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河南科技学院图书馆伴随着学校的发展,历经百泉农业专科学校图书馆、河南职业技术师范学院图书馆等时期,2004年5月,随学校更名为河南科技学院而得名。现有馆舍2处,分别位于西校区和东校区,馆舍面积约3.4万平方米,馆内阅览座位3242个,周开放时间91小时。 v2!4JJ3!5su9=4D

图书馆现设办公室、流通部、阅览部、技术部、资源建设部、信息咨询部、阅读推广部和信息素质教育教研室,全面负责文献信息资源的采访、编目、流通、阅览、开发利用和读者信息素质教育等,为学校的教学、科研和学科建设提供全方位的文献信息服务。 w9;3dP5!4XN3?4D

图书馆本着“读者第一、服务至上”的服务宗旨,秉承“和谐、务实、高效”的办馆理念,实行“藏阅一体、开放管理、自助借还”的全开放管理模式,坚持“资源、管理、服务”三位一体全面、协调、可持续的发展思路,采用现代化技术,实行科学管理,不断加强文献信息资源体系建设,完善文献信息服务体系,切实履行图书馆的教育职能和信息服务职能。 x6?9QM6+3fw3+,K

图书馆文献信息资源丰富,基本上形成了农学、工学、理学、管理学、教育学、文学、经济学、法学、艺术学等多学科,虚拟馆藏和实体馆藏互为补充的较为完整的文献信息资源体系,为教学、科研和学科建设提供文献信息保障。截至2020年9月1日,中外文藏书总量约303万册(种),其中纸质图书155万余册,电子图书约148万种;纸质报刊1547种;中外文数据库50个。图书馆文献信息服务体系健全,为读者提供图书借阅、报刊阅览、电子阅览、校外访问、移动阅读、短信提醒、参考咨询、文献传递、阅读推广等服务及信息素质教育。采用“图腾”V9.0图书馆管理集成系统,实现了采访、编目、流通、检索、统计、决策支持等现代化管理;全面实现了自助借还、无线网络覆盖;建成了移动图书馆。 F,!5gQ7-4eK,+2J

近年来,连续四年荣获河南省图书馆学会“全民阅读先进单位”;先后荣获河南省“巾帼文明岗”、“河南省高校图书馆先进单位”、“河南省高校图书馆创新服务先进单位”、“河南省高校图书馆管理创新先进单位”、新乡市“三八”红旗集体、河南科技学院“文明单位标兵”等荣誉称号。 U1~6Dr3~2YO8+3T

紧随着河南科技学院建设教学研究型大学的步伐,图书馆正朝着数字化、多功能、现代化的方向不断迈进。 P9+40C9;9Tm2.9p

(2020年9月1日) d8;8aa1=80y6!70

The Overview of library U8.1Uj6+8zR9!2t

Henan Institute of Science and Technology Library has undergone various phases with the development of the University.And now it has developed into a library with an excellent collection, advanced management philosophy and modern facilities. q,?9O022Ei4?7G

The new library building in eastern district was completed and put into use in 2012.The main building is about 34,000 square meters with a twelve-storey aboveground.Up to November 2018, our collection includes almost 3.71 million paper books, 2.28 million kinds of e-books and over 1,577 kinds of periodicals and newspaper. Our library has ordered 48 Chinese and foreign electronic databases. The library has established a comprehensive collection system with agriculture, industry, management courses as its major and coordinating with humanities, education, economy, law, art and other disciplines. b4:9EJ1;5WZ7-7A

The library service adheres to the principle of "Readers First, Service First", the concept of "Pragmatic, Efficient and Harmonious", and the management model of“Collection-Reading integration, Open management, Self-help borrowing and returning". The library opens 91 hours per week. In September 2014, the self-help book system was put into use which indicates that the modern management of the library has stepped up to a new level and achieved a great leap forward development. Z8=6uR,=7my6:1v

Our library has eight departments: the resources construction department, the circulation department, the periodicals department, the information consulting department, the technology department, reading promotion department, the office department, the staff room of information literacy education. The library offers a rich array of information resources for the school teaching and scientific research. q8-8GJ1?8Gn1=9u

With the pace of Henan Institute of Science and Technology to build teaching and researching university, our library is striving to be a digitized, multifunctional and modern academic library. 05;4EA4.1dU65i



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