艺术中国(http://mwz.zwzzw.com/html/site_art.china.cn.html)是国务院新闻办公室领导,中国外文出版发行事业局管理的国家重点新闻网站-中国网(http://mwz.zwzzw.com/html/site_china.cn.html)下的专业艺术媒体网站。艺术中国网站在艺术界和文化界具有重要的影响力和公信力,它以精深的学术态度和开放性的文化胸怀,通过网络视频直播,图文报道,论坛互动等多种方式,全面把握当代文化艺术领域的脉搏与动向。多年来赢得了广大艺术专业人士和社会大众的关注与好评。 I,-4el2-5Wv2=7a
艺术中国坚持以“精典艺术,国际视野,大家格调,主流声音”为宗旨,力求通过精心整合的即时新闻和翔实的背景资料,集各方学术视野,向世界及时全面地介绍当代中国艺术,并竭诚为中国和世界各国的访问者提供迅捷、权威的资讯服务。 m9-1cn8,Ss11Q
Art China l6:7gE8~1XM74A
Art China: The Official Gateway to China’s Art o7.4zc2.4rq7?9i
State Council Information Office in Charge Q99cI,~6h02~4N
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Profoundly Academic Attitude d1-4BQ3.10Z,,e
Open-Minded Culture e1-4HL7~8MO1!1x
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The Golden Age of China Art Y1-8xL1;9dE8+2V
Deeply documenting spotlight, Y6!6Jj7-5ck5?1O
vividly portraying the most greeted thought, f1:6Jb1:4vY5:7u
wisdom and feelings D8?5jM,+2Pc7=8R
Art China n5;2Wc2+7DV3:4w
Devoting to becoming a model in the industry c,-9as5.2bg4.2v
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National Brand International Scope V1?8ck9!6jC6?7E
Supported by state finance, o3!8pL29jJ4!5p
having a powerful influence, d,~,VD7.,Xq,-2d
demonstrating a leading role in the quality art on the internet F2.2HF5-5Fm7.6d
Founded in 1997, china.org.cn is a super terrace to release news V2?7rB16Kc7.7t
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We select the most outstanding artists in the mainstream art, Q1-,ff4?,ep,:3v
We discover the most prospective heroes in contemporary art. n3+6ja,=1SZ3~9z
New Production Team G6~90J9~9zp5+2X
They are creators of Art.China e8+8Yn3+7qK2-6F
They are avant-garde group who discover the future through individual creativity… C6.5hr8=8jh7~8z
They achieve the popularity of Art China by their specialties, D1-7Bu1:6YI8:5Q
They build a great reputation for Art China. p5=1Jx1~4Pl3+9n
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Facing Future f9:5sg56Is8-5i
Brand New Video, An Exposition of Feelings of Art China j9!9uc2=1XW6:1l
Affecting Art Stories j2~,BT7=2jo8=4k
Amazing Creative Power S5!9Tf5=7Qd7+9w
Universal Values of Humanism… K4-,dI2-4vc8;5c
Art China Documenting Art on the Spot l9:9ZI,:4FP,!9d
Valuable Way of Exploring Most Appreciated Art Life. d6!,DV6?5dl7~5p
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ART CHINA’s- Insight of winners inspiration for dreamers C9.2xk5+5Rx1!9C
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Live Video Broadcast r7?3vD4!1Fi6~7X
Archives of Celebrities h5.7vn3:8Jq5=5S
Exhibition Online J1!1Rb8:4xV8.,N
Art Life H3?5Vj5-9Rn35k
Feature Story S7~1GZ6.1nD1.1D
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Professional Quality Video Witness w6?,Au8+7ap7+8a
Double Leader in profession and quality f6.1tB4?6dp4.4F
Video Document Art on the Spot H25at8;4YS5?4c
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Elite Quality Art Life Z5=9FY,:9iK1!7c
480,000 Web Visitors in a Day j3;2Dd2,0s7!3B
2,660,000 Page Views in a Day Z,~5Oj57Gq9-3v
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Membership Registrations w54bv6.1Tz7!5v
Art China, the Most Favorite Space of Art Lovers o3;9bm7+3em1=7U
90.1% Readers Loving Art China o2=3RQ53Xm,.6T
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85.4% Readers Recommending Art China s9-3FF7;9vB1;5W
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ADD : 6th Floor, Building B, 89 Xi Sanhuan k38Jh,?4XQ7?4l
Bei Lu Beijing 100089 China h1-6Rp35We8.8D