湖北大学新闻传播学院现有新闻学、广告学、广播电视学、传播学、播音与主持艺术5个本科专业,拥有新闻传播学硕士学位一级学科授权点,包括新闻学、传播学2个二级学科。新闻传播学为湖北省重点学科。在籍全日制本科生1000多人,研究生近70人。 N,=5NC3!9hy6!9U
学院现拥有一支结构合理的教学科研队伍,教学质量优秀。具有副高级职称以上的教师17人,博士生导师1人,一半以上的教师具有博士学位。学院教学实验设施齐全,拥有湖北省级实验教学示范中心、省人民政府授牌的省级高校学生实习实训基地。 C6?9ZA5~9xz1-2S
学生在全国各类竞赛中屡获佳绩,专业能力强、综合素质高、适应面广。毕业生在新闻传媒、党政机关、企事业单位从事新闻宣传工作,就业率始终稳定在90%以上。 h9;6Oz1;7ch3~4O
School of Journalism and Communication, Hubei University k,,kI2~3JO3~1K
School of Journalism and Communication, Hubei University offers five undergraduate programmes, including journalism, advertising, radio and TV directing,broadcasting and hosting arts, and communication to more than 1000 undergraduate students. Two Masters programmes in journalism and communication are offered to 70 postgraduate students. Journalism and communication is a provincial key discipline. d47Fu8!9Va8-7N
Our school has a reasonable structure of teaching and research team. A team of 17 professors, 1 doctoral supervisor, more than half of teachers have doctoral degree, as well as a high ratio of excellent teaching fellows to undergraduates makes every effort to support students in their academic work, and their experience of living and enjoying themselves at university. Laboratories are well equipped with high standard facilities. Hubei provincial experimental teaching demonstration center and provincial college student internship training base provide students with various choices to enhance their practical skills. w6=,pN1-,PO7,o
Our Students can adapt themselves to various tasks because of their outstanding professional skills and charming personality. They have won a good reputation in the press, government agencies, and journalism branch of many institutes and corporations. Student employment rate is more than 90%. k54rO7;8Bk8:4r