常州市花园中学位于市区西南花园新村,创办于1981年,曾先后三次被评为江苏省模范学校,荣获江苏省平安校园、常州市“四五”、“五五”、“六五”普法先进单位、常州市依法治校示范校、常州市书法特色学校、常州市科技特色学校、江苏省健康促进学校、江苏省语言文字规范化示范学校等荣誉称号。花园中学现有33个教学班,师生1500多人,是一所规模较大的新村配套初中校。历经三十余载岁月的打磨,花园中学已发展成为一座实力雄厚的现代化花园式学校。 H6=,ok3+1Qg7:4i
学校秉承“让每一位师生都得到更好的发展”的办学理念,以“明远求真”为校训,培养身心健康和心态阳光的未来公民。学校以阳光教育为总领,构建阳光课程、阳光课堂、阳光评价教育体系,致力于培养具备核心素养的阳光人。学校拥有先进的现代化教育教学设施,引进STEM课程,开发国际理解教育课程,进行公民教育项目研究,让学生在“做中学”,从“研究中学”,向“社会中学”。 z,9sB8:2Ik4~4S
Changzhou Hua Yuan Middle School, built in 1981, is located in Hua Yuan Community, south-west of the city. The school has won the title of “Model School Of Jiangsu Province” in two consecutive years. Over the past more than thirty years, the school has developed into a modern garden-like school with powerful education which has won many honors and awards in provincial and municipal aspects.Now as a large school attached to the community, it has 33 classes with about 1,500 students and staff. d6=3PJ,.5OB4-4K
Persistently adhering to the principle “Make full use of the differences among students and teachers to help everyone make progress” and the school motto “looking widely for truth”, the school aims to develop healthy and optimistic citizens for the future. By constructing Sunshine Curriculum, Sunshine Class, Sunshine Evaluation under the leadership to sunshine education, the school applies to develop sunshine people with key competencies. The school has modern teaching facilities, STEM curriculum, curriculum of Education for International Understanding and Civic Education Project, in which students can learn by doing, studying and from the society. q2.6LO3-5Tr6-5E