根据国务院转发教育部等部门《关于进一步加快高校后勤社会化改革的意见》的通知精神,结合我校具体情况和特点,按照“小机关、大实体”格局,依据企、事业分开的原则,南京大学于1999年将后勤的行政管理职能与经营服务职能分离,对校内后勤服务资源按照专业化、产业化的模式重新规划、整合,成立了自负盈亏、独立核算的非独立法人经济实体——后勤服务集团。 u7=1YX1~7ep7+2h
为积极推进后勤社会化改革目标,集团本着精干、高效、科学、合理的组织原则,建构了经营型、服务经营型、服务保障型为标志的管理体系,主要包括集团办公室、人力资源部、财务部、公用事业办公室、招标与采购办公室、膳食中心、物业管理中心、水电管理中心、绿化环卫管理中心、幼教中心、运输中心、南苑会议中心、西苑会议中心、南大国际会议中心、工贸实业公司、兰达监理公司等十六个部门,业务范围主要涉及校园餐饮、宾馆接待、物业管理、水电维护、能源管理、幼儿教育、园林绿化、工程监理等。 m2=1dt1+4Ah6;9i
自1999年成立以来,后勤服务集团坚持“以人为本”,以科学发展观为指导,深入贯彻“三优双满意”的服务理念,积极倡导和实践“服务育人、环境育人、管理育人”,始终以为师生办实事、创建和谐稳定的校园环境作为履行服务和保障职能的工作原则,为学校的教学科研、人才培养提供坚实的后勤保障。在制度建设方面,以全面实施ISO9000质量管理体系为基础,将服务育人的理念贯穿至日常服务保障工作中,建立了规范的制度管理平台,形成了具有自身特色的、蕴含南大文化的服务质量标准体系;在队伍建设方面,积极实施人力资源战略,建立了员工培训体系,并通过广泛引进人才迅速提高了后勤服务队伍的素质与层次,为后勤服务的持续发展奠定了基础;在企业文化方面,充分关注师生与员工的需求,提升企业文化的内涵,融合南大校园的文化底蕴,实现了后勤文化的人文特色;在信息化建设上,依托校内外先进的信息化平台,实行数字信息化管理,实现了从传统后勤产业向现代后勤产业的跨越。目前,后勤服务集团不仅理顺了内部管理体制,实现了自主经营、独立核算、自负盈亏、自我发展的基本目标,而且管理水平和服务质量呈稳步上升态势,整个集团步入了良性发展的轨道。 Z5-3KC5+2nv4;2o
在今后的工作中,集团将继续发扬“学习、服务、和谐、发展”的企业精神,立足校园服务与保障,不断整合资源,推进后勤的规范管理、精细管理、质量管理和创新管理,优化后勤服务手段,以质量求生存,以服务求支持,为学校的教学科研、人才培养做好服务保障工作,把集团建设成为“产权明晰、权责分明、管理科学、具有自身品牌”的现代化集团。 J8~8BT4=6OG8~8o
电子邮件:ndhq@nju.edu.cn b4=5jW2+4xn6+4M
地址:南京市鼓楼区汉口路9号南苑综合楼 N9!4CW1;5sy5;9n
Founded in 1999 and following a professional and industrial model, the Logistics Service Group of Nanjing University rearranged and integrated the logistic resources on campus and became a non-independent legal economic entity responsible for its own profit and loss, with an independent accounting. u4?7SK7-8TI7.30
In order to push forward the reform of the logistics, the Group upholds the organizational principles of professionalism, efficiency, science and rationality and builds up a managerial system featured by business, service business and service support. There are altogether sixteen departments in the Group, including the Group Office, the Department of Human Resources, the Department of Finance, the Office of Public Facilities, the Office of Public Bidding and Purchase, the Catering Center, the Property Management Center, the Power Management Center, the Environment and Sanitation Management Center, the Preschool Education Center, the Transportation Center, Nanyuan Conference Center, Xiyuan Conference Center, NJU International Conference Center, the Industrial and Trading Company and the Landa Construction Supervision Company. Its business and service mainly include campus catering, hotel accommodation, property management, water and electricity maintenance, power management, preschool education, environment and landscaping, and construction supervision. U5!7Cr1!9YK7~9g
Since its founding in 1999, the Group adheres to the “People-Orientated” principle and follows the guidance of Scientific Outlook on Development. It throughly carries out the service concept of “Three Excellences and Two Satisfactions” and actively promotes and applies the idea of “Education by Service, Environment and Management.” The Group consistently takes carrying out practical work for the students and teachers and establishing a harmonious and stable campus as its working principle to perform its service and supporting functions. In this way, the Group provides a strong logistic support for the teaching, research and talent cultivation of the university. u9?2AJ4-1hh5-3N
E-mail:ndhq@nju.edu.cn J3,AJ5;3mH5:8U
Address: the Complex Building, North Yard, Nanjing University, No.9, Hankou Road l7,YD2-2Jx7+,D