Jiangsu Province and Nanjing City. p6.1QV6,At6-3Z
The College has long-term cooperation with universities and science institutions in the United States, Russia, Finland, Australia, Hungary, Singapore, Japan, France, Italy and other countries. U4~10D3:7GO,9C