在国家“扩大教育对外开放、提升涉外办学水平、优化高校人才培养”的政策背景及学校十三五工作的规划指引下,国际教育学院于2016年成立。为配合学校整体国际化办学的多态性发展需求,2019年5月更名为国际学院,重新起航。围绕星海音乐学院的总体办学定位与人才培养总目标,国际学院以促进本校师生及管理人员的国际交流为宗旨,积极开拓与世界顶级音乐院校和文化机构的合作渠道,共同探索高端国际音乐人才的培养规律与模式,为进一步提升学校的国际化办学水平,努力打造“星海国际+”的特色国际教育平台。国际学院依托学校办学优势,合理利用与中国(教育部)留学服务中心的战略合作关系平台,专注于中外合作办学、出国留学培训、国际音乐课程研发,以及专业技能语言培训等领域的工作。 g3;3Ue3-5Tx8=,z
The School of International Education of Xinghai Conservatory of Music (XHCM) was established in 2016 and was renamed the International College in May 2019. Since its new inauguration, the International College has devoted its duties into scaffolding a world-class music education platform for both staff and students at XHCM, whilst developing a distinctive collegiate structure for international music education. The International College is aiming to develop long-term collaborative relationships with world-class music conservatories, universities and arts organizations. It currently offers a 3+2 Joint Program with San Francisco Conservatory of Music and a 2+2 Overseas Studies Training Program. The International College is dedicated to creating a congenial and harmonious environment for both international exchange and collaboration within the field of music education, whilst fostering a rich variety of college culture. We are looking forward to welcoming you to join us. K2:2SV8~8Xf2;4t