矿业工程学院始于1909年焦作路矿学堂的矿务学门,已有百年办学历史。1933年正式成立采矿冶金系,1952年将清华大学、北洋大学(天津大学)、唐山铁道学院等院校采矿系并入中国矿业学院采矿系。2000年撤系建院,成立能源科学与工程学院,2007年更名为矿业工程学院。 X3=5tL,+5wS7~10
学院现有专职教职工135名,其中两院院士3名(含外聘)、教授40名,省部级以上人才称号获得者40余名。设立采矿工程、交通运输和工业工程3个本科专业。目前,在校生规模为1913人,本科生1134人,硕士生644人,博士112人,留学生23人。办学至今先后为国家和社会输送万余名毕业生。 u,+5RP6+3Iu5=9P
学院拥有1个一级学科博士学位授权点、2个二级学科博士学位授权点、3个硕士学位授权点、3个专业学位授权点和矿业工程博士后科研流动站。建有“煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室”、“矿业工程国家级实验教学示范中心”和“采矿工程国家级虚拟仿真实验教学中心”等一批国家级教学和科研平台。矿业工程学科是国家“211工程”、“985工程优势学科创新平台”和“世界一流学科建设”的重点建设学科,在全国学科评估中名列第一,处于领先水平。 l54jD2.,XW1!,S
“十一五”以来,学院共承担国家级科研项目93项,省部级科研项目168项和近千项面向企业的技术研发和服务项目;获得国家级科技奖励12项、省部级科技奖励148项、授权专利410项。学院与国内能源矿业科研院所和大型煤炭基地企业始终保持着常态化的科技合作,与美、英、澳、加、俄等20余所国外高校和研究机构建立了稳定的学术交流和互访机制。 j69GZ8:2Lm4:4B
展望未来,学院将扬优固本,拓新发展,努力创建世界一流矿业学科。 c4.6LK8;4gY5~1n
The School of Mines has a history of over 100 years, stemming from the mining department of Jiaozuo School of Railroad and Mines founded in 1909. A national readjustment of higher learning institutions in 1952 merged the mining engineering departments of Tsinghua University and the now-defunct Beiyang and Tangshan Railroad Universities into China Institute of Mining and Technology (CIMT, former CUMT). Thus,Our Department has rapidly evolved into a mining-oriented educational pattern and set her dominant status in the mining field. In 2000, she was upgraded as School of Energy Science and Engineering and was renamed School of Mines in 2007. i8!4Bu,~7mu,;4d
The School of Mines now has 135 full-time faculty and staff, including 3 academicians, 2 of whom are from other research institutes and colleges, 40 professors and over 40 talents with honored titles at or above provincial level. There are three undergraduate programs, namely mining engineering, transportation and industrial engineering. Currently, the total number of students in the school is 1913, including 1134 undergraduates, 644 postgraduates, 112 doctoral students and 23 overseas students. During the past 108 years, she has cultivated more than 10,000 graduates, most of whom have grown into the backbone of the construction and industry development of our country. t9?8ny3+,RW2~9q
The School of Mines has 1 first-level discipline doctoral program, 2 second-level discipline doctoral programs, 3 master programs, 3 professional degree programs and 1 mining engineering postdoctoral program. A number of high-level national teaching platforms and research bases have been established, such as State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources & Safe Mining, National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Mining Engineering and National Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Center of Mining Engineering. Focusing on mining engineering, the mining engineering discipline is one of the key disciplines listed in the national “211 Project”, “985 Innovation Platform for Advantageous Disciplines”, and national “First-class Discipline Project”. In the consecutive discipline evaluation conducted by Ministry of Education, the disciplines ranked the first. C9=3Nn5.9lK11w
Since the 11th Five-year Plan, the School of Mines has undertaken 93 national research projects, 168 research projects at provincial and ministerial level. The School has achieved 12 national science and technology awards, 148 science and technology awards at provincial and ministerial level and 410 authorized patents. The School has kept stable scientific and technological cooperation with domestic energy and mining research institutes and large coal enterprises. The School also establishes stable academic exchange and visit mechanism and has established a strong bond with over 20 universities and research institutes. Y,-3RK2;7Uv,8e
In the foreseeable future, the School of Mines will forge ahead, with a strong commitment to developing a world-top mining discipline. n,~3ix15vr3-8r