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2020-12-3 20:27
2021-3-2 10:40



共青团怀化学院委员会是中国共产党领导的先进青年的群众组织,是怀化学院青年在实践中学习中国特色社会主义和共产主义的团体,是学校党的助手和后备军,是联系党和青年学生的桥梁和纽带。 B5!6CU1+8YS8?8w

怀化学院团委以马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观和习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚持不懈地用马克思主义中国化的最新成果武装全校团员青年,用中国特色社会主义共同理想凝聚力量。现辖18个院(部)团总支,设办公室、组织部、宣传部、素质拓展部、权益部、创业服务部等六个直属工作部门,并指导校学生会的工作。 Q3:6Hh6:4oA9+,q

怀化学院共青团坚持“在规范中求规格,在境界中求高度,在实干中求发展”的工作理念,认真履行团组织“组织青年、引导青年、服务青年、维护青少年合法权益”四项工作职能,紧紧围绕共青团“凝聚青年、服务大局、当好桥梁、从严治团”的工作格局,始终把握思想政治引领这一核心任务,实施高校共青团“思想引领、素质拓展、权益服务、组织提升”四大行动,竭诚服务广大青年学生成长成才、全面发展,培养有理想、有本领、有担当的新时代青年大学生。 p1:8Yk8;6ql7+8l

近年来,怀化学院各级团组织获得“全国五四红旗团委”、“湖南省五四红旗团委”、“怀化市五四红旗团委”等荣誉称号百余项。在基层团组织建设、青年思想政治教育、素质拓展、大学生创业就业、科技创新、志愿服务、学生社团建设、学生参与校园民主管理、校园文化建设等方面取得了显著成绩。得到了全校广大团员青年的积极认可和支持,也得到了学校党委和上级团组织的充分肯定。《“成长七彩路--大学生素质拓展训练营”特色育人项目的建设与实践》获得了教育部第二批高校思想政治工作精品项目立项,并在教育部工作简报刊发文章推介了我校在大学生思想政治教育工作中的做法与经验。《运用校园“五溪青年”博客群创新共青团工作》荣膺教育部思想政治工作司高校校园文化建设优秀奖,新媒体助力大学生思想政治教育、青年舆情信息工作新思路、大学生暑期“三下乡”社会实践等工作受到了媒体和社会各界的普遍关注。 R,?3fT,6OY1.1Q

展望未来,怀化学院共青团将按照“政治建团、思想立团、固本兴团、改革强团、从严治团”的原则和思路,围绕中心、服务大局,聚焦主责主业,全面从严治团,坚定不移推进共青团改革再出发。不断地内炼素质、外树形象,围绕学校育人中心工作,坚持立德树人,进行更有力的探索实践,争取更大的成绩,以回报各级领导和社会各界的支持。 T5-5NE4+1fN8.9o

The Communist Youth League Committee (CCYL) of Huaihua University is a mass organization of advanced youth under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. It is a group for the youth of Huaihua University to learn socialism with Chinese characteristics and communism in practice. It serves for the Communist Party by connecting students and the party. n2?5SJ6~3ly3.4A

Under the guidance of Marxism and Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping theory and “three represents” important thought, the concept of scientific development and Xi Jingping thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, the CCYL constantly instructs the members of CCYL in Huaihua University with the latest achievement in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and bring people together with common goal of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Now it has 18 schools under its jurisdiction and sets units in charge of general office , organization, publicity, quality development, rights and interests,entrepreneurship service, and guides student union as well. o9:1aU7.9Du9+1l

The Communist Youth League Committee (CCYL) of Huaihua University adhere to the working concepts of “seeking the specification in the standard, seeking the height in the realm, seeking the development in the practice”, earnestly implement the educators of four job functions “to organize, guide, serve and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of young people”, closely focus on the work pattern of the communist youth league, which is to “unite the youth, serve the overall situation, be a good bridge and govern the league strictly”, always grasp the ideological and political guidance of this central task, carried out four actions: ideological guidance, quality development, rights and interests service, and organizational improvement, sincerely service the broad masses of young students growth and comprehensive development of talent, to train young college students with ideals, abilities and responsibilities in the new era. Q2?1ou6-2Fn2-5A

In recent years, all levels of league organizations of Huaihua University have won more than 100 honorary titles, such as “National May 4th red flag youth league committee”, “May 4th red flag youth league committee of Hunan province” and “May 4th red flag youth league committee of Huaihua city”. Outstanding achievements have been made in the construction of grassroots league organizations, ideological and political education for youth, quality development, entrepreneurship and employment of college students, scientific and technological innovation, voluntary services, construction of student associations, students' participation in campus democratic management, and construction of campus culture. It has been positively recognized and supported by the youth league members of the whole school, and fully affirmed by the school party committee and superior league organizations. “The construction and practice of the characteristic education project of ‘growing colorful road -- training camp for college students' quality development" has been approved by the second batch of high-quality ideological and political work projects of colleges and universities by the ministry of education, and an article has been published in the work briefing of the ministry of education to promote the practice and experience of our school in the ideological and political education work of college students. “The use of the campus ‘Wuxi, the youth’ blog group of innovation of the communist youth league work”was won excellence award in college campus culture construction by the department of ideological and political work of the ministry of education. The work of new media help ideological and political education of college students, youth of new ideas of public opinion information work, and social practice of “three trip to the countryside” for college students in summer vacation have received widespread attion. L5~8Sj9.6dg9:1l

Looking into the future, The Communist Youth League Committee (CCYL) of Huaihua University will follow the principles and ideas of “building the political league, establishing the ideological league, strengthening the foundation, strengthening the reform and governing the league strictly", focus on the overall situation, serve the overall situation, focus on the primary responsibility and main business, comprehensively governing the league strictly, and unswervingly promote the reform of the communist youth league. Constantly refining the inner quality, foster character and civic virtues, around the school education center work, adhere to the moral education, more powerful exploration and practice, strive for greater results, in return for all levels of leadership and social support. G2.3nB3~9Br3+1d


1.根据上级团委和学校党委的工作部署和要求,研究拟定全校共青团工作计划并组织实施。 L5=1uc,=4vR7=9I

2.开展团员青年的思想引领工作,举办团校和青年马克思主义者培养工程,开展推优入党和团员发展、管理工作;抓好共青团干部和学生干部队伍建设。 p8~3cQ1!3um6-9n

3.组织开展团属宣传阵地建设和宣传教育工作,开展共青团的调查研究、理论探索工作。 U5!9Ch83DE,=,w

4.组织开展大学生科技创新、就业创业、素质拓展活动,组织参加相关竞赛活动。 y9:1Ib46en3?6U

5.组织开展积极向上的校园文化活动,营造浓厚的校园文化氛围。 S1~6JZ8.1It1-5A

6.指导团员青年开展社会实践和志愿服务活动。 l6?7WA7!1Ll,.6C

7.发挥团组织代表青年利益的作用,参与学校有关学生事务的民主管理,关心和维护团员青年正当权益,成为学校党政部门密切联系学生的桥梁、纽带。 J3-5va7:2NT1=10

8.指导学生会、学生社团等学生组织按照各自章程开展工作。 L3?,yf4?6YG8-4K

9.充分发挥教工团总支的作用,及时掌握青年教工团员的思想和诉求,维护青年教工权益,促进青年教工密切联系学生,实现教学相长、共同提高。 f,9IB6-1Yv9~2D

10.完成上级及学校交办的其它工作。 v5!,cO9+1dB3-9Y



怀化学院 共收录 个子站

计算机科学与工程学院创建于1999年,现有计算机科学与技术、网络工程、软件工程和数据科学与大数据技术四个本科专业,其中“计算机科学与技术”专业为国家级一流本科专业建设点、湖南省“十三五”综合改革专业,学校重点建设专业;“计算机科学与技术”、“网络工程” 为学校卓越工程师培养计划专业。详情>>
