"A different language is a different vision of life" V9!,ZH9:5Mf2.1t
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CFLC, as a part of the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences (DHSS), is currently offering courses in six foreign languages: French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish. In addition, we offer culture classes about the countries where these languages are spoken. h7:,xq,=6We4!4e
Besides their major programs, students get an opportunity to explore foreign languages and cultures within the General Education Programme of UIC. Acquiring a second foreign language forms not only an important part of Liberal Arts education, but also helps in international career development and enriches traveling experiences in a globalized world. It opens the doors to other cultures' richness and to the hearts of their people... t5!,Bs2=3uM,~4P
Lecturers from around the world teach small-sized classes using the latest interactive teaching approaches. All languages are taught at different levels that meet international standards and build up a solid foundation which enables our students to either continue learning independently or to continue studying abroad. z9!7AY,:,uP,+,x
However, the learning experience does not come to an end at the end of the lesson! Extracurricular activities like film clubs and celebrating international festivals are highly appreciated by students as well as teachers and contribute to our international College community. Summer classes, for example in Korea or France, help students to develop their language skills ... y3~,dX9+5ks5!8G
Come and join our language program! It will open up a window to a new world! Z,+9eC8?5HL5:1J