江西师范大学政法学院缘起于1940年国立中正大学文法学院,著名社会学家雷洁琼教授、著名刑法学家蔡枢衡教授是办学先驱,学院学术底蕴深厚。院系调整后的江西师范学院1959年设立政教系,1993年更名政法系,1998年更名为政法学院。2004年12月,政法学院和政治与行政管理学院(马列部与思政部)合并组建新政法学院,2015年9月,政法学院分设为马克思主义学院和政法学院。 x3:6Ft8;2rH9~8j
政法学院形成了较为完整的人才培养体系,现设有法律系、社会学系、公共管理系三个系和法律硕士、公共管理硕士、社会工作硕士三个教育中心。有法学、行政管理、劳动与社会保障、社会工作、哲学五个本科专业。法学专业是国家级一流本科专业、江西省首批卓越法律人才培养基地、江西省高校特色专业、江西省品牌专业。行政管理和社会工作专业是学校一流本科建设专业。学院现有法学和公共管理两个一级学科硕士学位授权点,法学一级硕士点下设宪法学、法理学、刑法学、民商法学、经济法学、国际法学、诉讼法学、法制史等8个二级硕士点;公共管理一级硕士点下设行政管理、劳动与社会保障2个二级硕士点;有法律硕士(J.M)、公共管理硕士(MPA)和社会工作硕士(MSW)三个专业学位硕士点。学院为国家和社会培养了大量优秀毕业生,他们成为了党政机关、司法机关、高等院校、律师行业的领导和骨干。目前学院在读研究生500余人、本科生1200余人。 c6=7Ud2=9mi,:3C
学院师资力量雄厚,拥有一支结构合理、德才兼备的双师型师资队伍。现有在编教职工75人,专任教师65人,其中高级职称38人,具有博士学位教师41人。教师中有担任过教育部法学类专业教学指导委员会委员1人、江西省新世纪百千万人才工程第一二层次1人、江西省高等学校中青年学科带头人6人、江西省高等学校中青年骨干教师5人、江西十大法治人物1人、江西省人大常委会立法顾问3人、江西省委省政府法律顾问1人、江西省高级人民法院、江西省人民检察院专家咨询委员2人。近5年来,全院教师共主持国家级及省部级以上课题150余项;出版著作(教材)60余部;发表论文400余篇,获省部级以上科研奖项40余项,有多项研究报告获中央领导批示肯定。 Y8-3qK2.6wi9.7U
学院设立了法学研究中心、法治乡村研究中心暨法律明白人培训中心、乡村治理与发展研究中心、社会保障与管理研究中心、干部与人事考试研究中心、孙中山思想研究中心等校级研究机构,是江西省宪法学研究会会长单位。 s3?1rb7:3kw6~6p
学院还设有江西师大法律援助中心、江西洪宇社会工作服务社等社会服务机构。 U4.2wV6!3zY6.9b
学院党建与学生工作成绩突出。学院团委被团中央评为全国基层先进单位,本科生学生党支部被评为江西省先进基层党支部。学院学生在第十四届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛全国总决赛一等奖,在第四届中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛获得金奖等,在教育部举办的全国学宪法讲宪法比赛多次获奖。本科生学术论文入选2018年第二十四届世界哲学大会等。 b9.2rS9=3XD5;2b
学院以经济社会发展的需求为导向,以“厚德崇法,知行合一”为院训,形成了“分类培养、协同培养、平台培养”的人才培养特色。建立了课内实践教学、课外实践活动、校外专业实习三大实践教学模块。学院人才培养质量成绩显著,学生的考研录取率、法律职业资格考试通过率、公务员录取率均在全省高校名列前茅。学院已成为江西省乃至中部地区法律、行政管理和社会工作人才培养的重要基地。 j4=2xj230M,;4c
(2020.4.20) c5+6ld7.,ry5:1s
Tracing back to the Academy of Political Science and Law of JiangXi Normal University, it stems from the School of Humanity and Law of National Chung Cheng University. The pioneers and forerunners of our academy are the distinguished professors Leijieqiong and Caishuheng. In 1959, the Department of Political Education was included in our university after the implementation of adjustment pertaining to department in our country. And in 1962 it suspended because of the policy. Then in 1978, the university renewed the Department of Political Education and in 1999 and meanwhile Department of Political Education was renamed Academy of Political Science and Law. December 2004, our university combined political law and management into a new whole entity named new Academy of Political Science and Law which are different from the previous one. October 2015 Academy of Political Science and Law was divided into two academies, one is Academy of Political Science and Law and the other is Academy of Marxism. There are 61 teachers in total, some of who are full-time teachers, 27 getting the title of a senior professional post and 29 achieving doctorate. Our academy consists of three undergraduate majors, which are respectively law, social work as well as management. And there are 1000 undergraduates in aggregate. Moreover, when it comes to the master, our academy has two masters of academy and three masters of profession. The major of Law Theory and Constitutional Law and Administrative Law belongs to the master of academy while the major of law, management and social work are the part of professional degree. The total number of graduates are about 420 students here. There are plenty of research agencies in our academy, such as the Institute of Law, the Center of Social Security and Management as well as the Center of Rural Governance and Development. Besides, we also have some social service agencies supporting the study and research of our students, they are SiDa law office, legal assistance service, HongYu social service as well as the Department of Continuing Education. e7=1Ck3;1Uu1+4r
There are 61 teachers in total, of which the full-time teachers are,53, and 27 getting the title of a senior professional post which accounts for 50.94%, 29 achieve doctorate that accounts for 54.71% while 15 achieve master which accounts 30%. In our academy, there is one teacher who is the member of Law Teaching Instruction Committee, two teachers are awarded the honor during project named The New Century Millions of Talents, two teachers belonging to the project named 555 Ganpo Talents, 6 teachers being the leaders of some certain academies and 5 teachers are granted the title of “backbone teacher”. The faculty in our academy reveal the features of high technical posts and education backgrounds and at the same time we can feel the vigor of the whole academy. Z4=2qT6+6Wi9?4x
When mentioning the academic sites of our academy, we have two majors altogether, Law Theory and Constitutional Law and Administrative Law. In these aspects, we have formed our own features and characteristics and meanwhile intrigued some broad influences in our country. As for the professional degree, we have three in the aggregate, they respectively are MPA, MSW as well as the master of law. In order to guarantee the cultivation quality of our students , our university organize three centers(master of law teaching center, MPA teaching center and MSW teaching center )to help our academy greatly cultivate our students. All of our master majors have their own distinguishing features in their own research territories. g9;8CT,!,kW9;4T
In the recent five years, teachers in our academy have held at least 100 projects, written 30 work books and 400 papers (including at least 256 core journals). In the aspect of prize, we have won the 33 prizes in the area of scientific research. (2 are national level and 31 are provincial level which consists of 9 first prize, 12 second prize and 10 third prize ). Moreover, we have 40000 books, 323 newspapers and 100 electronic books in our library. Our academy will also provide our students with many kinds of advanced management laboratories, social work laboratories, moot court, legal clinic, multi-function lecture hall and a batch of high-level practice basements in every province of China. O6:8ED2+7zO4.7c