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2021-5-22 19:17



辽宁大学哲学院前身是辽宁大学哲学系,在2000年4月11日更名为辽宁大学哲学与公共管理学院,2019年7月19日经学校党委常委会议研究决定,成立辽宁大学哲学院。 p4-1rE5?8jw61G

目前学院设有哲学系、蒲河学堂、哲学基础理论研究中心(辽宁省人文社会科学重点研究基地)、永惺佛学研究中心、国学教育研究中心、道教与中国传统文化研究所。学院现有哲学一级学科博士学位授予权、哲学一级学科博士后流动站、哲学一级学科硕士学位授予权。 H9:7XV,~7uN21w

学院现有教职工33人,其中专任教师24人,行政教辅人员9人。专任教师中,博士生导师7人,教授、副教授14人,92%教师具有博士学位或博士在读。 f6;3yJ7.7nU9.8W

学院设哲学1个本科专业。哲学专业是教育部本科特色专业、辽宁省本科示范性专业。哲学学科是辽宁省省级重点一级学科,并上升为特色学科建设层次。多年来,学院与美国、日本、韩国等国家的多所大学建立了友好交流关系。近几年,学院毕业生主要分布在党政机关、科研院所、企事业单位等。 Y7-9Hs9;7tp4;,E

Introduction to Philosophy School Q5-8kx1?10G96U

The predecessor of philosophy School of Liaoning University is the Department of philosophy of Liaoning University,renamed as the School of Philosophy and Public Administration of Liaoning University on April 11, 2000 and on July 19, 2019, the Standing Committee of the Party committee of Liaoning University decided to establish it as Philosophy School of Liaoning University. P6?4dX7-3mW4.3l

At present, the college has the Department of philosophy, Puhe Teaching Department, Basic Theory Research Center of Philosophy (the key research base of Humanities and Social Sciences in Liaoning Province), Yongxing Buddhist Research Center, Sinology Education Research Center, and Taoism and Chinese Traditional Culture Research Institute.At present, the college confers doctoral degree in philosophy, post doctoral mobile station in philosophy, and confers master's degree in philosophy. n1!,lK2:6lI3?3S

The college has 33 staff, including 24 full-time teachers and 9 administrative assistants. Among the full-time teachers, there are 7 doctoral supervisors, 14 professors and associate professors, and 92% of them have doctoral degrees or are studying for doctorates.Among the full-time teachers, there are 7 doctoral supervisors, 14 professors and associate professors, and 92% of them have doctoral degrees or are studying for doctorates. s4-4dn5;8mt6!1C

The college has one undergraduate major in philosophy. Philosophy is a characteristic specialty of the Ministry of education and a model specialty of Liaoning Province. Philosophy is a provincial key discipline in Liaoning Province, and has been upgraded to the level of characteristic discipline construction. Over the years, the college has established friendly exchange relations with many universities in the United States, Japan, South Korea and other countries. In recent years, college graduates are mainly distributed in the party and government organs, scientific research institutions, enterprises and institutions. a5.3Mg94OD4?40

哲学专业介绍 G4!5Gq2.2as46P

本专业培养具备较高的哲学理论素养、系统的专业基础知识,既能成为哲学研究的专业型人才,又能成为国家机关、企事业单位实际工作的应用型、复合型人才。近几年,近半数的毕业生被北京大学、中国人民大学、北京师范大学、中央党校、吉林大学等录取为硕士研究生。 K5:4cW2?3nK,:7t

主要课程:哲学导论、马克思主义哲学史、中国哲学史、西方哲学史、现代西方哲学、中国现代哲学、科学技术哲学、马克思主义哲学原著导读、外国哲学原著导读、中国哲学原著导读、心理学、伦理学、宗教学等。 R2;3rw2-6ja1!6X

Introduction to Philosophy Major Q1~5EH4=8dp,?3L

This major aims to cultivate talents with high quality of philosophy theory and systematic professional basic knowledge, who can not only become professional talents in philosophy research, but also become applied and compound talents in practical work of state organs, enterprises and institutions.In recent years, nearly half of the graduates have been admitted as postgraduates by Peking University, Renmin University of China, Beijing Normal University, Central Party school and Jilin University. W3.6qE4=8Hm3+5I

Main courses: introduction to philosophy, history of Marxist philosophy, history of Chinese philosophy, history of western philosophy, modern western philosophy, modern Chinese philosophy, philosophy of science and technology, introduction to original works of Marxist philosophy, introduction to original works of foreign philosophy, introduction to original works of Chinese philosophy, psychology, ethics, religion, etc. D39BP1-,QK9!,n



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