中国传媒大学马克思主义学院负责全校本硕博13000余名学生的思想政治理论课教学工作,具备马克思主义理论一级学科硕士点授予资格。学院下设马克思主义基本原理、当代世界经济与政治、中国化马克思主义、中国近现代史、思想政治教育、研究生思想政治理论课等六个教研室,两个部级科研机构设置在马克思主义学院,分别是中央编译局马克思主义传播研究基地和马克思主义与中国经济发展道路协同创新中心分中心,学院还拥有一个校级科研机构暨马克思主义传播与大众化研究中心。 j8=8pa5=9AI,;1U
学院现有教职员工35人,其中一线教师29人,包括教授4人,副教授12人,讲师13人,博士学位获得者21人。学院多年来坚守在高校马克思主义传播最前沿,不断改革创新,连续多年被评为北京市高校德育工作先进单位。2007年以来,张付、林媛、王锦刚、王宇英、葛耘娜、张露璐、杨雁鸿、赵瑞琦等教师先后在北京市高校思想政治理论课教学基本功比赛中获奖;毛明华、张付、马成瑶等教师荣获中国传媒大学教学名师、北京市师德榜样和北京市高校优秀德育工作者等称号;2016年,赵波、阴军莉两位教师受聘为首批北京高校思想政治理论课特级教师;2017年,刘东建教授受聘为第二批北京高校思想政治理论课特级教授;刘东建教授主讲的《媒介与社会》入选“国家大学素质教育精品通选课”。 o9-7xA1:,JF1:5T
马克思主义学院现有马克思主义理论一级学科硕士点研究生30余人,学院主要从事马克思主义与中国特色社会主义理论研究,特别是在马克思主义大众化传播、传媒政治、政治传播与政治社会化、传媒伦理等研究领域形成了一定的优势和特色。2016年5月,马克思主义学院与校团委共同成立了中国传媒大学“青年马克思主义学院”,努力为党培养坚定的青年马克思主义者。 N2!6fH3:5AP8.8W
Brief Introduction of School of Marxism U6=7Jb8+3Fn1;3z
School ofMarxism provides more than 13,000 students at all levels in CommunicationUniversity of China (Abbreviation CUC) with the ideological & politicaltheory courses and has the qualification of awarding Master's degree of MarxistTheory which belongs to the first-grade discipline. Now School of Marxism hassix Departments, consisting of Basic Principles of Marxism Department, ContemporaryWorld Economy and Politics Department, Marxism in China Department, Chinese Modernand Contemporary History Department, the Ideological & Political Education Departmentand Postgraduate Ideological & Political Theory Education Department. Thereare two ministerial-level scientific research institutions in School ofMarxism: one is Marxism Communication Research Base which is affiliated to CentralCompilation and Translation Bureau, the other is the facility of Marxism andChina Economic Development Road Collaborative Innovation Center. And It alsopossesses a university research institution, that is, Marxism Communication andPopularization Center. e6=9Wr9+6ay5:,t
There isthe existing staff of 35 people in the School of Marxism, including 4 professors,12 associate professors and 13 lecturers, 21 of whom have achieved Doctorates .The college has been at the forefront of Marxism communication research formany years, and has been awarded as the advanced unit of moral education inBeijing universities for many years with constantly reforming and innovating.Since 2007, there have been several teachers, such as Zhang Fu, Lin Yuan, WangJingang, Wang Yuying, Ge Yunna, Zhang Lulu, Yang Yanhong and Zhao Ruiqi,winning awards in Ideological & Political Theory Course Teaching Basic SkillsCompetition in Beijing’s Universities. Mao Minghua, Zhang Fu and Ma Chengyao havebe awarded as the titles of Teaching Masters of CUC, Beijing Teachers’ MoralModel and Outstanding Moral Education Worker in Beijing’s Universities. Zhao Boand Yin Junli were hired as ones of the first batch of Beijing Master Teachersof Ideological &Political Theory Courses in 2016. Liu Dongjian's course of 'Mediaand Society' is selected as 'National University Quality-orientedEducation Selected Course”. t1!3Lf9+6cH7?9K
The Schoolhas more than 30 graduate students for the master’s degree of Marxist Theory infirst-grade discipline now. School of Marxism is mainly engaged in research onMarxism and Socialism with Chinese characteristics, and forms particularadvantages and features in the academic areas of Marxism Popularization,Media and Ideological &Political Education, Media Politics, Media Ethicsand so on. First Youth Marxist College jointly set up by School of Marxism andCommunist Youth League Committee in CUC in May,2016, is devoted to cultivatestaunch young Marxists for Chinese Communist Party. i5!4YK68CU3!2N