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艺术学院目前设有服装设计、环境艺术设计、影视动画、航空服务四个专业,其中服装设计专业为国家重点专业。Arts School (AS) currently owns three programs: Fashion Design, Environment Arts Design, Movie Animation and Air Service, among which Fashion Design was financially supported by the local government.
2021-7-16 17:53
2021-10-13 08:05



艺术学院目前设有服装设计、环境艺术设计、影视动画、航空服务四个专业,其中服装设计专业为国家重点专业。 N,?5eD8;8YS5-8D

艺术学院有一支年轻的、朝气蓬勃的师资队伍,现有专任教师44人,其中教授2人,副教授5人,讲师20人,另聘有行业企业兼职教师40人,著名雕塑家徐立忠教授、摄影家任锡海教授在学院建立工作室,指导专业与课程建设。学院拥有山东省服装行业首席技师1人、中国动漫游戏专业骨干教师4人、中国青年十佳时装设计师1人、山东省十佳时装设技师1人、山东省服装行业技术能手1人、青岛市技能先锋1人、青岛市行业技术能手2人、青岛市十佳时装设计师2人;2011年学院教师主持国家级子课题1项、省级课题3项、市级课题1项;拥有省级精品课程1门,具有较强的科研水平和专业应用能力。 F1?8gc7-2EU9;,x

艺术学院认真贯彻学院“实境耦合”的人才培养模式,十分重视与行业、企业的合作。学院现为中国文化产业促进会动漫游戏文化委员会、山东省服装行业协会、青岛市服装行业协会、青岛市动漫创意产业协会、青岛市室内装饰行业协会会员单位,青岛市开发区建材商会副会长单位。先后与华强文化科技集团、青岛绮丽集团、空港善瑞(北京)航空技术服务有限公司等20余家知名企业签订校企合作协议,企业在学院设立“鸿涛网络”奖学金,校企共建“华强动漫校企联合培养班”。学院与韩国、日本、土耳其等高校建立友好合作关系,开展对外交流活动。 b4:2YQ1~1nZ9=9C

艺术学院获得文化部中国文化产业促进会颁发的“中国动漫游戏人才培养十佳高职院校”、“中国动漫游戏专业十佳院系教学贡献奖”、“2010年中国动漫游戏专业十佳教学创新奖”、“中国动漫游戏人才培养特色院校”等荣誉称号。学院师生历年来多次在全国、省、市技能大赛中获奖。 g3~,oO7!9gA8!9l

Arts School (AS) currently owns three programs: Fashion Design, Environment Arts Design, Movie Animation and Air Service, among which Fashion Design was financially supported by the local government. C1+7nN,?1fW2?8b

Characterized by its high level of scientific research, abundant teaching experiences and practice-oriented program design, AS has 44 full-time teaching faculties, including 2 professors, 5 associate professors, 20 lecturers and another 40 part-time teachers from enterprises. The famous sculptor Professor Xu Lizhong and photographer Professor Ren Xihai both set up studio, taking this as an opportunity to uphold the academic research. As also have 1 Shandong Province Apparel Industry Chief Technician Artificers, 4 China Core Teachers of Animation, 1 Top Ten China Youth Fashion Designers, 1 Top Ten Fashion Designers of Shandong Province, 1 Apparel Industry Experts of Shandong Province, 1 Professional Skills Elites of Qingdao, 2 Vocational Skills Experts of Qingdao and 2 Top Ten Fashion Designers of Qingdao. p4-9Pt1+4md7~7k

AS carries out the college's Education Pattern of Real World Interaction and attaches importance to cooperate with industries and enterprises. AS are the members of CACG, SDFU, QDFU, QACA, QDJJZS, QDDA and respectively signed cooperative agreements with more than 20 companies such as Shenzhen FANTAWILD HOLDINGS INC., CHERRY GROUP CO., LTD. AS established “Hong Tao Net” Scholarship and built “ United Class” with FANTAWILD to train the personnel adapting to the requirements of firms. AS has built up a friendly cooperative relationship with some international universities locate in the Republic of Korea, Japan, and Turkey. B2.1tp9+3Xa2.6w

AS achieved CCPA “Top Ten China Animation Personnel Training Higher Vocational colleges”, “Top Ten China Animation Education Contribution Faculties”, “2010 Top Ten China Animation Innovative Education Program”, “Distinctive China Animation Personnel Training Colleges” etc. In the recent years, the teachers and students have also won a series of honors and awards of provincial and national levels. g4.5Jm6=2JQ6.6P



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