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2021-5-30 20:57



幼儿师范学院学前教育专业办学历史悠久,是学校的优势专业和重点发展专业。先后荣获国家一流本科专业建设点、江苏省一流本科专业建设点、教育部“十二五”综合改革专业,江苏省“十二五”重点建设专业,江苏省成人高等教育特色专业、江苏省重点建设学科。 j6+3yp2-6tV9:4q

2014年,经市委、市政府研究决定,南京幼儿高等师范学校学前教育专业与我校的学前教育专业合并,组建我校的一个二级学院——南京晓庄学院幼儿师范学院。现有学生1500多人,教职工70多人。我院师资队伍结构合理,充满活力。其中江苏省高校名师1人,江苏省“333工程高层次人才培养工程”2人,江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人2人,江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀骨干教师3人。 a3~8Wk6;6eJ5?7X

学院以生为本,坚持教、学、做一体化,全面培养学生综合素养与专业能力。在人才培养过程中,先后荣获国家级高等教育教学成果奖二等奖1项,江苏省高等教育教学成果特等奖1项、一等奖1项;江苏省卓越幼儿教师培养计划项目1项;江苏省高等教育教学改革重点项目1项;国家规划教材6部。推进人才培养国际化,建立与海外高水平大学的人才联合培养体系,先后与美国、澳大利亚、韩国等合作共建人才培养项目,每年选派15-20名学生赴海外学习和研修。近几年,11名学生考取UCL、UBC、澳大利亚莫纳什大学、韩国梨花女子大学等国际一流大学的硕士研究生。 o2:8zC8;3mp9.6K

学生获奖成果丰硕,曾荣获第十三届全国大学生挑战杯二等奖;在江苏省师范生基本功大赛中,先后6人荣获一等奖,17人荣获二等奖,8人荣获三等奖;在江苏省大学生艺术展演中,我院学生多次取得合唱、舞蹈比赛一、二等奖。多年来,我院学生参加南京市公办教师编制考试一直保持较高通过率,就业率常年保持100%。我院毕业生遍布南京市及全省、国内各大幼儿园,业务素质和工作能力得到了用人单位的普遍认可和好评,取得了良好的社会声誉。 t5-3HR96gn3:4L

学院大力加强内涵建设,不断提高科研水平。近年来,先后有25个科研项目获得国家社科基金、教育部人文社会科学基金、江苏省社会科学基金、江苏省教育科学规划和江苏省高校社科基金。先后荣获教育部高等学校科学研究(人文社会科学)优秀成果奖1项、江苏省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖1项、江苏省社科应用精品工程优秀成果奖1项、江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究优秀成果奖1项和南京市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖2项。 t3?9Iz1?8CS9-1X

继承和发展行知精神,在行动中关注社会民生问题。在史爱华教授的带领下,组建“弱势儿童”研究团队,开展“服务农村留守儿童的关爱行动”。团队面向留守幼儿编创了原创性课程资源《全纳式学前教育读本》1-6册。项目实施以来,深入10000多个农民工子女家庭,累计服务时间超过24000小时,形成40000多字的调研报告。《光明日报》盛赞该项目为“关爱留守儿童教育的‘范本’”。 o8=5yc3!4fk4?5A

学院积极推进人才培养国际化。先后与美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、韩国、日本等海外高水平大学建立人才联合培养体系。目前学院与韩国又松大学合作举办学前教育专业本科教育项目,与美国特拉华大学合作举办研究生培养项目,引进高水平的课程教学体系、教学理念和教材,逐步推进主干课程国际化。 A6:7yq2?9Zc4.2B

With a long history, Department of Pre-school Education under the School for Early-childhood Education, is one of the dominant and key departments in Nanjing Xiaozhuang University. It has been rated as “Key Department in the 12th Five Year Plan of Jiangsu Province”, “Comprehensive Reform Department” rated by Chinese Ministry of Education, “Special Department in Adult Higher Education in Jiangsu Province”, and “Key Discipline in Nanjing City” successively in recent years. S6=8of7!7uv4?2t

In 2014, with discussion and consultation made by Nanjing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, Nanjing Higher Vocational School for Pre-school Education merged with Department of Pre-school Education in Xiaozhuang University, thus forming a new secondary school in Xiaozhuang University – the School for Pre-school Education (School for Early-childhood Education). It has more than 1,500 students and 70 teachers. This is a vibrant new school with a group of professional faculty, in which there is one “Famous Teaching Master in Jiangsu Province”, two experts in “333 High Level Talents Project”, two academic leaders in “Jiangsu Qing-lan Project”(Young Academic Leader Training Project), and three Outstanding Teachers in “Jiangsu Qing-lan Project”. V8.3Nx6~7lo7-9y

With the principal of “Teach-Learn-Do”, we emphasize on the training of professional capability of students. We have been awarded “Second Prize of National Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award”, “Grand Prize in Jiangsu Higher Education”, “Outstanding Kindergarten Teacher Training Program in Jiangsu Province”, “Key Project in Jiangsu Higher Education Reform” and six national projected teaching textbooks. Our school promotes the internationalization of talent training and establishes a joint talent training system with overseas high-level universities. We have cooperatively built talent training programs with universities in America, Australia, South Korea, etc. Every year, students (15 to 20) are selected to have a study and research overseas. In recent years, 11 students have been admitted as postgraduates by world-class universities as UCL, UBC, Monash University of Australia and Ewha Women’s University of South Korea. j4.9jJ7!1FO4=8t

Our students have achieved fruitful results. They won the Second Prize in “the 13th National College Students Challenge Cup”. In the series of “Jiangsu Teaching Basic Skills Contest”, we have won the First Prize for six times, the Second Prize for seventeen times, and the Third Prize for eight times. Besides, in the chorus and dance contests of “Jiangsu College Students Art Exhibition”, we have won the First Prize and Second Prize for many times. Over the years, our students have maintained a high passing rate in Nanjing public teachers’ examinations. Employment rate perennially remains at 100%. Our graduates are all over the major kindergartens in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province and China. Their professional quality and working ability have achieved a universal recognition and praise from employers and built a good reputation in the society. C9-9Dr,6qU4?1V

In recent years, our school is focusing on the academic construction. We have carried on a variety of scientific projects, among which 25 of them have won funds from National Social Science Foundation of China, Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation under Chinese Ministry of Education, Social Sciences Foundation in Jiangsu Province, Education and Science Programming Foundation in Jiangsu Province and Jiangsu Higher Colleges Social Sciences Foundation. We have won the Outstanding Achievement Award in Higher Colleges Scientific Research (Humanities and Social Science), Outstanding Achievement Award in Jiangsu Philosophy and Social Science Research, Outstanding Achievement Award in Jiangsu Social Science Research and Application Project, Outstanding Achievement Award in Jiangsu Higher Colleges Philosophy and Social Science Research and two Outstanding Achievement Awards in Nanjing Philosophy and Social Science Research. C,3PC3!7Ef5=6U

We inheritand develop the spirit of Xingzhi and pay close attention to people's livelihood in our actions. Doctor Shi Aihua founded the first research group to look into the problem of “Disadvantaged Children in Jiangsu Province”, and went down to the countryside to provide help for the children “left in the urban areas”. The group compiled original course resources “Inclusive Pre-school Education Readers” (volumes 1-6) for left-behind children. The group guided by Shi has now interviewed with more than 10,000 farmer-worker families, with more than 24,000 service hours and a 40,000-word research report. “Guangming Daily” reported this project with compliments, and called it the “Model” of “Education for Caring for Left-behind Children”. J7-2Ul1=9Wo,;9h

Our school actively promotes the internationalization of talent training. We have established a joint talent training system with overseas high-level universities, from America, Australia, South Korea, Japan, etc. At present, we are cooperating with Woosong University of South Korea to hold undergraduate education programs of preschool education, and with the University of Delaware of the United States to hold graduate training programs. We introduce high-level curriculum teaching system, teaching philosophy and teaching materials, and aims to promote the internationalization of main courses. b3=8lB22Hq74E



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