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2021-1-21 17:58
2021-4-20 08:11



苏州芭蕾舞团是新时代集团旗下的全资子公司,是中国第七个、也是江苏省唯一的专业芭蕾舞团, 成立于2007年6月,现任艺术总监为李莹、潘家斌。舞团演员均来自北京舞蹈学院、上海戏剧学院以及国内各大芭蕾舞团。苏芭以古典芭蕾为基础,不断挑战新的舞蹈形式,始终坚持创作独具中国文化内涵与审美的芭蕾作品。 F9.,yQ5.4DU96q

苏芭成立以来,在传承融合中寻求创新,先后创作了《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《人偶情缘》《西施》《胡桃夹子》《卡门》《灰姑娘》《唐寅》《天鹅湖》共八部大型舞剧,创作现代芭蕾小作品《柴可夫斯基的吉赛尔》《囍》《肖邦的诗》《邂逅摇滚》等,以及《皮囊》《月下》《山海经之神殇》三部现代舞作品;创排展现苏州风韵的舞蹈《苏绣》《伞》《枫桥夜泊》等。 e3!7vh6.,Pk6+6P

苏芭创作的舞剧曾多次入选国家艺术基金、江苏艺术基金资助项目, 并多次受国家文化和旅游部委派开展国际文化交流活动,演出足迹遍布全球十多个国家和地区。 H2?4Es7-4lG9~3V

Suzhou Ballet Theatre was established in 2007, Led by artistic directors Ying Li and Jiabin Pan. The company members come from major ballet companies and Dance Academies in China. Suzhou Ballet Theatre is an energetic and vibrant Ballet group in China. a1?1kE3?2Hz4?8R

The company has performed variety works from classic, contemporary to modern. Two artistic directors have created most of works since the company was established. I9:7ZI7~4Ci5+3y

In 2010, a Chinese version of Romeo and Juliet, which sets itself apart from other versions in the world, and performed at Taiwan for the first time ever. In 2011, the Company chose Coppelia as its annual production, which displays the creative and innovative characteristics of the Company. In 2012, the Company created Legend of Beauty, which portrays a legacy intertwined with affection and hatred, romance and conflicts based on Chinese culture during the historical background of Wu-Yue hegemony. A special breeziness mice version of The Nutcracker was created and performed in 2013. In 2014, the Company produced a new version of Carmen to give the Ballet a modern interpretation while maintaining the dynamic, exciting plot of original. In 2016, the new production of Cinderella with innovation and creative way also told the classic story to Suzhou's audiences. N57RG9;8NH3=2t

The Company has received a respected national and international reputation. In March and June 2012, the Company successfully performed its Chinese version of Romeo and Juliet at National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing and Shanghai Grand Theatre. In 2014, the Company's Legend of Beauty became the funded recipient of China National Arts Found. Carmen was invited to perform at the XXII international Opera Festival in Nova Opera in Bydgoszcz, Poland in 2015. In 2016, the Chinese version of Romeo and Juliet's tour across Europe also became the funded recipient of China National Arts Found. At the same year the productions of Legend of Beauty was invited to perform at Singapore, and the other production The Nutcracker was invited to Qatar and Bahrain Kingdom. On the April of 2017, Suzhou Ballet Theatre was invited to join the Russia “Sterkh” classical Ballet Festival. At the same year, the Company's 10th Anniversary, Tang Yin became the funded recipient of China National Arts Found. Q3-8pb7!8AE,-1N

Under the leadership and guidance of its artistic directors – Ying Li and Jiabin Pan, Suzhou Ballet Theatre quickly develops into one of the most renowned ballet company in China. H72gv8~6Ti2?3e


