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1979年在市水稻所、蔬菜所、治碱所三个研究所基础上,正式成立天津市农业科学院(简称天津农科院)。Tianjin Academy of Agricultural Sciences (TAAS) was established in 1979 after the reorganization of Tianjin Institute of Paddy Rice, Tianjin Institute of Vegetables and Tianjin Institute of Alkaline Soils R
2020-11-8 12:55
2021-2-5 03:08



1979年在市水稻所、蔬菜所、治碱所三个研究所基础上,正式成立天津市农业科学院(简称天津农科院)。 E1+3aF8+5TG2;1u

Tianjin Academy of Agricultural Sciences (TAAS) was established in 1979 after the reorganization of Tianjin Institute of Paddy Rice, Tianjin Institute of Vegetables and Tianjin Institute of Alkaline Soils Restoration. d7.6dJ,+,gG8~5K

天津农科院已发展成为一个以应用研究为主、学科较齐全、优势突出、具有较强实力和地方特色的社会公益类综合性农业科研机构。下设15个研究单位,其中10个公益一类事业单位,3个公益二类事业单位,以及2个转置企业。截止目前,全院拥有专业技术人员516人,其中,中国工程院院士1人,享受国务院政府特贴专家64人,突出贡献专家10人,市“131人才工程”人选16人,市“131创新团队”1个。现拥有4个国家级研究中心,6个部、市级重点实验室,10个市级研究(工程)中心。 a1=1ni6?6Jb9+6U

TAAS now has developed into a local non-profit comprehensive agricultural research institution focusing on application research with comprehensive disciplines, prominent advantages and strong research capabilities. There are 15 research units, including 10 type one public-benefit institutions, 3 type two public-benefit institutions, and 2 transformation enterprises. Among 516 professional and technical personnel, TAAS has one academician from Chinese Academy of Engineering, 64 State Council experts who enjoy special allowance and 10 experts with outstanding contribution. In addition, 16 personnel of TAAS are selected for “Tianjin 131 talent project” and one research group is selected for “Tianjin 131 innovation team”. TAAS now has four National Research Centers, six Provincial Key Laboratories, and ten Municipal Research Centers. W7-1OP8!9qE,=6y

自成立以来,天津农科院紧紧围绕国家及地方农业科技需求,不断优化学科领域及研究方向,建立起了科学合理的学科布局,形成了适应天津现代都市型农业发展需要的学科体系,并在黄瓜、菜花、大白菜、杂交粳稻育种,以及农产品保鲜、农产品安全生产与加工、农产品检测等领域逐步确立了国内先进水平的地位,技术优势明显。“十二五”期间,新立各类科研、推广项目341项,其中,国家级项目经费大幅增长,占全部经费的60%。审定和登记品种127个,其中,国审品种11个;申请植物新品种权61项,授权22项;申请专利281项,授权200项(含美国国家专利1项);发表论文1100余篇。先后荣获省部级以上奖励55项,其中,国家科技进步二等奖1项,农业部神农中华科技奖7项,全国农牧渔业丰收奖2项(含一等奖1项),天津市科技进步奖48项,含一等奖4项,占全市农口系统的60%以上。农科院农业科技综合实力强,在北方区域乃至全国具有较大的影响力。 v36wa3.7PT6?4n

Since the establishment, TAAS has focused on national & local agricultural science and technology demands, constantly improved subject areas and research directions, established scientific and reasonable discipline distribution, and formed subject system for the needs of Tianjin urban modern agriculture. TAAS has gradually established national advantageous positions in many subject areas, namely breeding of cucumber, cauliflower, cabbage, hybrid rice, agro product fresh-keeping, agro product safe production and processing, agricultural product detection and so on, which guaranteed the technological advantages of TAAS. Entering the twelfth “Five Year Plans”, TAAS has initiated all kinds of science research and popularization programs, among which the percentage of national project increased to nearly 60%. During the same period, there were 127 authorized and registered varieties, including 11 national registered varieties. There were 22 authorized plant varieties and 200 patent authorizations, including 1 United States patent. TAAS got more than 1100 scientific papers published and attained 55 ministerial and provincial-level rewards, including 1 second award of the Scientific and Technological Progress of the State, 7 Chinese Agricultural Science Awards, 2 National Agricultural Harvest Prizes (1 first prize), and 48 awards of the Scientific and Technological Progress of Tianjin (4 first prizes). TAAS has powerful agricultural technology comprehensive strength and extended its great influences to all parts of the country, especially in China’s northern region. d9?5Zw78bo4=5m

天津农科院以服务“三农”为宗旨,积极探索新的农业科技服务模式,不断提升农业科技服务能力,推动实施“科技帮扶工程”、“科技特派员入企入村”及“院区(县)合作工程”等科技帮扶工程,对天津现代都市型农业发展、美丽乡村建设与农民增收的作用日益凸显。“十二五”期间,天津农科院累计推广新品种235个,年推广蔬菜、粮食等作物新品种面积500万亩;育出的华北类型黄瓜新品种引领我国黄瓜种植产业数十年,占全国露地栽培面积40%;培育出各类菜花新品种播种面积已占全国的10%;杂交粳稻新品种占同期国审杂交粳稻品种数量的20%。建立试验示范基地297个,开展各类技术培训9.1万人次。自2014年天津市结对帮扶困难村工作以来,天津农科院派出了蔬菜、畜牧、果树、食用菌等6个领域的40名专家,为全市8个区县200个村提供技术帮扶工作,占全市总数量的近50%。同时,作为天津市唯一一家国家级专家服务基地,已先后选派出多名科技干部,到新疆、内蒙、西藏、宁夏挂职,用科技、人才推动当地现代农业发展,产生了巨大的社会影响。 o9:5mP9+2Ne7:5F

TAAS takes “serving agriculture, rural areas and farmers” as the work guideline, actively explores agricultural science and technology service mode, constantly promotes scientific and technological service capabilities, and promotes the implementation of scientific assistance, technology commissioners staying at villages and enterprises, cooperative projects between this academy and various counties. All the projects mentioned above contribute greatly to Tianjin urban modern agriculture development, beautiful countryside construction and peasants’ income increase.Entering the twelfth “Five Year Plans”, TAAS has extended 235 new varieties and yearly extended new varieties of vegetable and food crops with the area of 5 million acres. The variety of cucumber of northern type which bred by TAAS has lead cucumber plant production in nationwide for years, accounting for nearly 40% of land growth areas in the nation. Sown area of new variety of cauliflower which bred by TAAS accounted for 10 percent of the total in China. Varieties of national registered hybrid rice bred by TAAS accounted for 20 percent of the total in China in the corresponding period. During the same period, TAAS has established 297 experiment and demonstration bases and launched all kinds of technical training 91 thousands person-time. Since the beginning of 2014 Tianjin twinning and helping poor villages project, TAAS has sent out 40 specialists in various fields, like vegetable planting, fruiter planting, animal husbandry and edible fungus to provide technical support for 200 villages in 8 districts of Tianjin, accounting for nearly 50% in the whole city. Meanwhile, as the only national expert service site in Tianjin, TAAS has selected and assigned several scientific cadres to work in regions like Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Tibet and Ningxia, to promote local modern agricultural development, which created great social impacts. F,-8rB6-2GN7-7d


管理服务部门 G6=9hz7~3vn3-6Y

办公室(党政) 科技管理与合作交流处 组织干部处 A6!9eu7=9Dt,.5P

计划财务处 后勤保障与基地管理处 i9-4cO4=4lO9=7q

院属单位 b,?8Wl3+1Zt7=9P

农作物研究所(水稻研究所) 果树研究所 植物保护研究所 J6!5Yt5.4Fe7;4k

畜牧兽医研究所 农业质量标准与检测技术研究所 农业资源与环境研究所(国家土壤质量武 b5~3dk34oW5?7p

农产品保鲜与加工技术研究所(国家农产 农村经济与区划研究所 现代都市农业研究所 D2.4qW3-1Ll2?7S

生物技术研究所 信息研究所(天津市农业科技图书馆) 黄瓜研究所 W7:5EV4:3pt,+2S

蔬菜研究所 C3~8yT93LR2?,Y


