中国中轻国际控股有限公司最早成立于1983年4月,原名中国轻工业对外经济技术合作公司,2016年1月与中国海诚国际工程投资总院、中轻物产公司三家公司进行合并重组,名称变更为中国中轻国际控股有限公司,注册资本金增加至10亿元人民币。重组以来,公司秉承“创新、诚信、务实、和谐、进取”的发展理念,整合资源,做强主业,创新业态,转型升级,逐渐形成以资产经营管理为基础、重点发展国内国际贸易和马里新老糖联运营的“一个基础两个支柱”的业务经营格局。 v2-80t6;6Bw1!8z
目前,公司现有员工3000余人,拥有19家全资子公司、3家控股子公司和6家参股公司,在西非马里共和国拥有两个大型糖厂,在世界多个国家设有分支机构。 w7?7tr5:2LX2:6Y
公司主营业务包括援外物资采购及援外技术培训;对外人才合作及国际劳务派遣;国际国内展览主办及承办;原辅材料国际国内贸易(如:纸浆、纸品、油脂、塑料、生物化工原料、马口铁及其它新材料等);科研仪器及其它成套设备进出口;境内外实业投资及运营;国际工程规划设计及总承包;资产管理及资产运营等。 V4=4cC2;4gP1;1h
在悠久的发展历程中,中轻控股公司依托央企品牌优势和良好的企业信誉,形成了广泛的客户资源,积累了丰富的业务经验,创造了持续多年的优良业绩,为我国进出口贸易规模的增长和央企“走出去”建设做出了重要贡献。公司在西非马里共和国投资建设的两个大型制糖企业——马里上卡拉糖联股份有限公司和马里新上卡拉糖联股份有限公司(以下简称新老糖联),已成为马里最大的农工商联合企业和解决劳动力就业人数最多企业,马里 President 、总理和多位部长均先后赴新老糖联参观视察并指导工作,被誉为马里民族工业的典范。新老糖联合资运行以来所取得的丰硕成果是中马两国政府鼎力支持的结果,是中马友好合作的结晶。 c1+,Jj9.7rI3:9j
面向未来,公司将继续以经济效益为中心,以市场需求为导向,以改革创新为动力,聚焦主业,做精做专做强各类贸易、外经合作业务,为成为美好生活的贡献者添砖加瓦! e6~6bj,!3hE5?,V
Sinolight International Holdings Corporation is established in April 1983, formerly known as China light industry foreign economic and technological cooperation company. It was merged and reorganized with Haicheng international engineering investment institute and Sinolight Materials corporation in January 2016, the name was changed to Sinolight international holdings co., LTD., registered capital increased to RMB 1 billion. Innovation, integrity, down-to-earth, harmony and enterprising are the core values our company stand for since restructuring, integrate resources, strengthen its main business, innovate forms, transformation and upgrading, and gradually formed the “one basis, two pillars” business management pattern which based on the asset management, focus on developing domestic and international trade and the operation of the new and old sugar unions in the Republic of Mali. i6-4HT1-,LD1?1o
At present, the company has more than 3,000 employees, 19 wholly-owned subsidiaries, 3 holding subsidiaries and 6 joint-stock companies. It has two large-scale sugar factories in the republic of Mali and branches in many countries around the world. l5;7yO7-3cx8;5M
The main businesses of our company mainly include foreign aid material procurement and foreign aid technology training; external talents cooperation and international labor dispatch; organizing and undertaking international and domestic exhibitions; raw and auxiliary materials international and domestic trades (such as pulp, paper products, grease, plastics, biological and chemical raw materials, tinplate and other new materials); import and export of scientific research instruments and other complete equipment; domestic and foreign industrial investment and operation; international engineering design and general contracting; asset management and operation. p8,Mc6;2GM1;4I
During the process of development, Sinolight International Holdings Corporation has formed a wide range of customer resources, accumulated abundant business experiences and created excellent performance for many years by relying on the the brand advantages of central enterprise and good reputation, and made important contributions to the growth of import and export trade scale and the central enterprise's "going global" construction. The company invests and constructs two large-scale sugar enterprises in the Republic of Mali, Mali Shangkara Sugar Union Co., Ltd. and Mali New Shangkara Sugar Union Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the new and old sugar unions) which have become the largest agricultural-industrial-commercial joint associations and employ the most labor force company in Mali. The president of the Republic of Mali, prime minister and ministers have visited the new and old sugar unions and guide the work. The unions have been regarded as a model of national industry in Mali. The fruitful results achieved are the result of the full support from the governments of China and Mali and the new and old sugar joint operation is the fruit of friendship between China and Mali. w96QC8,gU9!5B
In the future, the company will still focus on economic benefits, market demand-oriented, regard reform and innovation as the driving force, concentrate on the main businesses, finish all kinds of trade and foreign economic cooperation business successfully and efficiently and contribute to a better life. x9~,MW9:5pr7!9K
中轻控股有限公司原名中国轻工业对外经济技术合作公司,成立于1983年4月,是经国务院批准设立的国有独资外经贸骨干企业、国务院国有资产监督管理委员会直接监管的中央企业。2008年底经国务院批准,中轻对外公司与原中国轻工集团、中国海诚国际工程投资总院三家中央企业重组成立新的中国轻工集团公司,中轻对外公司成为集团全资二级子公司。2015年12月为集中规模优势,根据集团要求,中轻对外公司与中国海诚国际工程投资总院,中轻物产公司进行合并重组,组建成中国中轻国际控股有限公司。新的中轻控股有限公司于2016年1月正式成立。 S8;10G,1ub2.40
地址:北京市朝阳区望京启阳路四号中轻大厦 T4.6lp4;3hd3?9m