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马克思主义学院是学校独立设置的思想政治理论课教学和马克思主义理论研究的专门机构,是马克思主义理论学科和思想政治教育专业人才培养单位。经过历代学人的艰苦创业,学院在学科建设、科学研究、人才培养、师资队伍、党的建设等方面,均取得较好成绩,实现了跨越式发展,2019年入选第三批全国重点马克思主义学院、荣获全国教育系统先进集体、全国党建工作标杆院系。 m3,mb2+8Qj32x

一、历史沿革 x5+5Kv96WK9~1y

马克思主义学院前身为马列主义教研部和思想政治教育教研部。 X8~7Tt8;,Jk4-8D

1980年,学校成立了马列主义教研室,专门负责全校政治理论课教学,后更名为马列主义教研部。1986年,成立思想政治教研室,并于1997年更名为思想政治教研部。 G5.3nO9.6tl,;3F

2003年7月,马列主义教研部与思想政治教育教研部合并,组建马列主义与思想政治教育教研部,与新组建的政治与行政管理学院合署办公,均为正处级建制,直属学校领导。 J5~5Sp2=7zW9=5N

2004年底,政治与行政管理学院和原政法学院合并组建新的政法学院,马列主义与思想政治教育教研部与新政法学院合署办公。 e5+9HS6;2ET5;8X

2005年12月,马列主义与思想政治教育教研部更名为思想政治理论教研部,为正处级建制,仍与政法学院合署办公。 B3+7cj7.,Lp2;4x

2011年3月,思想政治理论教研部更名为马克思主义学院,独立设置,直属学校党委行政领导。 t,!,gq4-9zJ4-50

二、学科建设 v,.2IF2.9Dz3-2i

学院现有马克思主义理论一级学科博士点、博士后科研流动站,有马克思主义理论、政治学、哲学等3个一级学科硕士点以及学科教学(思政)专业学位点。 i79fx1:8Wk,?9C

学院现有6个省(部)级学科平台:2004年,红色资源开发与教育研究中心获批江西省高校人文社科重点基地、江西省高校德育基地。2012年,江西省廉政文化研究中心获批江西省纪委重点研究基地。2014年,“社会发展与治理研究中心”获批为江西省2011协同创新中心。2015年,“社会发展与创新研究中心”获批为江西省哲学社会科学重点研究基地。2016年,获批教育部研究基地“全国高校辅导员发展研究中心”。2018年,获批教育部研究基地“全国高校思想政治工作队伍培训研修中心”。此外,江西师大马克思主义研究院、当代社会主义研究中心、井冈山精神研究中心、伦理与德育研究中心等校级科研机构也挂靠在马克思主义学院。 e1:9CX9:5xl8=3Q

马克思主义理论学科是我校的传统优势学科。1993年,马克思主义理论学科获批为江西省重点学科,是江西省最早获批的重点学科之一。该学科“九五”、“十五”、“十一五”期间皆为江西省重点学科,2010年升格为江西省高水平学科。2016年被江西省教育厅确定为全省高校学科联盟牵头学科。2017年入选江西省一流学科“优势学科”。2017年在教育部第四轮学科评估中被评为A-学科。该学科是我校在《中国研究生教育及学科专业评价报告》中唯一被列为四星级的学科,近5年来在全国排名一直保持在前10%。 N2.5AP3:5jW1;2u

学院始终以开放、合作的理念推进学科建设,注重加强对外学术交流。近年来,先后主办和承办了中国科学社会主义学会年会、中国政治学会年会、江西发展论坛、第三届“马克思主义青年论坛”、全国省属师范暨普通高校思想政治理论课教学协作会第19届年会、第17次中韩伦理学研讨会、全国高校马克思主义理论学科博导论坛(南昌)等一系列国际、国内重大学术会议。 T9.1fy8=5Y04=9u

三、科学研究 z8.5jT4?4oc3~6Y

学院形成了具有自身特色与优势的四大研究领域:马克思主义社会发展理论研究、红色资源开发与教育研究、社会治理与创新研究、当代中国道德建设研究。围绕着这些研究领域,取得了一系列重要研究成果。 j4-7XV1!,NP48z

近年来,主持国家社科基金重大项目3项,重点项目4项,一般项目40项,其中后期资助项目6项;教育部人文社科项目13项;省级重点项目50余项;重大横向项目15项;在国家级出版社出版专著30余部;获江西省社科优秀成果奖一等奖12项,二、三等奖36项;在《中国社会科学》《马克思主义研究》《马克思主义与现实》《人民日报》(理论版)《光明日报》(理论版)等刊物上发表学术论文300余篇。 f8;2nt7~4cI4-1m

四、师资队伍 w5+4Xy4+5Ia4-9s

学院建立了一支数量充足、具有较高理论水平的师资队伍。学院现有教职工91人,其中专任教师84人、行政教辅人员7人。专任教师中,有教授18人,副教授35人;博士生导师22人,硕士生导师43人;具有博士学位教师57人,具有硕士学位教师21人。 r7=2WX9!9KQ9-9c

专任教师队伍中,有国务院学科评议组马克思主义理论学科组成员1人、国家社科基金评审专家2人,中央实施马克思主义理论研究与建设工程专家1人,全国优秀教育工作者1人,全国高校思想政治理论课优秀教师、全国模范教师1人,入选教育部“全国高校优秀中青年思想政治理论课教师择优资助计划”1人,全国高校思想政治理论课教师年度影响力人物1人,中宣部宣传思想文化青年英才1人、江西省百千万人才工程第一二层次人选5人,江西省高校中青年学科带头人8人,江西省教学名师2人、江西省“四个一批”宣传思想文化青年英才1人、江西省青年五四奖章获得者1人。 V1+8fn,2pp,~5Q

学院注重加强教学科研团队建设。我校“马克思主义基本原理”教学团队于2013年被省教育厅确定为第一批全省高校思想政治理论课优秀教学团队;思想政治理论课教学团队2015年入选教育部全国高校思想政治理论课教学科研团队择优支持计划、2016年学院获批教育部高校示范马克思主义学院和优秀教学科研团队建设项目、2017年和2018年教学方法项目连续入选教育部思政课教学方法改革项目择优推广计划、2018年获批全国高校黄大年式教师团队。 w4:4n06?8gm12a

五、人才培养 P9-6Fg3!8oS7=7R

学院为我校思想政治教育本科专业人才培养单位。思想政治教育是我校传统特色优势专业,于1960年创办并招生,至今已有近60年的办学历史。该专业于2002年被评为江西省首批品牌专业,2010年获批为国家级特色专业,为江西省同类专业中办学历史最悠久,整体实力最强的专业之一,办学成绩斐然。 f,?3Hz5.,bT81e

思想政治教育本科专业以培养卓越中学政治教师为主要目标,以江西省丰富的红色资源为依托,以社会调查和实践项目为抓手,以师范生技能培养为基础,形成了“厚基础、强素质、宽口径、多层次”的培养特色。毕业生深受用人单位好评,历届毕业生初次就业率均在90%以上,毕业生中获得“全国百佳教师”、“省级优秀教师”等诸多荣誉。此外,本专业也兼顾思想政治工作实务型人才和马克思主义理论研究型人才的培养需求,学院许多优秀毕业生成为各级政府机关、企事业单位、高校及科研院所等各条战线的领导与骨干力量。 L,9DJ6+8WH5?,l

学院形成了本硕博一体化的人才培养体系。学院每年招收本科生约60人,在校生近300人;每年招收硕士研究生约60人,博士研究生10余人,在读研究生200多人。在研究生的培养中,围绕培养青年马克思主义者的目标着力打造人才培养特色。通过以项目带动科研,实施“青年马克思主义者理论研究创新工程”,推进“研究生科研能力提升计划”、“研究生创新能力培养计划”等,培养了一大批青年马克思主义理论骨干,为各行各业从事马克思主义理论教学、科研和实务工作输送了众多优秀人才。 x,-7HE2!,tt24v

六、社会服务 C9.6OJ9=7Xc4+1c

学院坚持教学科研与服务社会相结合,主动对接江西经济社会发展实际需要,着力发挥服务地方经济社会发展的思想库和智囊团作用,取得了突出成绩。 d1?1Jh7.6ef5=5t

学院承担了多项教育部有关基础教育师资培训任务。如,教育部“红土地”支教项目,教育部“国培计划——农村中小学骨干教师培训”项目,以及全国思想政治学科专业中小学骨干教师、省市教研员以及培训者培训等项目,承担了江西省90%在岗中学思想品德教师的国家培训任务,培训效果受到学员的高度评价。 k9.9mv8-6LR73B

学院发挥学科建设和科学研究优势,多次承接了各级党委、政府部门的重要委托课题,积极开展社会调研和应用对策研究,为相关部门提供决策参考。承接了江西省、福建省、广东省发改委中央苏区振兴重大研究课题“中央苏区范围、历史贡献与发展现状研究”,江西省委委托课题“经济与生态协调发展研究”,江西省国资委委托课题“国有煤炭企业创先争优与党的先进性建设研究”,江西省共青城市重大委托课题“科学发展观在共青城的认识与实践研究”,等等。相关研究成果或调研报告受到省委省政府主要领导高度评价并获得省领导肯定性批示达50余次。 I9!8BE1;1xU1=5r

学院教师积极参与理论宣讲,发挥社会思想引领作用,不断扩大办学社会影响力。我院2位教师作为江西省委宣讲团成员,多次参与省委重大宣讲活动,多次被评为“优秀宣讲员”;多位教师参与江西省“社科大讲堂”、“赣图大讲堂”等社科普及活动,向社会公众宣传理论研究成果。多次承担革命传统和爱国主义教育普及读物编写任务,参与编写了《共和国的脚步》、《社会主义核心价值观100例》、《红色经典传奇100例》、《培育我们的价值观》等通俗读物,作为全省中小学开展革命传统和爱国主义教育的辅助教材。 p6?3SF6!2ld,~2S

七、国际合作 D5.2ty6?6JZ4:5w

为适应高等教育国际化发展趋势,学院积极推进国际交流与合作。每年有计划派遣专任教师赴海外大学访学、交流,进行学术考察。近年来,先后有教师赴英国谢菲尔德大学、香港中文大学、韩国建国大学开展访问学习,多人次赴韩国、俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、保加利亚等参加国际学术会议;学院也多次举办国际学术会议,邀请外国专家来学院讲学,等等。通过形式多样的国际学术交流活动,拓展了教师的国际视野,提升了师资队伍的国际化水平。 J52eI5?8xw8+3n

Brief Introduction of Marxism College in Jiangxi Normal University S8-30u3.6yL,+,f

Marxism College of Jiangxi Normal University is an independently specialized agency teaching ideological and political theory and researching the Marxism theory. Meanwhile, it is a professional talents training unit for who are majoring on the Marxism theory and ideological and political education. After several generations of scholars’ hard work, the Marxism College has achieved great results in terms of discipline construction, scientific researching, talent training, teaching staff and the Party building. It has realized great-leap-forward development. j6?3Hm7?1Dq8=3D

Historical Developments H54Yd,~2dr,+5Q

Marxism College of Jiangxi Normal University was formerly known as the Marxism-Leninism Teaching and Researching Department and the Ideological and Political Education’s Teaching and Researching Department. V35ry8.3lD5?7B

In 1980, Jiangxi Normal University set up a Marxism-Leninism Teaching and Researching Office, which was specifically responsible for all the political theory teaching of the whole school. And later, it renamed the Marxism-Leninism Teaching and Researching Department. In 1986, the school set up the Teaching and Researching Office for Ideological and Political Education. And in 1997, it changed its name to the Teaching and Researching Department of Ideological and Political Education. Z8+3kV8;2QD5:5c

July 2003, the Marxism-Leninism Teaching and Researching Department was merged the Teaching and Researching Department of Ideological and Political Education into the Teaching and Research Department of Marxism-Leninism and Ideological and Political Education. It worked together with the newly formed College of Politics and Public Administration. They were both at the department-level and directly under the leadership of Jiangxi Normal University. U3!,Hs5!7rb8+7l

At the end of 2004, the College of Politics and Public Administration was merged the original Institute of Political Science and Law into a new Institute of Political Science and Law. The Teaching and Researching Department of Marxism-Leninism and Ideological and Political Education was worked together with the new Institute of Political Science and Law. u4!2Xj,!9as2;10

December 2005, the Teaching and Research Department of Marxism-Leninism and Ideological and Political Education renamed the Teaching and Researching Department of Ideological and Political Theory. It was at the department-level and still worked with the new Institute of Political Science and Law. F4~5vm1-6UJ8:6v

March 2011, the Teaching and Researching Department of Ideological and Political Theory renamed the Marxism College. It was independently founded and directly under the executive leadership of Jiangxi Normal University’s party committee. R7:8Sy7.7fY,.,b

Discipline Constructions J3:4Ry8=7rR1~3d

Now there is a doctoral program for first-level discipline of Marxism theory, a center for post-doctoral research,three first-level disciplines of master's programs for Marxism theory,political science and philosophy, as well as a professional degree program for subject teaching of ideological and political education. E4?,fb3-5Uu,.4P

Marxism College of Jiangxi Normal University owing five provincial or ministerial-level disciplinary platform. First, the research center of red resources’ development and education has approved as the key base of humanities and social science and the base of moral education in colleges and universities in Jiangxi province in 2004. Second, the clean and honest culture research center has approved as the key research base of Jiangxi provincial discipline inspection commission in 2012.Third, the research center of social development and governance has approved as 2011 collaborative innovation center in jiangxi province in 2014. Forth, the research center of social development and innovation has approved as the key research base of philosophy and social sciences in Jiangxi province in 2015. Fifth, the Marxism College of Jiangxi Normal University has approved as the developing research center of national counselors’ by the Ministry of Education research base in 2016. In addition, some field research institutions such as the Marxism research institute of Jiangxi normal university, the contemporary socialism research center, the Jinggangshan spirit research center, the ethical and moral education research center are all under leadership of our Marxism College. a2.,bM4;6bY9;1C

Marxism theory subject is our traditional preponderant discipline. In 1993, the Marxism theory was approved as key discipline in Jiangxi province, which was one of the earliest to be approved as key discipline in Jiangxi province. The subject was also the key subject in Jiangxi province during the period of the ninth five-year plan, the tenth five-year plan and the eleventh five-year plan. Moreover,in 2010, this subject was upgraded to high level discipline in Jiangxi province. In 2016,Marxism theory subject was identified as the leader discipline among colleges and universities’ discipline alliance in Jiangxi province by the Education Department of Jiangxi province.In 2017, it was selected as the dominant subject of the first class subject in Jiangxi province. In 2017, the fourth round of the Ministry of education was evaluated as the subject of A-. The subject is also the only subject be listed as the four-star discipline in our school by the Chinese Postgraduate Education and Subject Assessment Report. It has remained the top 10% in the national ranking in recent five years. U56Nu7-5RI6?4P

Marxism College is always on the concept of open and cooperation to promote discipline construction and pay attention to strengthen international academic communication. In recent years, it successively hosted and undertook the annual meeting Chinese scientific socialism society, the annual meeting of Chinese politics society, the Jiangxi provincial development forum, the third term of Marxism youth forum, the ninth term of ideological and political theory’s class teaching will annual meeting of provincial normal and ordinary colleges and universities, the 17th China and Korea ethics seminar, the national colleges and universities Marxism theory discipline’s doctoral tutors forum in Nanchang and a series of international and domestic significant academic conferences. N7:2zR6?8ZU4~7l

Teaching Staff T2~7FX4=6qf6:3h

There are totally 91 teaching and administrative staff in Marxism College, including 84 full-time teachers and 7 administrative support staff. Among the full-time teachers, there are 18 professors and 35 associate professors, 22 doctoral supervisors and 43 postgraduate tutor, and 57 teachers have a doctorate and 21 teachers have a master's degree. Y8=7HM3=3ge2;7N

Among the full-time teachers, there is 1 member of the Marxism theory discipline group of the state council’s discipline appraisal group ,2 member of the assessment experts of the national social science fund, 1 experts in the project of Marxism theoretical research and construction which is implemented by the central ,1 prominent teacher of national colleges and universities’ ideological and political theory course and 1 national model teacher, 1 be selected in the preferential supporting project of the ministry of education’s young and middle-aged teachers who is teaching the ideological and political theory course among national colleges and universities, 2 influential person in the teachers of ideological and political theory course among national colleges and universities , 5 being the first- and second-level candidates of Jiangxi Talents Engineering Project,8 young and middle-aged academic leading experts of provincial colleges and universities and 2 teaching masters in Jiangxi province. m,.5sk6:2eS9=4P

Marxism College pays attention to strengthen the construction of teaching and researching team.In 2013, The basic principle of Marxism teaching team in our school was identified as the first batch of provincial excellent teaching team in national colleges and universities’ ideological and political theory class by provincial Education Department. In 2015, the ideological and political theory course teaching team was selected as preferential support plan of national colleges and universities’ ideological and political theory class teaching and research team in the ministry of education. In 2016, Marxism College was approved as demonstration school of Marxism in colleges and universities and the excellent construction project of teaching and researching team by the ministry of education.In 2018, the National University of University was selected for the team of teachers of the year R9.4rE,:6hd4~4w

Scientific Researches Z7;5hW7.9Eg,?6z

Marxism College has formed its own features and advantages in four researching areas. They are the Marxism social development theory research, the red resources’ development and education research, the social governance and innovation research and the study of contemporary Chinese moral construction. Surrounding these research areas, it has achieved a series of important research results. C8.1zF1;8Se1-6j

In recent years, the teachers in Marxism College have held 3 significant bidding project of National Social Science Fund, 4 key projects of national social science fund, 40 general items of national social science fund, including 6 concluding results that identified as excellent projects, 13 humanities and social science projects of the Ministry of Education, 50 provincial key projects, 88 general projects, 15 major lateral projects. They have published more than 400 high quality academic theses in People's Daily, Guangming Daily, Research of Marxism, Political Science Research, Studies of Philosophy, the Marxism and the Reality, Scientific Socialism and other periodicals. As well as they have published more than 60 works and teaching materials in People's Publishing House, China Social Sciences Press, Central Party Literature Press, Social Sciences Academic Press and other publishing houses. They also have won 12 first prize and 36 the second and third prize for the Excellent Achievement Prize of the provincial social sciences. v,1BK4.,mu3=9f

Talents Cultivation j3+9Vl94JJ9:2M

Marxism College is our school’s undergraduate talents training units for the ideological and political education subject. Ideological and political education is the traditional special dominant major of our school, which is established in 1960 and has recruited students for nearly 60 years. In 2002, this subject was approved as the first batch of specialty brand of Jiangxi province. In 2010, it was approved as the national characteristic specialty. It is one of the oldest, longest subject and the strongest of overall strength among the similar subject education in Jjiangxi province. It has made great achievements all these years. K2;8Lg5.8Yt4-4X

Ideological and political education major for undergraduate students is aim for cultivating outstanding middle school’s political teachers. It is based on the affluent red resources in Jiangxi province and with way of social investigation and practice project to cultivate students' teaching skill. On that basis, it has formed its own training feature with thick foundation, strong quality, wide caliber and multilevel. Our graduates always received good reputation by employers, and all previous graduates’ employment rate is above 90% in the first time employment. Our graduates have acquired many honors such as the national top teachers, provincial excellent teachers and other honors. In addition, this subject is also aimed at cultivating pragmatic type talents of ideological and political work and the research talents of Marxism theory. Many excellent graduates of Marxism College have become leadership and the backbone at all levels of government organs, enterprises and institutions, universities, research institutes and other organs. 06-4cO,+4mK6~8k

Marxism College has formed a integrated talents cultivating stem of undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral. We recruit nearly 60 postgraduate students and 10 doctoral students each year. There is totally about 300 postgraduates students in school. In the cultivation of postgraduate students, we aim for cultivating special talent training characteristics of young Marxists. Through the scientific stimulating researching program, the implement of the young Marxists theoretical research and innovation project, the plan of promoting postgraduates’ scientific research ability, the training plan of postgraduate student’ innovation ability and other training plans, we have trained a large number of young Marxists backbone for all walks of life, especially provided many talents in Marxism theory teaching, scientific research and practical works. m7!4p08:10z1~7y

Social Works Z9;8kG5~5Jo1;,a

Marxism College actively adheres to combine scientific researching and serving society to actual economic and social development of Jiangxi province. It emphatically plays a role of thinking tank to serving local economic and social development. And it has made outstanding achievements. W6.7dO8?6yn89D

Marxism College undertakes several tasks related to basic education training of the ministry of education, such as the Red Land Voluntary Teaching Project, the national training plan for backbone teachers of rural primary and secondary schools, the backbone teachers for primary and secondary schools of national ideological and political disciplines, the provincial or municipal instructors and researchers, the trainers and so on. We have undertaken 90% of national training for high school’s ideological and moral teachers on duty and we have been thinking highly of by learners. b9?3Ym5~6Mp,+9S

Marxism College gives full play to the advantages of discipline construction and scientific research and undertakes many important entrusted project at all levels of party committee and government departments. It actively carry out social research and application of countermeasure research to provide decision reference for relevant department. For example, it has undertaken the significant research topics of the central Soviet’s revitalization of Jiangxi, Fujian and Guangdong NDRC(National Development and Reform Commission). The topic is the range, historical contribution and the current situation research of the central Soviet area. It has also undertaken the entrusted project of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee. The topic is the coordinated development of economy and ecology research. As well as the entrusted project of Jiangxi SASAC( State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission) named the research of the state-owned coal enterprises’ good pioneer and the party's advanced nature construction. Related research results or study reports received high evaluation by the main leaders of Jiangxi province and got affirmative agreement for more than 50 times. b6!,UC,!7JI,:4Z

Teachers in Marxism College are actively participate in theory explanation and play a role of expanding leading effect of social thoughts and social influence of education. There are 2 teachers who are belongs to the members of the Jiangxi provincial party committee’s propaganda and speech group have participate in many significant propaganda and speech activities. He has been approved as outstanding propaganda and speech person for many times. A number of teachers have participate in some social science popularization activities such as the social science lecture hall and other lecture hall of Jiangxi province to spread theory researching results for the public. They have repeatedly undertake to compile spread reading materials of revolutionary tradition and patriotism education and involved in compiling popular reading matter which is used as assisted teaching materials for carrying out the education of provincial revolutionary tradition and patriotism in primary and secondary schools such as the republic's footsteps, 100 cases of the socialist core values, 100 cases of red classic legends, the cultivation of our values and so on. That is to be. O5=6TT6+2kq5-9Y

International Cooperation m8?5IP1.,uA8!8B

In order to adapt to the internationalized developing trend of higher education, the Marxism College is actively promoting international exchanges and cooperation. According to its plan, it will send full-time teachers to visit foreign universities and do academic investigation every year. In recent years, there were teachers be send to the university of Sheffield, the Chinese University Of Hong Kong (CUHK), the Konkuk University of South Korea to do academic visit. Many people went to South Korea, Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria to participate in international academic conferences. Marxism College also have held many international academic conferences and invited foreign experts to give lecture and so on. Through various forms of international academic exchanges, it expanded the teachers' international vision and enhanced the international standard of the teaching staff. R4?1sM7.2fm6:2F



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