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2020-11-9 04:59
2021-2-5 19:11



新时代,新使命,新作为。2019年10月,山西省委省政府决定,山西农业大学和山西省农业科学院合署改革,成立新的山西农业大学。农学院和作物所合并成立新的农学院。 K2-3XW,+,zU9.8n

农学院现有农学、农学(功能农业方向)、种子科学与工程3个本科专业(方向),有农学本硕统筹培养班1个,其中农学专业为国家特色专业、省级品牌专业和省级优势专业,2019年获批国家一流专业建设专业。现有作物学一级学科博士学位授权点和博士后科研流动站,有作物栽培学与耕作学、作物遗传育种2个二级学科博士点和5个硕士学位授权点;拥有国家功能杂粮技术创新中心、农业部华北黄土高原地区作物栽培与耕地保育科学观测实验站、植物生产国家级实验教学示范中心等多个国家级、省部级教学科研平台。 F2!3VI5=8di1;7Y

学院历史悠久,师资力量雄厚。学院已有近百年的办学历史,目前在编教职工227名,其中博士生导师30人、教授(研究员)43人、副教授(副研究员)74人;有国家级各类人才10人次、省部级各类人才70余人次,从美国加州大学、英国诺丁汉大学等国际著名高校引进人才11人(其中全职引进2人)。学院拥有大型仪器设备1400余台套,实验仪器总价值近1.5亿元,5个重点实验室。校内实习基地有综合实验楼、全自动气象观测站、现代化连栋温室大棚和网室等设施,试验田面积750余亩。学院科研成果突出,目前承担国家及省部级科研项目300余项,其中国家级30余项。已鉴定成果50余项,获省部级以上奖30余项。 q2?5dk3.,Rd2!8s

学院经过近百年的发展,形成了本科生教育,硕、博士研究生教育为一体的多层次教育体系。2018级起,实行农学大类招生改革,建立“通识课程+专业必修课程+专业选修课程+开放选修课程”新型模块化课程体系,在培养模式上注重从知识型向能力型的转变,努力培养厚基础、宽口径、强能力、高素质的创新型和复合型人才。 h65Vc9?7BL3;5r

(数据统计更新至2020年7月) O7.9yd3!8CD,8e

College Introduction T2:9jF5:9fb8;60

New era, new mission, new deeds. The Party Committee and the People’s Government of Shanxi Province determined to reform a new Shanxi Agricultural University through the merge of previous Shanxi Agricultural University and Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences in October, 2019. Whereafter, a new College of Agriculture has been built on the basis of previous College of Agriculture and the Institute of Crops Science. X5?6vc7!1uF36p

Currently, the College of Agriculture includes three undergraduate majors (directions): agronomy (general), agronomy (functional agriculture specialty), and seed science and engineering. In addition, there is one class of students participate in planning undergraduate and graduate education as a whole program in agronomy in our college. As a national specialty, a provincial brand major and a provincial level superior major, our agronomy major was approved as one of the national first-class professional construction points in 2019. m,4Oh3!5ST3-4F

At present, the major of Crop Science is first-order discipline authorized to confer Ph.D degree, and it has 1 postdoctoral research program; the major of Crop Cultivation and Farming System, and Crop Genetics and Breeding are second-order disciplines authorized to confer Ph.D degree, and they have five master degree authorizations. College of Agronomy possesses many national, provincial, and ministerial teaching and research platforms which include National Functional Coarse Grain Technology Innovation Center, Ministry of Agriculture’s Scientific Observation and Experimental Station of Crop Cultivation and Cultivated Land Conservation in North China Loess Plateau, and the National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Plant Production. c3!9Pc3:3EB9+3G

The college of agronomy has a long history of nearly 100 years and many qualified faculties. It has a staff of 227, of which 30 are doctoral supervisors, 43 professors and 74 associate professors. There are 10 national talents and more than 70 provincial talents. Among them, 11 talents (including 2 full-time talents) have been recruited from international renowned universities such as University of California (USA) and the University of Nottingham (UK) .The college has more than 1400 large-scale experimental apparatus worth nearly 150 million yuan, and 5 key laboratories. In addition, there are laboratory building, automatic meteorological observation station, modern greenhouse and the experimental field covers an area of more than 499,995 square meters. The college has been made outstanding achievements in scientific research, it has undertaken more than 300 national and provincial scientific research projects, including more than 30 national projects. We have appraised more than 50 achievements and won more than 30 provincial awards. o4!1QS,.9Vo7-7V

After nearly a hundred years of development, the college has formed a multi-level education system integrating undergraduate, master, and doctoral graduate education. Since 2018, the enrolment reformation of general agronomy has been implemented, and a new modular curriculum system of "general courses + professional compulsory courses + professional elective courses + open elective courses" has been established. In terms of training mode, it has paid attention to the transformation from knowledge-based to ability-based, and strives to cultivate innovative and compound talents with a solid foundation, wide scope, strong ability, and high-quality. v2.2vH6+8dg4+9I



山西农业大学 共收录 个子站

