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主办:中国地震局地震预测研究所 ;地址: 北京市海淀区复兴路63号
2021-6-9 17:53
2021-9-6 08:06



研究所的前身是国家地震局分析预报中心,成立于1980年。2004年,根据中国地震局关于直属科研机构管理体制改革组织实施意见要求,分析预报中心的短临预测研究和任务性工作从科研机构中划转出去,约130人到新组建的中国地震台网中心;分析预报中心更名为地震预测研究所,以地震监测、地震预测理论方法与观测技术为主要研究领域,负责全国地震分析预测科学技术集成的研究工作。 C,+1mJ87Rd4+2B

自2004年以来,研究所承担国家发展改革委、科技部、国家自然科学基金委员会、国防科工委(局)支持的科研项目139项,获国家科技进步奖二等奖1项;省部级奖励40项(其中中国地震局防震减灾优秀成果奖一等奖3项、二等奖14项、三等奖9项)。研究所科技人员以第一作者第一署名单位发表研究论文1007篇,其中SCI收录论文289篇;获国家发明专利4项、实用新型专利16项。 p3;4Re2-4pE17d

地震预测是中国地震局的核心业务,地震预测研究是国家地震科技创新体系的重要组成部分。中国地震局地震科技体制改革顶层设计方案将预测所的任务定位于基础研究和应用基础研究,确定预测所的科研主攻方向为地震预测理论方法,明确牵头“解剖地震”工程为预测所在国家地震科技创新工程中的主要任务,明确研究所要与业务中心形成互为备份的机制。 S6:2VN6=9QX5!9c

2016年7月28日习近平总书记视察唐山时,就新时期的防灾减灾救灾工作做重要指示,指出要总结经验,坚持以防为主、防抗救相结合,坚持常态减灾和非常态救灾相统一,努力实现从注重灾后救助向注重灾前预防转变,从应对单一灾种向综合减灾转变,从减少灾害损失向减轻灾害风险转变。这一指示为地震预测预报的研究和应用指明了方向,提出了新的课题。 f8?9MS4+1nw2=,B

目前各类地震预测的能力还有很大的提升空间,短临地震预测仍是一个世界性科学难题。尽管如此,从信息化的视角看,精细化的、尽管不够精准的地震预测预报信息服务,对于最大限度降低地震灾害风险,仍更具重要的实际意义。例如,长期地震预测直接为十年或十五年尺度的“地震重点危险区”的确定,并进而为“地震重点监视防御区”的确定服务,因而对减轻地震灾害风险具有重要的应用价值。作为一种中期地震预测,我国从20世纪70年代开始组织的“年度地震趋势会商”,对于有重点地加强防震减灾准备非常重要,并且因其是一项长期坚持的、真正意义上的“向前预测”检验,而具有不可取代的科学价值。即使对于难度很大的短临地震预测,依靠现有的观测手段和预测预报经验,仍可对一些类型的地震进行某种程度的短临预测,并通过地震趋势的跟踪监测,在重要时段为社会提供地震安全保障服务。科学界的主流共识是,在科学上,要通过坚持不懈的探索,尽可能地扩展对地震的“可预测性”的认识;在技术上,要通过研发,最大限度地利用现有的关于地震成因机理和地震预测预报的科研成果;在工程措施上,要综合性地考虑现有的科技能力和社会需求,以求达到最大限度减轻地震灾害风险的效果。而这正是地震预测研究所的主要发展思路。 F4.6BW3!,X02~3e

地震预测的服务需求,也从体系建设的角度,倒逼相关领域的科技进步和观念转变。与例如军工、航天等大工业、大科技领域相比,地震预测目前还存在各种不适应的问题。例如,在目前地震预测的语境中,只有2004年年度地震趋势会商与2014年年度地震趋势会商的区别,而没有“2004版年度地震趋势会商”与“2014版年度地震趋势会商”的区别。从基础研究、应用基础研究,到应用研究再到应用的技术成熟度水平(TRL)提升的概念,也没有很好地进入地震预测业务。改变这一现状,是预测所推进新时代地震预测研究现代化的一项重要任务。 E2-9wL3-9fu1!8l

关于地震预测研究,媒体报道中颇多误导。例如,一个广为流传的说法是,国际同行一般不研究地震预测问题。实际上,这是一种文化差别:中文中的“地震预测”或“地震预测研究”, 与英文中的earthquake forecast/prediction (study)并不一一对应。国外研究地震危险性(seismic hazard), 但不一定叫“长期地震预测”; 国外研究“时间相依的”地震危险性(time-dependent seismic hazard), 但不叫“中长期地震预测”; 国外研究余震概率(aftershock probability)或地震相互作用(earthquake interaction), 却不用“地震类型和强余震趋势预测”的提法;国外有人发展地震预测的统计检验,但认为这是和地震预测“对着干”的。从更宽的领域看,国外专家搞的地震构造、地震物理、地震活动性分析, 在中文的分类中,都属于“地震预测研究”, 但国外很多做这些工作的专家,却断然否认自己的研究属于地震预测。还有一个综合了地质、地球物理、大地测量研究、近年来迅速发展的领域,有时不太简洁地称为“地震孕育全过程的面向预测的模拟”(predictive modeling of seismic cycle),事实上也属于我们所说的“地震预测研究”。因此,看“实”不看“名”,就像中国的(吉祥的)“龙”实际上并不是西方的(长着翅膀的、凶恶的)“dragon”一样, 说国际地震研究领域中事实上很多人都在搞“地震预测研究”,也不是夸张之语。 n4;1Zl2!,yt8;5Q

基础研究对于地震预测研究实践具有十分重要的意义。例如,在目前逐步形成“品牌”的十年尺度地震危险区确定的工作中,震级的确定主要依据活动构造块体边界带、强震破裂空段与地震空区、断层闭锁段与应力积累段的信息,地震地质发挥了重要的支撑作用;发震地点的确定主要依据小震稀疏段、地震丛集率、震源参数一致性、以及震级-频度关系系数(b值)的信息,地震学发挥了重要的支撑作用;十年尺度发震时间的确定主要依据GPS观测、垂直形变观测、流动重力观测、跨断层形变观测的信息,大地测量学发挥了重要的支撑作用。 C,!7cI6;5Eo1=,0

与中国地震局的其他研究所略有不同,预测所的特色之一,是针对地震预测这一重要科学问题,更加强调系统建设,特别是国家层面的系统建设。一定意义上,预测所扮演了中国地震局预测预报业务的“总体部”的角色。借鉴国际先进经验,发展地震预测研究相关的“地震系统科学”(earthquake systems science);考虑新时代特点,围绕“两个坚持三个转变”的目标,设计和实施地震预测业务相关的“地震预测系统工程”,是当前和今后一个时期研究所改革的主要方向。 c3!5Fr4.9Oc5?2d

Welcome to the Institute of Earthquake Forecasting (IEF) of the China Earthquake Administration (CEA). I3-5VQ9-5IK1?9X

The Institute, originating from the CEA Center for Analysis and Prediction (officially founded in 1980), is one of the five national institutions of CEA. The Institute is focusing on the theory, methodology, techniques, and application countermeasures of earthquake forecast based on geology, geodesy, geochemistry, space electro-magnetism, remote sensing, and seismology. l6!1Zm7:1Hb,-7D

Note that in Chinese, ‘Dizhen (地震, earthquake) Yuce (预测, forecasting)’ has a broader meaning from long-term seismic hazard assessment to the estimate of aftershock probabilities, which is different from the well-known concept ‘earthquake forecast/prediction’ used in international scientific communities. This difference, similar to the difference between the Chinese ‘Long’ (龍) and the western dragon, may be useful to understand the missions of the Institute, as well as those of the CEA. Due to similar reasons, before 2017, the English translation of this Institute was ‘Institute of Earthquake Science’. l2.8SK7=5hd8?8I

In recent years, the Institute has been responsible for organizing the national project ‘Earthquake Anatomy’ (解剖地震), and coordinating the National Earthquake Monitoring and Prediction Experiment Site in Sichuan-Yunnan Region. The Institute is hosting the CEA Key Laboratory for Earthquake Prediction. The relation between this Institute and other national/regional institutions/centers within and outside CEA is somehow like the relation between the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) and other institutions/labs. The institute also has a technological component, which is useful in attracting and digesting the potentially useful technologies from other fields for the research and application of earthquake forecasting. R9~,lE7.3Pp9~,I

In the framework of the CEA stream of service, the Institute has the missions including: 1) long-term (decade scale) seismic hazard assessment, 2) intermediate-term (decade to annual scale) time-dependent seismic hazard assessment, 3) short-term (shorter than annual scale) test of earthquake forecast models and schemes, 4) emergency response to earthquakes (based mainly on seismology and remote sensing), assessment of the properties of the earthquake sequence (swarm, or mainshock-aftershock sequence), and the assessment of the influence of earthquakes on local/regional seismic hazard, and 5) forecast and information service related to reservoir-induced seismicity. The Institute is more emphasizing on the related fundamental and development research, while the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC), the twin institution of the Institute of Earthquake Forecasting, both originating from the Center for Analysis and Prediction, is more emphasizing on the application and service. Meanwhile, due to the extreme importance and difficulties of earthquake forecasting, according to the top design of the CEA structure, the CENC-IEF ‘backup mechanism’ is also one of the countermeasures for security. 05~3nx3=3Sb7+6c

Since 2018, there have been several new missions assigned to the Institute, including: 1) coordination of the development and test of numerical earthquake forecast model, 2) organization of the field experiments of intensified observation and monitoring in the regions which have higher probability of strong earthquakes as identified by the Annual Consultation, 3) periodic review of the up-to-date development in science and technology related to earthquake forecast, and 4) strategic consultation to the CEA headquarter related to earthquake forecast. y4.7tp7-6te7+5u

Contributing to the long-term objects of the seismic disaster resilience of China, the dual missions of the Institute is to promote the research on earthquake forecast by applying the cutting-edge technologies and sciences, and to promote the proper use of the currently-accessible predictability by considering the environment of modern society. The dual missions is apparently a problem of systems engineering. Development and application of earthquake systems science are thus one of the scientific agenda of the Institute. For this purpose, the Institute is keen to interdisciplinary works and international collaboration. In 2018, cooperating with the Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP), the Joint Laboratory for High-Pressure Physics and Earthquake Science was launched. In 2019, cooperating with the Key Laboratory of Computational Geodynamics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Department of Earth and Space Sciences (ESS), Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) , the joint laboratory of Numerical Earthquake Forecast was launched. c1;3I01.6re4:3w


