吉林财经大学是吉林省重点大学,是吉林省人民政府与国家税务总局共同建设的学校。 K34ax5-1tb9-1D
学校起步于1946年7月东北银行总行举办的银行干部训练班,经历了东北银行干部学校、东北银行专门学校、中国人民银行长春银行学校、吉林财贸学院、吉林省财贸学校等几个历史时期,1978年5月恢复吉林财贸学院,1992年5月更名为长春税务学院,2010年3月更名为吉林财经大学。学校曾是新中国创建的第一所金融高等学校、国家较早成立的普通本科财经院校之一、国家第一所税务本科大学。 c1:7QZ,~,nu1:8u
2005年,学校整体搬迁至被誉为“亚洲第一大人工林海”的净月潭畔,校园占地面积108万平方米,校园建设以“自然、典雅、厚重、博大”为理念,现已完成建筑面积30多万平方米。 Q1?9Ag5+2fR9?,h
学校坚持以学科立校为基础,着力构建“突出优势、扶持新兴、坚实基础”的学科生态体系,形成了以经济学科、管理学科为主体,法学、文学、理学、工学等学科协调发展的学科特色。学校现有经济学、管理学、法学、文学、理学、工学六大学科门类;有吉林省“十三五”优势特色高水平学科8个,其中“一流学科A类”1个,“一流学科B类”1个,“优势特色学科A类”1个;“优势特色学科B类”5个;经济学科为“2019年度吉林省高校基础学科拔尖学生培养基地”;有理论经济学、应用经济学、法学、马克思主义理论、外国语言文学、数学、统计学、管理科学与工程、工商管理、公共管理等10个硕士学位授权一级学科;有工商管理、法律、税务、应用统计、国际商务、会计、审计、金融、公共管理、保险、新闻与传播、图书情报等12个硕士专业学位类别。学校现有37个本科专业,其中有教育部专业综合改革试点单位1个;国家级一流本科专业建设点10个,省级一流本科专业建设点6个;国家级特色专业建设点6个,省级特色专业10个,吉林省高等学校本科品牌专业建设点7个;吉林省特色高水平专业A类建设项目7个、B类建设项目3个;省级卓越工程师教育培养计划试点专业3个;国家级一流本科课程2门,省级一流本科课程5门;国家精品课程1门,省级精品课程32门;国家级精品在线开放课程1门,省级精品在线开放课程9门;吉林省高校“金课”建设项目7个;省级高校“学科育人示范课程”2门;省级实验教学示范中心7个;省级人才培养模式创新实验区4个;国家级教学团队1个,省级优秀教学团队14个。学校具有硕士研究生推免资格,是吉林省博士学位授权单位立项建设A类高校,是唯一入选全国首批卓越法律人才教育培养基地项目的省属高校;是全国会计硕士专业学位示范性联合培养实践基地;亚泰工商管理学院为“中国十佳MBA商学院”。 G1:8TG97ws1:2B
学校坚持以人才兴校为重点,在波澜壮阔的办学历程中,精英荟萃,名师云集,著名学者、专家袁孟超、余性元、王思立、胡继纯、宋冬林等先后在校任教。学校现有教职员工910人,其中专任教师613人。专任教师中有教育部“跨世纪优秀人才培养计划”“新世纪优秀人才支撑计划”“国家哲学社会科学成果文库”入选者,国家社会科学基金项目会评专家,国家自然科学基金项目评审专家,教育部高等学校财政学、经济学、工商管理类学科专业教学指导委员会成员,国务院政府特殊津贴获得者,全国优秀教师,长江学者等。有省突贡专家12人、省拔尖人才13人、省教学名师6人、省社会科学研究“十四五”(2021-2025)规划学科专家;吉林省“18条”人才政策B类人才3人,C类人才3人,D类人才25人,E类人才47人。 W9.5dN9:3tH4=5P
学校坚持以科研创新为抓手,积极主动服务国家战略和地方经济社会发展需求。学校是中宣部重点支持建设的“全国中国特色社会主义政治经济学研究中心”,有吉林省“2011计划”重大需求协同创新中心1个,吉林省社会科学重点领域研究基地3个,吉林特色新型高校智库2个,吉林省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地7个,吉林省高校重点实验室3个,吉林省高校创新团队2个。学校主办的《当代经济研究》《税务与经济》两个学术期刊均为全国中文核心期刊、中国人文社会科学核心期刊、《中国社会科学引文索引》来源期刊。《当代经济研究》还被中宣部确定为重点支持建设的马克思主义政治经济学学术期刊,被中国社会科学院评价研究院评定为AMI(2018)核心期刊。近年来,科研成果丰硕,多项科研成果荣获中国高校人文社会科学优秀成果奖、第五届张培刚发展经济学优秀成果奖和省级社会科学优秀成果奖;百余篇时政报告受到国家及省市主要领导的高度重视,并作出批示,为经济社会发展作出了重要贡献。 b8.4bJ2!2zu4;5z
学校坚持以立德树人为根本,着力推进理论教学与实践教学相结合,大力开展素质教育,形成了注重培养学生实践能力的办学传统,培养了一大批德智体美全面发展的高素质应用型专门人才及拔尖创新人才。现有本科生、硕士研究生、外国留学生13000余人。多年来,毕业生就业质量保持较高水平,年度毕业去向落实率保持在90%以上,在社会上赢得良好口碑,被誉为“银行家的摇篮”“税务系统的黄埔军校”。2013年,学校被评为“2012-2013年度全国毕业生就业典型经验高校”。 X4~4xn7-5e03~6J
学校坚持国际化办学理念,现与美国、英国、澳大利亚、俄罗斯、日本、韩国、加拿大、新加坡、法国、白俄罗斯、瑞典、台湾等十多个国家和地区的51所大学建立了校际合作关系。每年开展学者互派、科研合作、国际会议以及学生联合培养等交流活动。1988年,学校开始招收外国留学生,1999年开始与澳大利亚查尔斯特大学合作办学。2013年,在教育部的指导下,学校作为中国13所高校之一与俄罗斯13所高校共同成立了中国-俄罗斯经济类大学联盟。学校目前为吉林省外国留学生奖学金资格院校、国家留学基金委“青年骨干教师出国研修项目”实施资格院校。 i3;7YA5-7ug8!6w
学校秉承“明德崇实”的校训,坚守“尚学致用、择善鼎新”的精神,发扬“善治、善教、善思”的校风,立足吉林,面向全国,面向税务系统,砥砺拼搏,探索创新,培育英才,服务社会,努力建设在国际有影响、国内知名、省内地位显著、特色鲜明的高水平财经大学。 T3+4sc3!9NC5+3E
(2021年3月) e7+,F0,?4QX1+2v
1、 Training class of the head office of northeast bank and its evolution (1946-1958) H6:9SL8;1GJ9:5h
(1) Northeast bank head office training course P2-,hK4-4QG63O
In July 1946, in order to meet the needs of a large number of professional cadres for the establishment of northeast base areas, the head office of northeast Bank held the first short training course in Jiamusi. The first short training course recruited and trained 120 bank cadres and graduated on October 7, 1946. P1?5jL3~5my61x
In March 1948, the head office of northeast bank moved from Jiamusi to Harbin, and the short-term training class of the head office was located in Tiantian street, Harbin. Comrade Zhang Mengsheng was responsible for the short-term training class, and successively held the second and third short-term training classes, each for 3 months, recruiting and training 90 bank cadres. q1=9Ab9!9Bd7+6i
In September 1948, the training class of the head office established a team of part-time teachers with the head of banking business as the backbone, completed the cadre training in a planned way, expanded the social influence and created a new situation of financial education in Northeast China. R9:8lp9+1nJ3~30
In December 1948, the training class of the head office and the head office of the Northeast bank moved from Harbin to Shenyang. The training class was located at the former site of the pseudo Bank of communications in xiaonanmenli, Shenyang. By February 1950, the training course of the head office of northeast bank had held seven short-term training courses, with a total of 1207 bank cadres trained. The establishment and continuous improvement of the training class of the head office of northeast bank has created conditions for the implementation of school education. e53Fi1=9RB1?2c
(2) Northeast bank cadre school P5-6US6:8ii6.6r
In the early stage of national economic recovery after the founding of new China, in order to rapidly develop the financial industry, northeast provinces and cities have successively set up bank branches, which is in urgent need of training and enriching a large number of bank cadres. In March 1950, the head office of northeast bank decided to change the training class of the head office into the cadre school of northeast bank, with Comrade Zhang Mengsheng as the president. b32Aw9-9ZT3;6i
The cadre school has specialized banking classes, on-the-job cadre classes and cultural crash classes. The school motto is "loyalty, simplicity, delicacy and labor", and the song "in-depth study, combined with practice" created by northeast military and political university is the school song. i2~9AS4=6jK2=7a
(3) Northeast bank special school G6=4sn6=8Jc37X
In June 1950, the head office of northeast bank decided to expand the special school of northeast bank on the basis of the cadre school of northeast bank, and allocated 500 million northeast yuan as the school construction fund. On July 25, 1950, the cadre school moved from Shenyang to the bank building of Changchun People's Square. After nearly two months of preparation, the Northeast bank special school was established on September 15, and the first financial university in New China was born in Changchun. W,=6Hk5-9Fm,?50
The special school of northeast bank undertakes the task of training financial management cadres and professionals for the whole country. The school has junior college, higher vocational department and junior vocational department. The school has strong teachers. Under the influence of Dr. Zhao Xixian, a professor of statistics, and Li Deshuan, a professor of credit, the school has continuously improved the teaching quality and brought out a number of new teaching forces. I,8mE,?7FK9-3i
On October 23, 1952, the State Council and the Ministry of Education decided to merge the Northeast Institute of planning and statistics, the Northeast Special School of Finance and the Northeast bank special school to establish the Northeast Institute of Finance and economics. After adjustment, some teachers, staff and junior college students of the former northeast bank special school moved to Shenyang and merged into the Northeast Institute of Finance and economics; On the basis of retaining some teachers, employees and higher vocational science students, we began to prepare for the construction of banking schools. e6?4en5;2sf3;9s
(4) Changchun Bank School of the people's Bank of China f3:1yM9.4xG15E
At the beginning of 1953, the Changchun Bank School of the people's Bank of China was established on the basis of some teachers, employees and higher vocational science students in the former northeast bank special school. The school site is still in the bank building of Changchun People's Square. In 1954, the head office of the people's Bank of China adjusted its banking schools, abolished Suzhou bank school, Shandong bank school and LvDa bank school, and incorporated students into Changchun bank school. In March 1958, the head office of the people's Bank of China and Jilin Branch decided to merge Jilin banking cadre school into Changchun banking school, further strengthening and enriching the teaching staff of Changchun banking school. r5.3fu9.6Wp6~4d
In February 1957, Changchun banking school moved from the people's square bank building to No. 82 Stalin street. With the improvement of school running conditions, by June 1958, Changchun Bank School of the people's Bank of China had nearly 200 teaching staff and nearly 800 students. Various rules and regulations had been established and improved, and a secondary professional school under planning had begun to take shape. Q4:4BR3:5XN2=2N
The establishment and development of Changchun bank school has created conditions for the establishment of Jilin Institute of Finance and trade. o8?2WZ8+5UB,;3d
2、 Jilin University of Finance and trade, the first higher finance and trade institution in Jilin Province (1958-1966) S2.1t079hI5+8r
In July 1958, the Preparatory Committee of the college was established under the leadership of the Ministry of Finance and trade of the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee. On September 29, the second meeting of Jilin Provincial People's Committee decided that Jilin Institute of Finance and trade was officially established and Changchun Bank School of the people's Bank of China was closed. x7?,iy7~4qp7+2A
The college has 8 Majors: finance, finance, trade economy, industrial products, agricultural and sideline products, grain management, grain processing and grain storage. The undergraduate education system is 3 years and the junior college education system is 1 year; In 1959, the undergraduate education system was changed to 4 years and the junior college education system to 2 years. F2:,ak,7mF6;3l
At the beginning of its establishment, the college had 112 professors, associate professors, lecturers and teachers. Among them, the discipline leaders with social influence are: yuan Mengchao, Professor of economics, graduated from Southeast University and studied at Sun Yat sen University in Moscow, the Soviet Union. He used to be a professor and director of the China Department of the Communist University of the Far East frontier in Boli, the Soviet Union, a professor of Shanghai Law College and Shanghai Institute of Finance and economics. After coming to the college, he served as the director of the scientific research committee and the director of the teaching and Research Office of basic theory; Wang Sili, a professor of statistics, graduated from the Research Institute of Tsinghua University. He was once a professor of Shanghai Institute of Finance and economics. He wrote China's first introduction to statistics and mathematical statistics. After coming to the Institute, he served as the director of the statistics teaching and Research Office; Yu Xingyuan, a professor of accounting, once served as a professor of Shanghai Lixin Accounting College and Shanghai Institute of Finance and economics. After coming to the college, he served as the director of the accounting teaching and Research Office; Hu Jichun, Professor of finance, studied in Britain and the United States in his early years to engage in political theory research. He was once a professor and director of the Political Department of Fudan University and a professor of Shanghai Institute of Finance and economics. After coming to the hospital, he taught the course of finance. u7-1pX3~5DO6~9U
In April 1964, according to the requirements of the superior, the majors were adjusted to four majors: accounting, statistics, finance and trade economy. Since then, the development direction of the college has been established. U4.2xU5!9HQ55R
On May 11, 1966, the college Party committee held a meeting to study the urgent notice on the Cultural Revolution issued by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee. After the meeting, a general meeting of the whole hospital was held to convey the spirit of the documents of the provincial Party committee and mobilize teachers and students to participate in the cultural revolution. At this time, the Academy of finance, like its brother colleges and universities, "the mountain rain is coming, the wind is full of buildings", and a national political movement is coming. k7-8VB9:6Hs4~3v
3、 Jilin Institute of Finance and trade suffered a serious setback (1966-1978) K,+,ln3~7ZW8=6n
(1) Jilin Institute of Finance and trade d6=7hh9:3pp7:2x
In November 1969, under the slogans of "strengthening war preparedness", "Tibetan cadres in the people" and "establishing rural red base areas", Jilin provincial Revolutionary Committee stepped up the deployment and mobilization of cadres across the province to jump the queue and settle down. At the same time, it was decided to abolish Jilin Institute of Finance and trade, mobilize cadres and teachers to take the "five, seven" road and jump in line at the designated place. Since December 24, a large number of cadres and teachers have been forced to leave their education posts for many years and join the queue to settle in 10 communes belonging to the four designated counties of Changbai, Wangqing, Dunhua and Yushu, as well as 18 communes scattered to 15 counties such as Yongji and Changling. S3~7TX8.8oL3~1c
After the college was abolished, the military propaganda team mobilized 65 students in the school to participate in the Mao Zedong thought propaganda team of Zhelimu League. In November 1969, they went to the agricultural and pastoral areas to carry out the "fight, approve and reform" movement. He returned to school in March 1970 and joined the "one strike, three evils" movement. In August, grade 65 students graduated and assigned jobs. So far, except for some teaching staff and a few left behind personnel, there are only empty courtyards on the campus of the College of Finance and trade. g9?,oH2~5Fv9:8J
(2) Establish Jilin finance and trade school b5~7QG2~2us8+4c
In August 1970, the Jilin provincial reform committee decided to merge the former Jilin Institute of Finance and trade, the Provincial cadre school of Finance and trade, the provincial business school, the provincial grain school and the provincial supply and marketing cooperation school to establish the Jilin School of Finance and trade, which is located at the site of the former Jilin Institute of Finance and trade at No. 82 Stalin street, Changchun City. The decision of the provincial reform committee has brought vitality and hope to the revoked Jilin Institute of Finance and trade and a large number of cadres and teachers who have jumped in line to settle down. w1!2ny5:4Ro1:1G
Jilin finance and trade school undertakes the task of training new forces and rotating in-service cadres for the provincial finance and trade front (including commerce, grain, finance and banking system). c5=,tG2:1eL5-60
On October 6, 1976, the gang of four was smashed. In May 1977, the Party committee of Jilin University of Finance and trade put forward suggestions and requirements for the restoration of Jilin University of Finance and trade to Jilin provincial finance and trade office and Provincial Higher Education Bureau. At the same time, the Party committee of the University actively guides the cadres and teachers to run the school of Finance and trade well and strive to restore Jilin Institute of Finance and trade as soon as possible. N6=4pH7-4VW8!50
4、 Recovery and development of Jilin Institute of Finance and trade (1978-1992) Z2:3bo6.8ED7?3g
In May 1978, with the approval of the Ministry of education, Jilin Institute of Finance and trade was restored. Since then, Jilin Institute of Finance and trade has been a freshman. Y4:9gF77pg7;7J
Under the leadership of the provincial Party committee, the provincial government and the Party committee of Jilin University of Finance and trade, Jilin University of Finance and trade has gradually built into a comprehensive university of Finance and economics and one of the key universities under the provincial government after the school running period of recovery, development and reform and opening up. O7!6UX7?9Yf4?30
The restored Jilin Institute of Finance and trade is under the leadership of the Ministry of Finance and trade of the provincial Party committee and implements the unified leadership of the Party committee. U5:8Yr7+4GL5-5L
At the initial stage of restoration, the college has seven majors: finance, finance, accounting, statistics, commercial economy, grain and oil storage and grain processing, with a length of four years. In 1979, the major of foreign trade and economics was added. N5-8XT11DB8~2p
The period from 1978 to 1982 was the recovery period of the college. With the joint efforts of all teaching staff, the college successfully completed various tasks during the recovery period of the College of finance, which laid a good material and ideological foundation for the development of the college. C4+,GI5?7Ys8:,g
In July 1982, 480 undergraduates of grade 78 graduated. Except for the three northeastern provinces of finance, most of the other majors were distributed within the province, and a few were raised to the relevant ministries and commissions of the central government. Most of these students have good quality. After being assigned to jobs, they are valued by business departments. Today, most of these graduates have become the main leaders and business backbone of their units. The college retained 30 graduates from this group, enriched them to various departments of teaching and organs, increased the proportion of young teachers, and became the backbone of the development of the college. t38en,~,aM2?6T
In 1983, the college first enrolled postgraduates majoring in finance and accounting. In 1984, master students were enrolled in statistics. v59iw4;2Xa3?4B
From 1982 to 1984, it was the development period of our hospital. The management level of the college has been continuously improved, and there has been rapid development in enrollment scale, school running level and school running form. There has been a period with the largest enrollment since the establishment of the college. At this time, not only the scale of students has expanded, but also the number of teaching staff has increased, and the school running conditions have been greatly improved. The new teaching building has been completed and put into use, and modern teaching means have been gradually enriched into the field of teaching and scientific research, equipped with voice room, electronic computer room, audio-visual teaching and research room, commodity laboratory, etc. The college presents a situation of vigorous development. J67vV8;2Pm9~9I
From 1985 to 1988, the college deepened its teaching reform and created a new situation in its work. During this period, the college boldly deepened reform and strengthened management, and the teaching quality and scientific research level have been improved. In September 1986, with the research of the college and the approval of the superior, the students added three majors: Industrial and commercial administration, taxation and insurance. In 1987, the major of Business Economics enrolled master students. 07!9hf4=,vS,:1e
At the turn of spring and summer in 1989, there was a school wave in Beijing, the capital. This wind wave affected many cities and universities all over the country. A few students of the College of Finance and trade moved at the news, disrupting the normal teaching order of the college. In the political storm that lasted more than 50 days, the Party committee of the college always took a clear stand against the unrest, adhered to the policy of dredging according to the spirit of the instructions of the provincial Party committee, carried out patient and meticulous ideological and political work, and controlled the development of the situation. After the storm, the college Party committee carried out in-depth activities of adhering to the four basic principles and socialist ideological education among teachers and students, adhered to the socialist school running direction of reform and opening up, and worked hard to develop higher education in finance and trade. U5=8AH6;8Mq5:,J
In 1991, the college began to prepare for the ownership of the State Administration of Taxation and changed its name to Changchun Tax College. u2-8Ra,=2Dz,:9B
5、 Changchun Tax College, the first tax undergraduate university in China (1992 --) a6-1Ar3.1UJ2-30
In May 1992, with the approval of the State Education Commission, Jilin Institute of Finance and trade was placed under the leadership of the State Administration of Taxation and renamed Changchun Institute of taxation. It became the first tax undergraduate ordinary university in China and undertook the task of cultivating senior tax and various financial management professionals for the national tax system and Jilin Province. t4-7MH79YE8;9J
In 2000, in the adjustment of the layout and structure of colleges and universities, the college was transferred to Jilin Province and became a provincial college. T2:1lY6?8xt4-1e
At the beginning of 2004, Changchun Tax College was identified as a key university in Jilin Province. V6!,Pj,;1jM5?2t
In 2010, the Ministry of Education approved Changchun Tax College to be renamed Jilin University of Finance and economics. L,.9gO2;5zc7!1Y
At present, Jilin University of Finance and economics is making great strides towards the goal of building a first-class university of Finance and economics in the province with appropriate scale, reasonable structure, excellent quality and distinctive characteristics. l8~9Rz7-5SR7-4p
地址:吉林省长春市净月大街3699号 I6?1DE9;1OP3+5D