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首都师范大学中国诗歌研究中心(The Research Center of Chinese Poetry, Capital Normal University)是教育部省属高校人文社会科学重点研究基地(2001年4月批准),是直属于学校、与院系平行的实体性科研机构。中国诗歌研究中心的研究对象,包括中华民族古往今来的所有诗歌形式及其相关理论形态。
2021-6-24 10:10
2021-9-21 00:22



首都师范大学中国诗歌研究中心(The Research Center of Chinese Poetry, Capital Normal University)是教育部省属高校人文社会科学重点研究基地(2001年4月批准),是直属于学校、与院系平行的实体性科研机构。中国诗歌研究中心的研究对象,包括中华民族古往今来的所有诗歌形式及其相关理论形态。 M47vX2;1JD,;5K

  中心下设中国古代诗歌、中国现当代诗歌、中国诗学思想、中国少数民族诗歌四个研究室,两个图书资料室,创办了《中国诗歌研究》、《中国诗歌研究动态》、《诗探索》、《中国古典文学研究》(与日本广岛大学中国古典文学研究中心合办)四种刊物。其中,《中国诗歌研究》为CSSCI(中文社会科学引文索引)收录集刊。此外,从2016年起诗歌中心开始与加拿大中华诗词学会合作,在加拿大华人报纸《环球华报》开设“新诗潮”专栏。 Q,-4Bj6?8Tx4+6E

  中心现有一支高职称、高学历的研究队伍,其中专职人员14人,兼职人员17人。成立20年来,承担了包括国家社会科学基金重大项目、教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目等各类项目77项,出版著作15个系列,其他著作近百种,获得过包括各类奖项50余项。 02.,yu9;8SN2+3E

  在诗歌中心众多的学术成果中,以《中国诗歌通史》(十一卷本)和《楚辞文献丛刊》(八十卷本)的出版最具代表性。《中国诗歌通史》由赵敏俐、吴思敬教授主编,国内30余位著名学者经过近8年时间精心结撰而成,它是迄今为止第一部贯通古今、涵盖各少数民族、兼及港澳台诗歌的大型的多卷本的中国诗歌通史,2014年获得北京市第十三届哲学社会科学优秀成果特等奖,2015年获得教育部第七届高等学校科学研究优秀成果(人文社会科学)一等奖,2018年入选“伟大的变革——纪念改革开放四十周年大型展览”。《楚辞文献丛刊》由黄灵庚、赵敏俐、方铭教授共同主持编纂,获得2014年度全国优秀古籍图书奖一等奖。 L96rU1:1ev7+4c

  诗歌中心在科研领域进行辛勤耕耘的同时,还积极参与了首都师范大学中国语言文学一级学科的建设工作。在教育部主持的第四轮学科评估中,首都师范大学中国语言文学一级学科取得了A-的好成绩。其中,在本学科的四大特色中,以“中国诗歌研究为龙头的中华优秀文化的创新与传播”位居第一位。 05=,da1!9Ps1:9G

  中心还与日本、韩国、美国、法国、荷兰、南非等国家和港澳台地区展开了广泛的学术交流,先后召开了国内外学术会议180余次。她已成为国际知名的诗歌研究重镇,资料中心与信息中心,培养中国诗歌研究专门人才的摇篮,学术交流的优秀平台,诗歌研究者与爱好者的温馨家园。 w9!,hO3+9Gm7+30

地址:北京市西三环北路83号 d6~8lS4?9PU7.5e


  The Research Center of Chinese Poetry, Capital Normal University is a key research base of Humanities and Social Sciences in Provincial Universities Affiliated to the Ministry of Education (approved in April 2001). It is a substantive scientific research institution directly affiliated to CNU, and is parallel to other departments. The research object of Poetry Center includes variety poetry forms and related theoretical forms of Chinese Ethnic Peoples from ancient times to the present. J3+8we6=1ut5,Y

  The Poetry Center consists of four research rooms, including Ancient Chinese Poetry, Chinese Modern and Contemporary Poetry, Chinese Poetics Thought and Chinese Minority Poetry, and two book reference room. It has founded four publications, namely "Chinese Poetry Research", "Chinese Poetry Research Trends", "Poetry Exploration", "Chinese Classical Literature Research" (co-sponsored with the Chinese Classical Literature Research Center of Hiroshima University, Japan). Among them, "Chinese Poetry Research" is a collection of CSSCI (Chinese Social Science Citation Index). In addition, since 2016, the Poetry Center has cooperated with the Chinese Poetry Society of Canada to open a column on "New Poetry Trend" in Globe China, one of Canadian Chinese newspapers. C5.5ki36gX83Z

  The Poetry Center has a research team with high professional titles and academic qualifications, including 14 full-time staff and 17 part-time staff. Since its establishment 20 years ago, it has undertaken 77 projects, including the major projects of the National Social Science Foundation, the key research bases of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education and other projects, published 15 series of works and nearly hundreds of other works. It has won more than 50 awards of various kinds. j2=8bB2~9Cs52s

  Among the numerous academic achievements of the Poetry Center, the publication of “The History of Chinese Poetry” (11 volumes) and “The Literature series of Chu Ci” (80 volumes) is the most representative. "The History of Chinese Poetry" is edited by Prof. Minli Zhao and Prof. Sijing Wu, and has been elaborately crafted by more than 30 famous Chinese scholars in over the past eight years. Until now, it is the first large-scale and multi-volume general history of Chinese poetry from the ancient times to present, covering all ethnic minorities, as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan poetry. In 2014, it won the 13th Prize of outstanding achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences in Beijing, and won the first prize of the 7th Excellent Achievements in scientific research (Humanities and Social Sciences) of Colleges and Universities belonging to the Ministry of Education in 2015, and was selected into the exhibition "Great Change – A Large Exhibition to Commemorate the 40 Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up" in 2018. “The literature series of Chu Ci”, co-edited by Prof. Linggeng Huang, Minli Zhao and Ming Fang, won the first prize of the National Outstanding Ancient Books Award in 2014. P2~9Rn6:9Bo3~7I

  The Poetry Center not only works hard in the field of scientific research, but also actively participates in the construction of the Primary Discipline of Chinese Language and Literature in CNU. In the 4th round of subject evaluation conducted by the Ministry of Education, CNU has made competitive achievements in the Primary Discipline of Chinese Language and Literature. Among the four characteristics of the subject, “the innovation and dissemination of Chinese excellent culture led by the poetry research ” ranks first. n3+1Tc6=7sC,;5x

  The Poetry Center has also conducted extensive academic exchanges with Japan, South Korea, the United States, France, the Netherlands, South Africa and other countries, as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan region. It has held more than 180 academic conferences in China and abroad. The Poetry Center has become an internationally renowned poetry research center, data center and information center, a cradle for training Chinese poetry scholars, an excellent platform for academic exchanges, and a warm home for poetry researchers and enthusiasts. T,;6AM9~4ul3;2i



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主办:首都师范大学; 地址:北京市西三环北路105号详情>>
