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2020-12-10 20:10
2022-5-11 08:28



生物工程是二十一世纪的前沿科学,生物技术行业是二十一世纪的热门产业。为适应社会发展和市场需求,芜湖职业技术学院于2003年7月组建生物工程系,设置生物技术及应用、食品营养与检测、动物科学与技术、生物制药技术、动物疾病防治与检疫等五个专业,2013年7月更名为生物工程学院,目前在校生1100余人,各专业均具有鲜明的专业特色和培养方向。现有专兼职教师41人,其中专任教师高级职称16人,硕士生12人,在职研究生7人,博士生3人,国家特有工种高级考评员6人,考评员6人,“双师”结构教师17人。全院教师专业知识扎实,动手能力强,年龄结构合理,具有较强的奉献精神。院部拥有解剖、生理、养殖、食品检测、加工、原子荧光、色谱、发酵、生化分析等专业实验室;拥有蒙牛乳业马鞍山公司、雨润集团、伊利集团、正大集团、双汇集团、青岛啤酒马鞍山公司、卫岗乳业集团、黄池集团、芜湖生物药业园、北京资源集团、安泰农业发展有限公司等校内外实训、就业基地,具有良好的实习、实训条件,使广大同学做到理论联系实际,培养了学生较强的动手能力。 t6;5Xk1;8gR8;,k

生物工程学院各专业毕业生就业形势良好,每届毕业生的一次性就业率均近100%。院部当前的就业工作重点已从开辟就业市场向拓宽就业渠道、提升就业层次方向转变。 d6:8Wk4-9zR8:8F

我们以“团结奋进、锐意创新、提高素质、服务社会”的院训为指导,强调以人为本,加强对学生各方面综合素质的培养,创建良好的院风,使我院师生在学院的各项工作中表现优异,取得较为突出的成绩;我们用严谨、规范、人性化的教学和学生管理,培养的学生具有较强的综合素质,具有吃苦耐劳的意志品质,能够适应当前社会对高技能人才的需求。 M1-6B06!7cT4-4H

The Department of Biological Engineering j2+4kx17tx4?6q

Biological Engineering is an advanced science of the 21st century, and biological technology has been a popular industry of this century. To satisfy the requirements of social development and market, Wuhu Institute of Technology established the Department of Biological Engineering in July, 2003. The Department has 5 majors, including Biological Engineering & Applied Biotechnology, Food Nutrition & Inspection, Zoology & Zoological Technology, Biological Pharmacy, and Epizooty Prevention & Immunization. Currently, the Department has an enrollment of almost 1,000 students, and all the majors have outstanding features and specific training goals. The Department boasts a strong faculty of 41 teachers, among which are 10professors and associate professors, 3 doctor’s degree holder, 12master’s degree holders, 7 postgraduate course takers, 3 China nation senior estimators on special branch and 6 estimators. Seventeen teachers have industry as well as teaching experience. The whole well-aged faculty, with a solid base of professional knowledge and skills, has the upmost dedication in teaching. The Department has established well-equipped laboratories, including anatomy laboratory, physiology laboratory, food inspection and processing laboratory, atomic fluorescence laboratory, chromatograph laboratory, fermentation laboratory, biochemical analysis laboratory, etc., as well as some other training and practicing bases, such as Mengliu Group, Yurun Group, Yili Industrial Group, ChiaTai Group, Shineway Group, Tsingtao Brewery Group, Nanjing Dairy Group, Huangchi Group, Beijing Resource Group, Antainy Group, Wuhu Biotechnology Pharmacy Zone, and the others. These bases provide a very good environment and conditions to cultivate the students’ ability of applying theories to practice. C4+8Ff,=7er5;7x

The Department maintains an average employment rate up to 100% and the graduates of all the majors have good job prospects. The Department has reoriented the focus of employment from exploring more job markets to broadening employment channels and heightening the levels. K9?5eI4!8MW1~2H

Guided by the Department motto of “ United and devoted, creative and progressive, improve the quality and serve the society”, we attach great importance to the spirit of putting students first, to strengthen the cultivation of students’ comprehensive quality, to establish a fine general mood of department, and our department has got great achievements in every aspects of the Institute’s work. We also maintain a serious, standard and human-based mode in both teaching and students management, so that our graduates, with their high comprehensive qualities and sound professional ethics, can adapt to the current national demand of talented professional workers. I4;,km3:2kl31H



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