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怀化学院音乐舞蹈学院创办于1973年,前身为黔阳师范专科学校艺术科,地处黔阳县(今洪江市安江镇)清香坪,两年制专科;1977年4月,成立“湖南师范学院黔阳分院”,并着手在怀化营建新校舍,原两年制专科改为三年制专科;1980年前后,学校迁入怀化新址,于1983年更名为“怀化师范专科学校艺术科”;2002年3月,国家教育部确定学校升格为本科,改名为“怀化学院音乐系”,设四年制本科和三年制专科;2006年起,取消三年制专科;2013年1月,更名为“怀化学院音乐舞蹈系”。2015年6月,更名为“怀化学院音乐舞蹈学院”。 k2!3oo,?9JS1~7N

音乐舞蹈学院现有音乐学、舞蹈学两个本科专业,其中音乐学专业2019年被确立为湖南省“双一流”专业,在校学生800余人。师资队伍实力雄厚,学科梯队结构合理,现有专任教师52人,其中教授5人,副教授17人,博士研究生2人,在读博士11人,外籍客座教授2人,师资队伍在同类院校中处于优势地位。教学设备先进,拥有教学大楼(7319平方)、琴房262余间、舞蹈大楼一栋(4800平方)、钢琴243台,声乐、钢琴网络教学实训室(20间)、音乐MID制作室、录音棚、多功能数码钢琴室、声像分析室及演出厅等多种教学设施。学院充分利用省校级教学质量工程项目搭建了多样化教育教学平台,现拥有省级实践教学示范中心、海外名师项目等教学质量工程项目5项,校级10项。2010-2014连续5年承办湖南省“国培计划”中小学音乐学科骨干教师置换脱产研修和短期集中培训项目;2018年至今成功举办由文化和旅游部、教育部、人力资源和社会保障部主办的“中国非物质文化遗产传承人群研修研习培训计划”项目2期(侗戏培训班);省级社会科学优秀成果二等奖1项,校级学科培育点1个;教师申报并主持国家级社科基金项目1项,省部级社科基金项目31项;出版著作22部;在 CSSCI 核心期刊发表学术论文22篇。 K,?1mk92JR1=,n

在办学理念上,学院坚持夯实基础,强化实践,积极拓展知识外延,注重学生综合能力的培养。上世纪90年代以李石润、王志富为主的一届领导班子提出了“两台型”人才培养目标,融“舞台”与“讲台”为一体,注重学生表演能力和教学能力的培养,该项目荣获湖南省教改成果二等奖;2002年升本以来,以李强、周重喜为主的一届领导班子提出了“吹、拉、弹、唱、演、教、导、创”八字方针的人才培养目标,并形成了“走民族化音乐发展道路”的办学特色;2009年以杨贤忠、姜仁武为主的一届领导班子,在我校“一个中心、两个突破”发展战略思想的引导下,全面落实“知识、能力、素质”三位一体人才培养模式;2017年以杨贤忠为主的一届领导班子,结合学院“三风”(教风、学风、考风)建设,在培养学生艺术实践能力和创新能力等方面形成了自身的办学特色;2019年以姚三军、杨贤忠为主的一届领导班子,以学校建设成为区域性高水平应用型大学为目标,秉承以“双创”教育为核心,“以社会需求为导向,以能力培养为本位”的办学理念,依托大湘西丰富的民族民间音乐文化资源,以社会需求为导向,遵循以本土音乐教育为主、继承传统、学习民间、服务社会的办学宗旨,融教学、科研、创作和艺术实践为一体,形成了鲜明的地方性、民族性、应用性、创新性办学特色。 T7~8Be8:8NT2+2l

音乐舞蹈学院坚持走民族化的发展道路,在民族民间音乐研究与实践教学中成果丰硕,不断形成自身办学特色,为社会输送了一大批优秀艺术人才。如著名歌手陈思思、著名影视编导游建鸣、青年葫芦丝演奏家李志华等。在艺术实践方面,也取得了丰硕的成绩,如2004年根据侗族舞蹈创编的《咯锣打打》获第五届全国校园春节联欢晚会一等奖,并赴日本参加“知博会”的演出;2005年苗族多声部合唱《山寨素描》获全国大学生艺术展演专业组二等奖,湖南省一等奖;2006年侗族舞蹈《哆嘎哆吔》获湖南省“田汉创作大赛”一等奖;根据苗族多声部音乐改编的合唱《苗族歌鼟》、舞蹈《青春释放》2008年获全省大学生艺术展演一等奖;2010年原创舞蹈《醉芦笙》获第十届全国校园春晚----魅力校园金奖;2011年舞蹈《玛雅警示录》获湖南省第三届大学生艺术展演一等奖,全国三等奖;2012年获湖南省第七届普通高校音乐学(教师教育)本科专业学生基本功比赛团体总分一等奖等;2014年全国普通高校音乐教育专业本科生基本功展示中获团体三等奖,位居全国二本院校第一名;2015年在湖南省第三届普通高等院校音乐舞蹈本科专业学生技能比赛中我院学子喜获一等奖3名、二等奖3名;2015年我院荣获怀化学院教学成果奖2项;2016年在全省第九届普通高校音乐学本科专业学生基本功比赛我院荣获团体一等奖;2017年参加湖南省教育厅主办的湖南省第五届大学生艺术展演活动荣获了12个一等奖、5个二等奖、6个三等奖,学校被授予“优秀组织奖”;2017年舞蹈《侗缥捶歌》荣获湖南省第五届大学生艺术展演一等奖;2018年学院创编的舞蹈《侗韵》走进“星光大道”栏目;2018年在湖南省第十届普通高校音乐学本科专业学生基本功展示活动中荣获团体总分一等奖;2018年湖南省第六届本科院校音乐舞蹈专业学生独唱、独奏、独舞比赛获3金3银2铜;2018年姚三军获湖南省教师课堂竞赛三等奖;2019年在湖南省普通高等学校第五届师范生教学技能竞赛上我院荣获1个二等奖、1个三等奖;2019年姚三军、杨贤忠等四人获湖南省第十二届教学成果奖三等奖;2019年刘洁老师的“侗族大歌”课程入选教育部举办的“传承的力量”优秀文化展示活动,并由教育部体卫司网站展播、中国青年报报道。 X6=7vv5:3UX3-5g

Huaihua College of Music and dance was founded in 1973, formerly as the Art Department of Qianyang Teachers College, located in Qianyang County (now Hongjiang town) Qingxiangping, two-year college; in April 1977, established Hunan Normal University Qianyang Branch In 1980, the school moved to a new location in Huaihua. In 1983, the school was renamed the Vocational School Arts Division in Huaihua. In March 2002, the Ministry of Education decided that the school should be upgraded to an undergraduate course and renamed as the Music Department of Huaihua University, with four-year and three-year undergraduate courses; from 2006, the three-year course will be abolished; and in January 2013, the school will be renamed as the music and Dance Department of Huaihua College. In June 2015, the name was changed to the School of Music and dance. D2!3MR7?60c7?1b

The College of Music and dance has two undergraduate majors: musicology and dance, among which musicology was established as the first-class major in Hunan Province in 2019, with more than 800 students. There are 52 full-time teachers, of whom 5 are professors, 17 are associate professors, 2 are doctoral students, 11 are doctoral students, and 2 are foreign visiting professors The teaching staff is in an advantageous position in the same kind of colleges and universities. Advanced teaching equipment, with teaching building (7319 square) , more than 262 piano room, a dance building (4800 square) , piano 243 sets, vocal music, Piano Network Teaching Training Room (20) , music MID studio, Recording Studio, multi-function digital piano room, audio-visual analysis room and performance hall and other teaching facilities. The college has made full use of the provincial teaching quality project to set up a diversified teaching platform, and now has 5 teaching quality project projects such as provincial practical teaching demonstration center, overseas famous teacher project, and 10 teaching quality project projects at school level. In 2010-2014, the company has been undertaking the research and short-term concentrated training program for the key teachers of music in primary and middle schools in Hunan Province for five years From 2018 until now successfully held by the Ministry of Culture and tourism, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China sponsored by the Chinese intangible Cultural Heritage People Study and Training Program 2(Dong Opera Training Courses) ; Second Prize for outstanding achievements in social science at the provincial level, 1 school-level Discipline Training Point; 1 National Social Science Fund project submitted and presided over by teachers; 31 Social Science Fund projects at the provincial and ministerial levels; 22 publications; 22 academic papers published in CSSCI core journals. l4~9xS,=9yw9;2I

In the idea of running a school, the college persists in consolidating the foundation, strengthening the practice, actively expanding the extension of knowledge, and paying attention to the cultivation of students'comprehensive ability. In the 1990s, a leadership team led by Li Shirun and Wang Zhifu put forward the goal of cultivating two types of talents, integrating the stage and the platform, and paying attention to the cultivation of students'performance ability and teaching ability The project won the second prize for the achievements of Hunan Province's educational reform; since 2002, the first leading group, with Li Qiang and Zhou Zhongxi as its main members, proposed the goal of cultivating talents based on the eight-character policy of "blowing, pulling, playing, singing, performing, teaching, guiding and creating" In 2009, under the guidance of the strategic thought of "one center" and "two breakthroughs" in the development of national music, a leading group led by Yang Xianzhong and Jiang Renwu, the three-in-one talent cultivation model of knowledge, ability and quality will be fully implemented. In 2017, Yang Xianzhong will be the main member of the one-term leadership team, in combination with the building of the three styles of teaching, study and examination in the college In 2019, a leadership team led by Yao Sanjun and Yang Xianzhong set the goal of building the school into a regional high-level Applied University Adhering to the school-running philosophy of taking double-creation education as the core, taking social needs as the guide, taking ability cultivation as the standard, relying on the rich cultural resources of the ethnic folk music in western Hunan, and taking social needs as the guide, following the school-running principle of giving priority to local music education, inheriting tradition, learning from the people and serving the society, integrating teaching, Scientific Research, creation and artistic practice, it has formed distinctive characteristics of locality, nationality, application and innovation in running schools. e99Vi9-6yJ,=7X

The College of music and dance sticks to the development path of nationalization, and has achieved fruitful results in the research and practice teaching of the folk music. Such as the famous singer Sisi Chen, famous film and Television Guide Jianming, Young Hulusi Performer Li Zhihua and so on. In 2004, "Luo da Da da" , based on Dong people dance, won the first prize of the 5th National Campus CCTV New Year's Gala, and went to Japan to take part in the performance of "Luo da Da" In 2005, the Miao multi-part Chorus "Shanzhai sketch" won the second prize in the Professional Group of the National University Students Art Exhibition, the First Prize in Hunan Province; in 2006, the Dong people dance "do ga, do Ya, do Ya" won the first prize in the creative competition of Tian Han in Hunan Province; Based on the Miao Music, "Song of the Miao people" and "release of the youth" were awarded the first prize in the 2008 provincial university students' art show In 2010, the original dance "Lusheng drunk" won the 10th National Campus Spring Festival gala -- the Golden Prize of Campus Charm; in 2011, the dance "Maya Warning Record" won the first prize in the third university art show of Hunan Province, the third prize in the country; In 2012, he won the first prize in the group basic skills competition for undergraduate students majoring in Musicology (teacher education) in the 7th General University of Hunan Province. In 2014, he won the third prize in the group basic skills exhibition for undergraduate students majoring in music education in the National General University In 2015, our college students won 3 first prize and 3 second prize in the 3rd music and dance undergraduate skill competition of Hunan Province In 2015, our college won 2 teaching achievement awards of Huaihua College, and in 2016, our college won the first prize of the group in the 9th undergraduate competition of musicology In 2017, the 5th Hunan University Students'Art Exhibition sponsored by Hunan Education Department won 12 first-class, 5 second-class and 6 third-class prizes, and the school was awarded the Outstanding Organization Prize In 2017, the dance "Dong Piaoge" won the first prize in the 5th Hunan University Students' Art Exhibition; in 2018, the dance "Dong Yun" created by the college entered the program "Avenue of Stars" ; In 2018, he won the first prize of the group Total score in the 10th regular college music major students'basic skills exhibition In 2018,3 gold, 3 silver and 2 bronze medals were awarded to the 6th undergraduate college students of music and dance in Hunan Province. In 2018, Yao Sanjun won the 3rd prize in the Teacher Class Competition of Hunan Province In 2019, our college won a second prize and a third prize in the 5th teaching skills competition of normal college students in Hunan Province; in 2019, Yao Sanjun, Yang Xianzhong and others won the third prize in the twelve teaching achievement awards in Hunan Province; In 2019, Liu Jie's "big song of Dong people" course was selected by the Ministry of Education to showcase the strength of the cultural heritage, and was broadcast on the website of the sports and Health Department of the Ministry of Education and reported by the China Youth Daily. u7-4Ug,!6FR1:8E



怀化学院 共收录 个子站

计算机科学与工程学院创建于1999年,现有计算机科学与技术、网络工程、软件工程和数据科学与大数据技术四个本科专业,其中“计算机科学与技术”专业为国家级一流本科专业建设点、湖南省“十三五”综合改革专业,学校重点建设专业;“计算机科学与技术”、“网络工程” 为学校卓越工程师培养计划专业。详情>>
