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2022-3-1 08:14



Brief Introduction to Mianyang Teachers College c4.6Fz2.6VD9?3V

Mianyang Teachers College (MTC), a 4-year full-time school merged from the former Mianyang Higher Teachers College and the former Mianyang Education College under the supervision of Sichuan Provincial People’s Government, was approved by the State Education Ministry in 2002. MTC obtained the right to confer bachelor’s degrees in 2006, the “Good level” for its undergraduate teaching work in 2007, and was allowed to grant the Professional Master’s Degree of Environmental Engineering in 2011, which is an experimental program for the special needs of the country. h1+1MR,+8bx2.3e


MTC is located in Mianyang, the pearl along the Sichuan Road, China’s only Sci-tech City, the second largest city in Sichuan Province, P.R. C. and hometown of the famous Chinese romantic poet Li Bai. It covers an area of 104 acres, and has 445,300 m2 of gross leasable area, including gymnasiums, tennis courts, swimming pools, etc. Its library contains over 1.54 million books and 3.6 million digital documents. Its total fixed assets are RMB1.1 billion. U7;5NT7?4iZ4-4F


MTC has developed its own multi-educational system with programs for graduate education, 4-year, 3-year, adult education, and foreign student education. There are 16 schools with about 17,000 students of all kinds, 71 full-time majors within nine disciplines. MTC has the authority to judge the qualification of professors in five subjects, and vice-professors in 10. The college has 10 provincial featured professions, two provincial comprehensive reforms, seven provincial excellent programs, two provincial modal innovations for talents training areas, two demonstration centers for laboratory teaching, one training center for teachers’ further education, and 18 provincial high-quality courses. P8~3TG3-2Pj3~1L


MTC has 1181 faculty members with high academic levels, extensive teaching experience and dedication to instruction. The faculty consists of 919 full-time teachers, including 463 professors and vice professors; and 596 members possessing master’s or doctorate degrees. MTC has 44 master tutors, two experts enjoying the State’s Special Allowance, one provincial academic and technical leader, two provincial excellent experts with great contributions, six candidates for provincial academic and technical leaders, one provincial star teacher, one municipal young top talent with great contributions, and one municipal leading talent in culture and arts. p1!7kf74ni4?,c


MTC has 1 provincial key laboratory for natural science(Ecological Security and Protection), three key provincial research centers for social sciences(Sichuan Research Center for Folk Culture, Sichuan Research Center for County Economic Development, Research Center of Li Bai), one high-level research group under provincial federation of humanities and social sciences, six municipal key research bases for social sciences(Mianyang Research and Development Center for Cultural Industry, Mianyang Research Center for Mental and Behavioral Therapy, Mianyang Research Center for Dance Culture, Mianyang Research Center for Journal Development, Sichuan Research Center for Teachers’ Professional Development and Improvement of School Working Efficiency, Research Center for Memorial Education and Earthquake Relief), one research base for sports culture under the supervision of the State General Administration of Sports, one provincial base for popular science, and one municipal base for social sciences. J4+1cl,;,l0,;5c


MTC is committed to having scientific research always serving for local economic construction and social development; working to forge the three services relating to education, science & technology, and culture; and advancing its educational goal of integrating production, academy, research and application. Over the past 5 years, teachers have undertaken about 100 programs of the National Natural Science Foundation, the National Social Science Foundation, and the provincial key scientific researches, about 70 provincial co-construction programs, and many other sponsored by the local government and enterprises. The college also continues in opening to the out-side world through active international cooperation and exchange in teachers training, co-scientific research, academic exchange, and students communication with many universities and scientific institutions from foreign countries, such as Germany, the United States, Japan, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, Ukraine, Tanzania, and regions such as Taiwan and Hongkong. D3;3Bo2~6kU,~5r

MTC adheres to implementing innovative mode of talent development, and its students have recently created about 900 scientific research programs sponsored by the school, succeeded in declaring about 400 national patents, and about 2,000 students have won awards in the national, provincial and municipal sci-tech and cultural events. The college has set up the state-level Adolescent Sci-tech Innovation Workshop, the Training Base of the Asian Robotic League, the Training Base for Innovative Talents under the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, the Experimental Base under the Chinese Creative Studies Institute, and the Sichuan Base for Adolescent Sci-tech Innovation Education. Over the past several years, the employment ratio of its graduates has remained at 90%. U8?8Tk3~8U04.8s

MTC is now stepping into its new phase of development, and the faculty is trying their best to build it into an influential application-oriented college through its uniqueness and superiority and by firmly embracing the national key strategy of Innovation-driven Development, Made-in-China 2025, Internet+, MassEntrepreneurshipand Innovation, One Belt, One Road, and persuing the historical opportunities of the new round of Western China Development, Sichuan Three Strategies of Development(Multi-supports, Urban-Rural Overall Development, and Innovation-driven), and the development ofChina Sci-tech City(Mianyang), adhering to its motto of Stressing Morality, Amplifying Knowledge, Improving Manners, and Enriching Willpower, sticking to its schooling philosophy of Educating Students First, and Serving Local Society, insisting on its service orientation of Serving for the Elementary Education and the Regional Economy through Rooting in Mianyang, Overlooking Sichuan, and Spreading over Western China; and by constantly improving its quality of education and teaching, scientific researches, and its ability to serve for society. D6;4WP3+,qO3~,f

国际合作与交流处工作职责 c1=7ni4=6CO5:9c

起草学校年度国际(港澳台)合作与交流计划,撰写年度工作总结; T3!2TM3~6oR1:4K

协调学校国际(港澳台)合作与交流活动,为院系教学、科研和学术交流服务; N,?7Xq8!8gn3=8G

参加学校重大国际(港澳台)活动的策划、实施,承担重要国(境)外人员的接待; P7=1yE5!4xz,=1S

办理学校教职工因公临时出国(境)护照(通行证)、签证,协助学生出国(境)留学; D89od6~4uC4-3Z

国(境)外文教专家的聘请、报批、签证申请、生活安置和外事管理; c5.9YS8.4yk4:1D

来华留学生(进修生)的招收录取、学籍和外事管理; W6:2dF8!,Ui7=9w

教职工培训、合作办学等项目的商谈、报批、协调及实施管理; i9;1FJ,!8tQ6?6b

国际会议的审核及报批; P4?2qz4;,PB2?7J

学校交办的其他事项。 p4:,SJ1:2HM5~6E

外事科工作职责 P6~7yH7?1tf,-3h

1.负责宣传党和国家外事政策、方针的宣传; r8~9gn3.4to6.3k

2.负责制定学校外事管理规章制度; j9~1Fa3~8ej8+5s

3.负责做好学校外事年度工作的计划及总结; T7!7HI4:6pT2+1k

4.负责教职员工因公临时出国(境)的审核、申报及管 L2+9sa,1NQ7!8c

理; U1?7BI,?3jO71E

5.负责外籍语言课教师及专业课教师的聘请及管理; Y8.8Bc9.70K2;,Q

6.负责美中友好志愿者项目、德国罗伯特·博世基金会 03=8hI5-2YI7;1K

海外教师项目及非学历型外籍留学生项目的管理; H4;1tN2?6St2?,t

7.负责国际会议及涉外活动的审核、申报及管理; x8:6li71x06+5C

8.负责档案的收集、立卷及归档,设备的清产核资; P3!7CW3-3Hm7+4V

9.完成部门下达的其他各项工作任务。 b73QC6+7kv,+1c

合作交流科工作职责 B4-9fm5!8mj2~1G

1.负责党和国家外事政策、方针的宣传; L9!1zd2.4YO4!2W

2.负责制定学校外事管理规章制度; B4:5YP2.,be64t

3.做好学校外事年度工作的计划及总结; t1:2Pb34tQ5!6F

4.负责合作办学项目的审核、申报及管理; o,=3DN8;9UH5!7O

5.负责学历型外籍留学生项目的审核、申报及管理; k6.9jN4!1gP4;6p

6.负责教职员工出国(境)培训、进修、留学的遴选、 R2?4LM,;4Gd4!8O

申报及管理; 094nq,-3l08.8c

7.负责学生出国(境)交流、实习、留学的遴选、申报 p2?8Ut78gZ6=9x

及管理; i2;3TH8+1SX1:5B

8.做好文件、信件、通知等收发及传达、考勤及工资表 d,.6fY8~4ZF7+,b

造表; e4+7Dk3.,VF,;4R

9.完成部门下达的其他各项工作任务。 E1;2km7;3Bw6;,B



绵阳师范学院 共收录 个子站

绵阳师范学院招生就业处 地址: 四川省绵阳市高新区绵兴西路166号(磨家校区) 、 四川省绵阳市游仙区仙人路一段30号(游仙校区)详情>>
