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2020-9-14 07:54
2020-12-11 22:07



暨南大学中医学院于2016年9月正式成立,前身是医学院中医学系,集教学、科研、医疗为一体,学科有中医学、中西医结合。现有教职员工68人,其中专任教师47人,专职科研人员9人。现有博士生导师9人,硕士生导师44人。共有在校学生601人,其中本科生378人,硕士研究生204人,博士研究生19人。博士后在站人数8人。 F8!9cD4:4zM3?90

拥有知名的中医学教育、科研、临床方面的专家,其中国家杰出青年基金获得者、教育部长江学者特聘教授1名,全国老中医药专家学术经验继承工作指导老师2名,教育部高等学校教学指导委员会委员2名,教育部“新世纪优秀人才”1名。广东省名中医2名,第四批全国中医临床优秀人才培养对象1名,珠江学者特聘教授1名,“南粤优秀教师”2名,广东省“千百十工程”省级培养对象3名,广东省杰出青年医学人才3名,全国中医临床特色技术传承骨干人才培训项目培养对象1名。 u1.3iU1?4uF,~6j

设有11个教研室:内经教研室、中医内科学教研室、中药方剂学教研室、针灸推拿学教研室、中医诊断学教研室、中医外科骨伤科学教研室、中医基础理论教研室、中医妇科学教研室、中医临床基础教研室、中医五官科学教研室、中医儿科学教研室。有中西医结合研究所、本科教学实验实训中心、中医针灸培训中心、中医方证研究中心、科学研究中心,3家直属附属医院,承担中医学的教学、科研、实习任务和向社会提供医疗服务。 R9-6dk3?6cY2.3X

拥有中西医结合博士学位授权一级学科点,中西医结合博士后科研流动站,中医学、中西医结合硕士学位授权一级学科点,中医硕士专业学位授权类别1种;中医学专业为国家级一流专业建设点,教育部“卓越医生”(中医)教育培养计划1项,省级特色中医学专业1个,国家中医药管理局重点学科2个;国家在线公开精品课程1门、国家虚拟仿真实验项目1项,省级高等学校教学团队2个,省级精品课程团队1个,省级虚拟仿真实验项目1个;已建成在线公开课程7门。 K5?2jH,-4qW6=2B

学院在抓好教学、科研、医疗和人才队伍建设的同时重视国际交流与合作,先后与德国、南非、新加坡、泰国、香港、澳门和台湾等国家和地区的相关机构建立了长期的学术交流与合作关系,派出部分教师出国进修或开展科研合作,并接纳大批国内外和港澳台地区的专家、学者前来访问、讲学。 Q8?4cO8+3nP8?6N

在国家“双一流”大学建设和广东省高水平大学建设的方针指导下,中医学院获得了快速发展的机遇,适时制订了学院“十四五”发展规划,明确了总体发展目标,进一步凝炼学科研究方向,强化特色,坚持方向引才、团队引才、引培结合,抓好学科建设工作,凝心聚力,为暨南大学及中医药事业的发展做出更大的贡献。 b9-3UB9;5E01?6d


Introduction of school of Traditional Chinese Medicine r8!2dK2?1ZA,?,t

Found in September 2016, school of traditional Chinese medicine(STCM) is based on the department of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Jinan University. There is a professoriate staff of 68 persons Currently, there are 9 doctor tutors and 44 postgraduate tutors in our school. For the purposes of nurturing high-quality Chinese medicine professionals and promoting the modernization of Chinese medicine, school are cultivating 378 full-time undergraduates,204 postgraduates (both scientific degree and professional degree) and 19 doctoral students. n7=,kG8!1qE9~2x

STCM has access to their teaching resources, which include Institute of prescriptions and syndromes, Institute of integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine,Training Center of Acupuncture&Moxibustion, Scientific research center as well as Undergraduate experimental training center. We offer a full-time doctor of integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine degree program, a master of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) and Integrated Medicine degree program as well as a post-doctor of Integrated Medicine research program. There are 2 key disciplines granted by State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and 1 Undergraduate experimental training center. Our teaching staff with extensive teaching experience in both Traditional Chinese Medicine and western medicine are dedicated to equip our students with solid knowledge and clinical skills. Namely, our school principal, professor Chen Jiaxu is the Distinguished Professor of Changjiang Scholar and obtainer of National Outstanding Youth Funds. Professor Shen Yingsen is one of the national Chinese medicine experts academic experience inherit old work guiding teacher. There are also 2 Guangdong famous experts in TCM, 3 awarders of “Thousand-Hundred-Ten Talents Project” in Guangdong Province, 1 awarder of “Ten top outstanding teachers” in Jinan University. In addition to nurturing future Chinese Medicine professionals, our school is also committed to developing a provincial teaching team, a provincial course Team, a provincial specific major and “excellent Chinese doctor training program” in educational department. We develop a Massive Open Online Course for public promotion of TCM. And our TCM bachelor major has been committed by the National Education Ministry in 2015. So far, STCM has fostered more than 3000 professional TCM talents. Of those, there are more than 2000 who are from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and oversea Chinese regions. F3+1Bw2+5ou6+,W

Adhering to the spirit of international learning, our school, on one hand, pays much attention in the establishment of teaching, research, clinics and training programs, on the other hand strengthens the academic exchange and cooperation with many associations from foreign countries and regions, such as Germany, America, South Africa, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Not only do we assign part of teachers to go aboard for further education or scientific cooperation, but also introduce numbers of famous foreign experts and scholars for visiting and lecturing. Moreover, over 1500 talents were attracted to accept the Acupuncture&Moxibustion training f2!7LM8;1bR62e

Under the guideline of construction of national double first-class university and provincial high-level university programs, our school has seized the great challenge to develop ourselves. With the aim of facilitating the development of research in Chinese medicine and promoting modernization and scientific characteristic of Chinese medicine, we have formulated a 14th five-year plan and consolidated the strategy of talents rejuvenation. In addition, we insist on the strategy of talents’ training and reinforce the discipline construction. Together, all these expansions contribute to build a stronger TCM foundation of education, training and research. f4=8Ly2~4In5-3Q

更新于:2017-12-27 u,+5KW4+9lF4;1F



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