上海水资源保护基金会(以下简称SWRF)成立于2007年,是中国第一个以水为主题的公募基金会。SWRF致力于寻求国内外社会各界的广泛支持,积极参与和推动上海及周边地区的水资源及相关环境保护事业,不断促进水资源保护与上海及周边地区经济社会的协调发展。 i7=3WQ26eC1~2y
SWRF系地方性公募基金会,由上海市人大常委会副主任吴汉民先生担任理事长;上海市人民政府参事、世卫组织上海健康教育合作中心名誉主任胡锦华先生,宝钢集团原党委书记、上海市人大建设环境保护委员会原主任委员关壮民先生,上海实业(集团)有限公司董事长、原上海市政府副秘书长王伟先生,上海市人力资源和社会保障局原党委书记刘嘉音女士担任副理事长;市政协原主席蒋以任先生被邀任会长(名誉);梁忠平先生担任秘书长;国内外一些专家、学者和知名人士担任基金会的特别顾问。根据《上海水资源保护基金会章程》规定上海水资源保护基金会的最高权力机构为理事会。理事会由国内外著名人士、社会各界热心环境保护事业的代表和主要捐赠者、相关领域政府官员组成。上海水资源保护基金会建立了严格的资金筹集、管理和使用制度并接受政府有关部门、捐赠者和公众的监督。 M36Yq4-7Kr6~4P
SWRF资助和投入六大事业领域:一是对社会公众积极开展 “爱水、护水、节水”的宣传教育以及提高公众监督的意识;二是引进与推广国内外领先的节水、水处理及相关环境技术;三是开展国际合作交流,资助水资源保护政策和科学研究;四是奖励对水资源保护做出杰出贡献的机构和个人;五是投资水处理项目,资助水源地保护、水生态修复和水环境整治工程;六是为缺水或水污染受害者提供救济和援助。 X8?,EI2;6Yb5;3S
水资源保护是一项意义深远的公益事业。人人有权享受清洁、健康的水资源。你污染水,水就污染你。水资源需要大家来关心和爱护。水资源保护基金会衷心希望与国内外热心于水资源保护事业的组织、企业和个人建立友好联系,相互支持与合作,共同致力于保护人类赖以生存的水资源和相关环境。 Z9~8Vw8;8AZ,?5i
地址: 上海市静安区延安西路376弄22号西3层 j,;3gu2:6aQ7.4A
What is SWRF d4:7ex5-,ED3;9A
The establishment of Shanghai Water Resources Foundation (SWRF) was chartered by Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau and Shanghai Societies Bureau in December 28, 2007 and is tax-exempt under Corporate Income Tax Law. f1;6aY9~4ED3+,i
Shanghai Water Resources Foundation's work is supported primarily through donor contributions and foundation grants. SWRF is the first foundation in China specified in Water Resources. Q2=9IF4~7oR4~8B
Shanghai Water Recourses Foundation is committed to tackling problems that require sustained effort and resolve -- challenges such as intelligent use of finite water recourses, protection of water pollution etc. SWRF strives to seek extensive support from all walks of life at home and abroad. We aimed to be an active participant and public promoter in water resources related environment protection business. T1!6Yg6~,av2?1j
There are six business areas of SWRF s1!7Yf1+9GX8=5B
Introduce the slogan "Love, Defense and Save Water" to raise generate public attention and environment awareness P2;5gM4:5OJ7:6H
Promote a varies of water environmental techniques such as Water Saving, Water Treatment and related environmental technologies f2:,Od5?3mc6:,f
Make international corporation and communication, support scientific studies on water resources relevant policies and science H8?2kR5!7MW3-7J
Give Annual awards to people or organization who make outstanding contributions to water resources protection X6?90z4~6qB5;6b
Invest water process projects, sponsor water resources conservation, water ecosystem's repair and water environment improvement project l6;2GZ8~4Pv1.9b
Provide assistance for water pollution victims. F5:5XD3=7HW28S
According to the SWRF constitutions, the infrastructure is composed by the council, consultative committee and the supervisor committee. h4~6jj1+7oq9;8X