和讯网创立于1996年,从中国早期金融证券资讯服务脱颖而出,建立了中国第一个财经资讯垂直网站,并始终保持高端财经领域用户排名第一。和讯作为一直伴随中国经济并肩在路的老朋友、与中国资本市场风雨同舟的同路人,一贯秉持“推动中国亿万中产阶层发展壮大,助力中小投资者财富增长”的展业宗旨。现已成为一家为投资者提供“多层次金融信息和交易服务”的专业金融投资平台,并在该领域长期处于领先地位。 a4.2Lu8?4Ht7!1R
和讯大股东(创始股东)联办集团是中国证券市场最初设立的民间推动者,是中国最早的证券场所交易市场——STAQ 系统(新三板前身)的开发建设者。与集团内兄弟媒体《财经》、《证券市场周刊》、《哈佛商业评论》等共识,和讯公司成立之初便着力于引入和发掘先进金融机制和理念,推动中国市场经济进程。 y9!9zk2?8DS1;9N
截至目前,和讯网已成为拥有三十余个专业垂直频道入口,每月覆盖 1 亿中高端用户的“中产阶层投资理财网络家园”。 A28ol1~8At7:8k
投资渠道少、专业门槛高,一直阻碍中国个人投资者从资本市场获取正当的投资回报 , 移动互联网技术的迅猛发展冲破了这一瓶颈。4G 普及、大数据算法、移动支付、金融征信等关键技术的突破,以及自媒体带来的资讯爆炸,为打造移动端多层次金融信息和交易闭环提供了可能。而金融资讯领域的专业权威和互联网技术领域的相对优势,一直是和讯长期保持领先的核心竞争力所在。 M8!1nN4=50T6.9O
因此,和讯不断强化专业金融信息服务传统优势的同时,借助“数据算法、用户画像”打造投资者间的多层次金融信息智能分享平台。以共享社区加强用户互动、完成入门用户投资教育、经验积累、增强理性投资能力,伴随投资者共同成长。 m1:,rW6-3Ke2?,k
与此同时,和讯凭借金融投资顾问、基金代销等牌照优势,着力为用户提供基金、证券、期货、保险、信托、银行、外汇、互金等多品类全覆盖的金融交易场景。打造个人投资者一站式投资理财服务闭环,不断提升用户体验。 i3;6Bj4=60r9;3C
近年,和讯对接数十家金融机构和交易平台,初步实现大数据算法推送对用户和金融机构的两端对接,已成为国内最大的深度理财社区。期间,未发生一起违约和刚性兑付事件。和讯成为互联网财富管理标杆公司和资本关注的焦点,和讯公司自身资本化进程亦在快速推进当中。 Q4.9Bq8.3IF6:7O
我们认为,互联网技术和理念是改善融资市场的有力工具,是推动中产阶层壮大,助力实体经济的核心路径。和讯愿与各大金融机构和交易平台通力合作,努力实现个人投资者、金融机构以及实体企业的多方共赢发展。 Q,-8VL11Rr,+6x
Hexun.com, founded in 1996, built the first vertical financial portal website in China and quickly excelled in the early market of financial and securities information service. Hexun.com solidified its leading position and brand influence in the industry and has become the paragon of a professional, high-end and prime-quality financial website. Data from China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) reveals that as high as 72% of Hexun.com users are in the mid and upper income bracket, four times of the Internet’s average. d9?3Lz8~1vM6:6Y
As the only website in China with all three qualifications – Internet News Information Service License, Information Website Audio-Video Program Broadcasting License, and Securities Investment Consulting License, Hexun.com covers more than 60 million users monthly on average and more than 100 million throughout the year. R8;8iY2+2At25x
In 2000, Hexun.com was selected the first China Excellent Securities Website with most popularity among stock investors (Internet users). In 2005, Blog.hexun.com ranked first place with absolute advantage in the first global Chinese Blogger Satisfaction Survey. In 2008, Thomson Reuters started cooperation with Hexun in products of mass public investment and wealth-management by investing cash into it. In December 2009, Hexun.com officially signed a memorandum on strategic cooperation with Shanghai Stock Exchange as the designated core Internet medium. Since 2011, Hexun.com has witness rapid growth in user coverage and enjoyed a leading position in the rankings by third-party research institutes. According to Alexa’s data reports for September, October and November 2011, Hexun.com maintained the first place among domestic financial websites/channels by average monthly page view index. Furthermore, latest survey index from Chinalabs.com indicates that Hexun.com tops the list of financial Chinese websites. U7?3cz19IX47h
Hexun is a subsidiary organization of Lianban, the former China Securities Market Research and Design Center. Founded in March 1989, Lianban is the initiator and founder of China’s stock market as well as the parent company of SEEC Media Group Limited, a public company listed on Hong Kong Stock Market. Such background enables Hexun with unparalleled competitive edges on people network and resources. Lianban operates a number of magazines, including Caijing, caijing.com, Capital Week, Securities Market Weekly on Focus, V-Marketing China, New Real Estate, China Auto Build, Auto Car, PC magazine, CIO Insight, Sports Illustrated, Better Homes and Gardens, Voyage, Time Out Beijing, Time Out Shanghai, His Life, Grazia, Wine Review, The Week, Vision, and topoint.com.cn. G24Yg1:3kt2~7n
In the new millennium, Hexun accurately positions itself by focusing on the rising middle class in China. While it constantly improves financial information and financial management services including securities, funds, banking, foreign exchange, futures, gold and insurance, Hexun also caters to the ever increasing needs from mid- and high-end users on multi-layered financial management. The aim is to build the first value-added interactive platform with a combination of financial information service, investment instruments and financial data products. z5+3mS88IT8.,y