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2015-6-1 15:04
2021-7-14 07:51



德州新闻网筹建于2005年9月,2006年4月投入运行。经过13年发展,德州新闻网现拥有新闻、健康、教育、视频、金融、旅游等20多个专业频道,拥有网络问政、网络春晚等多个品牌栏目,推出微信、微博等网友互动平台,是德州市唯一一家拥有新闻资质的综合性门户网站。德州新闻网提供技术支撑的德州24小时手机客户端更是成为德州日报的有力延伸。 c8.8Vj4.1sO9-1s

德州新闻网日点浏览量现已增长到100万PV左右,覆盖全国30多个省市自治区,是了解德州的重要网络窗口。其中德州本地及周边地区浏览人群已达70%以上。依托德州日报社丰富的新闻资源,德州新闻网每日上传德州日报、德州晚报本地新闻,制作发布数字报。将报纸做到有效的延伸,同时达成报网受众的转换,进一步增强了新闻网的点击率及黏性。目前,不仅德州政府网、德州宣传网等本地十几家网站转载德州新闻网的本地新闻,而且省级的大众网、山东新闻网以及国家级新华网、人民网等全国性重点新闻网站也通过德州新闻网获取转载德州当地新闻。 C27fW5.7hK1:6u

近年来,德州新闻网先后荣获“全国最受欢迎的党报党刊社网站”、“全国内容资源多元化经营示范网站”、“全国地方网站十大最具人气品牌”、“全国地方网站最受关注品牌”、“中国新媒体地方门户最具突出贡献奖”等多个荣誉奖项。由德州新闻网独立开发的德州24小时手机客户端,在第五届中国互联网品牌大奖评选中荣获“中国最具发展潜力市民生活手机应用客户端”称号。德州新闻网《网络问政》全媒体平台项目在2014年10月16日,首届中国报业新媒体发展大会上被评为“中国报业新媒体项目创新50强”。德州新闻网现已成长为德州市委市政府领导下的重要网络舆论阵地。 y2~90x7+1LC2~2j

Dezhou Daily Website (Dezhou Daily.com) was founded in September 2005, and put into operation in April 2006. After 13 years of development, Dezhou Daily Website has become the only comprehensive portal which held the qualification of news. Now, the website offers more than 20 specialized channels, including news, health, education, video, finance, tourism, etc, has network politics, Spring Festival Gala Network and many other brand columns, and launches interactive platform in wechat and microblog. Dezhou 24 Hour app, technologically supported by the website, extends the influence of Dezhou Daily. w9+6ab5?6KN7-7O

Dezhou Daily.com serves as an important network window into Dezhou, covering more than 30 provinces, cities and autonomous regions. The number of daily PV has increased to about 1 million, in which 70% readers in Dezhou and surrounding areas. Supported by the abundant news in Dezhou Daily, the website uploads local news in Dezhou daily and Dezhou Evening News every day, makes and publishes digital newspaper. In this way, the website extends the influence of newspaper, and reaches an conversion between newspaper readers and online fans, further enhancing the click rate and dependence degree of the website. At present, dozens of local websites, such as Dezhou Government network, Dezhou propaganda network, reprint local news of Dezhou Daily Website, as well as provincial websites, like public network, Shandong News network, and national websites, like Xinhua and People’s Daily Online. i9~1Id7;5wa9-1c

In recent years, Dezhou Daily Website has successively gained many reputations like China’s the most popular party paper website, national content diversification management model website, national popular local website, the most outstanding contribution award of China new media local portal. Dezhou 24 Hour app, developed independently by the Website, was awarded the title of China's most promising citizen app at the 5th China’s Internet Brand Awards. Network politics, the omnimedia platform project, was awarded as Top 50 new media projects in Chinese newspaper at the First China Press New Media Development Conference on October 16, 2014. With the guidance of municipal committee and municipal government, Dezhou Daily Website has grown into the important network public opinion position. K5!7xs4?4WV8;7C



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