基建处是学校校园建设规划和基本建设的管理部门,根据学校事业发展规划编制基本建设五年计划和年度建设计划。其主要职责是: s5=4WG,7Fe,!9J
1.根据学校安排,负责编制、管理和执行校园建设总体规划和五年基本建设规划。 w3.4Ip9,kc,;7B
2.负责学校新征土地管理工作。 C6+5BH9~,AW8+3P
3.负责校内新建房屋建筑类项目及附属工程项目的建设和管理。 V4+10b4;2ET7!7f
4.负责校内大型修缮及大型提质改造工程项目的建设和管理。 V6+6eS3.3iu6!2f
5.负责新建园林景观工程项目的建设和管理。 C1:4AU5~1YT4-,q
6.负责建设项目保修期内的质量保修和回访工作,负责固定资产的移交工作,负责学校基本建设的各类统计报表的上报工作。 p7?,ej5:4Db8+5B
7.协助配合校内其他部门工作。包括协助招标与物资采购服务中心完成招标采购前期工作,协助审计处完成项目审核工作,协助计财处核实工程进度款支付工作等。 X6!8xI8-7zB47P
8.负责对代建公司监督管理、协调配合工作。 V1.5c0,-2NX,:2M
9.完成学校交办的其它工作。 f7+8sW7=7Qg4?1N
Introduction of Infrastructure Office J9=6oO6~5cz8;1c
Infrastructure Office, as an administrative department, is responsible for campus construction planning and basic construction. It also draws up five-year plan and annual plan of construction according to school’s development programs. Its main duties are as follows. a2~4M03+3zo3;9T
1.To be responsible for the preparation, management and implementation of the overall plan of campus construction and five-year basic construction plan according to the arrangement of school. m7.,0V38bn1-5q
2. To be responsible for the administration of new requisition land . k,=9Xa,?20A8.8K
3. To be responsible for the construction and management of newly-built houses and other affiliate programs. z5?8JV,.5GK,?6i
4. To be responsible for the construction and management of big projects about renovation and quality improvement. m9?9vG8~60j8?8C
5. To be responsible for the construction and management of newly-built landscape architecture project. i,+2Wj4!2DB6+3V
6.To be responsible for the quality warranty and return visit during the project warranty period, the transfer of fixed assets, as well as the report of various statistical statements of school’s basic construction. H7-4xy94nE,-9r
7. Assist to cooperate with other departments:assist the bidding and material procurement service center to complete the preliminary work of bidding and procurement, assist the audit office to complete the project audit, assist finance department to verify the payment of project progress payment and so on. z9.1dj5;9dz8=7Z
8. To be responsible for the supervision, management and coordination of the agent construction company. y4?3hV2:8EQ,=4B
9. To finish other tasks assigned. F6;,F0,+2BB4.2A