上海交通大学维尔切克量子中心(Wilczek Quantum Center)简介
威尔切克量子中心(WQC)最初于2014年在杭州成立,于2017年夏天迁至上海交通大学,成为一个新的理论物理中心。该中心是物理与天文学院的一个单位,与李宗道研究所(TDLI)有着密切的联系。目前,WQC有10名教职员工,包括首席科学家(Frank Wilczek)、2名正教授、3名副教授和4名外籍兼职教授。WQC的研究领域被广泛规划,包括量子物质理论、量子光学、量子信息、冷原子物理学以及统计物理学和与量子相关的生物学问题。WQC正在努力成为一个享有顶级声誉的世界级理论量子物理中心。 D5;7Tn3:9Jb7!9t
Wilczek Quantum Center (WQC), initially founded at Hangzhou in 2014, moved to Shanghai Jiao Tong University to become a new center for theoretical physics in Summer 2017. The Center is a unit of School of Physics & Astronomy, and has a strong connection with Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (TDLI). Currently, WQC has 10 faculty members, including the Chief Scientist (Frank Wilczek), 2 full professors, 3 associate members, and 4 foreign adjunct professors. The research areas of WQC are broadly planned, including theory of quantum matter, quantum optics, quantum information, and cold atom physic as well as statistical physics and quantum-related biological problems. WQC is striving to become a world class theoretical quantum physics center with top-level reputation. j7~2Uf2;1yd5!5K