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2021-11-17 23:23



I. Introduction j5!5HE8-7qi1-7j

中国科学院大学图书馆(以下简称国科大图书馆)由雁栖湖校区的雁栖图书馆和玉泉路校区的玉泉图书馆组成,同时中国科学院文献情报中心(以下简称文献情报中心)也向全校师生开放。 f22DA8?50P9!8g

The University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Libraries (UCAS Libraries) consist of Yanqi Library on Yanqihu Campus and Yuquan Library on Yuquanlu Campus. The two libraries and the National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NSLC) are open to all the University faculty and students. P9+9Sh1.6mF21l

雁栖图书馆和玉泉图书馆提供的主要资源和服务有:教学需要的教材和参考书,综合类图书、期刊、报纸和电子资源等。国科大图书馆已形成了以自然科学和工程技术科学文献为主体,兼有人文、社会科学及管理科学文献等多种类型、多种载体的综合性馆藏体系。图书馆为读者创建了安全便捷的借阅条件,馆内阅览环境优雅、学习气氛浓郁、配套设施先进,已成为读者畅游知识宝库、提升品味修养的精神家园。 y24eG2;,AW,.4X

Yanqi Library and Yuquan Library provide the following resources and services: textbooks, reference books, general books, journals, newspapers and digital resources. UCAS Libraries provide comprehensive access to library holdings featuring major collection of books on natural sciences and engineering technology and collection of books on humanities, social sciences and management. Also, it provides readers with safe and fast services. With its pleasant environment, strong academic atmosphere and advanced equipment, UCAS libraries provide readers access to knowledge and opportunities to enrich their lives. o6!8ZY4~1Jw6~4D

文献情报中心位于中关村,立足科学院、面向全国,主要为自然科学、边缘交叉科学和高技术领域的科技自主创新提供文献信息保障、战略情报研究服务、公共信息服务平台支撑和科学交流与传播服务。 E5=9WP5=6Kc1:9J

Located in Zhongguancun and based on the Chinese Academy of Sciences, NSLC supports innovation in natural sciences, cross-disciplinary sciences and high-tech fields by providing information resources, strategic information analysis services and public information services and by serving as a platform for scientific exchanges and dissemination. H4!7GV5;5xe,!4x

二.图书馆布局 E,2Bn5+5HG3+8G

II. Maps and Locations i8?6zh75JY9~1m

国科大图书馆以雁栖图书馆为主、玉泉图书馆为辅,使用面积合计近2万平方米。为满足读者的不同需求,共分为以下功能区。 R9=2Jp4+,lr4:1V

Yanqi Library houses the major collection of UCAS Libraries, while Yuquan Library is a minor one. Together they cover nearly 20,000 square meters. To meet the reader's different needs, the libraries are divided into the following function zones: b9?8Oy,+4NZ2=2D

雁栖图书馆:位于雁栖湖校区图书情报中心楼内(1—3层)。 O,1Yd4+2Pu7=,F

Yanqi Library: located in Books and Information Center of Yanqihu Campus (F1-F3) v9.5Wo5-,qW7=5r

一层:第一书库、第二书库及第三书库,图书馆办公区域,档案馆。 F5-7GI4;8DL85U

F1: First Stack, Second Stack, Third Stack, Office Area and Archive Room G,!,ZS8=3hd5=2O

二层:总服务台,电子阅览室,名人捐赠阅览室,成思危捐赠阅览室,研修室,原版书库,工具书库。 K5?2yg9!2sO4;9t

F2: Service Desk, Electronic Reading Room, Academician Donation Reading Room, Cheng Siwei Donation Reading Room, Study Room, Original Edition Stack, Reference Book Stack. s7?5PV5!2Vy5:2Z

三层:图书流通阅览书库,报刊阅览室。 C2;5Ev4:8oE9-6z

F3: Book Circulation Reading Stack, Newspaper & Journal Reading Room. S41hC4!1yY7:2o

玉泉图书馆:位于玉泉校区科研楼(1—3层) j2-5Tt7;8Km1~8k

Yuquan Library: located in Scientific Research Building, Yuquanlu Campus (F1-F3) b7!6rL5=5Wh,4K

一层:开架阅览室,图书馆办公区域 V4=2Qk8~,rr5:6b

F1: Open-shelf Reading Room, Office Area a,;,kJ9:9UZ9+5h

二层:总服务台,开架阅览室,报刊阅览区,院士捐赠区 b1.4Ea3=8uF9.7e

F2: Service Desk, Open-shelf Reading Room, Newspaper & Journal Reading Room, Academician Donation Reading Room U7;7Gb9+,y0,!1j

三层:开架阅览室 H5-7BI2.8ta8+6I

F3: Open-shelf Reading Room W5?1Dn3?8Tt5!2V

三.图书馆开放时间 i97eJ9;5wX,~8r

III. Opening Hours H58wW5-5lh1?4L

校区 p4;8xE8;7Sk2:3B

地址 p9=1jJ93nL4?2s

开馆时间 u2=8Cn3=9xp7~9O

雁栖图书馆 W8;1EY3?3dn6?1p

图书情报中心 u9~7mS9=3XR9;3o

周一—周五8:00-22:00 z5~4AP9=2Fy6;1g

周六、周日8:00-22:00 r4.3kr8=8Fc7+,n

玉泉图书馆 h4-8xk4!7he3.2S

科研楼 r1?,Do2+7lQ1-7O

Campus X7-3Ki,;4vv4:9m

Location b3-,RD2=5oX8.9u

Opening Hours M1;4og5;5xn6+4K

Yanqi Library q1.5eS,+3ej2?3o

Books and Information Center Q3!10K8:4Dq9=6a

Monday to Friday 8:00-22:00 B1=5If5.1xC9:4L

Saturday, Sunday 8:00-22:00 Q1-5sI7=6Rd72N

Yuquan Library f82Of7!7pQ2?4d

Scientific Research Building i,:6CU,.8wA8~3L

四.图书馆资源概况 R3:4Ti9?3H06:6o

IV. Resources Overview V5:5EU3!6eU8!2G

纸质资源 z6=9ol3:8MM2~9D

Paper Resources f9.7ZI1.,HA,-8Y

1.流通图书:采用先进的RFID技术自助借还,在架中文图书38万余册,为读者提供借阅服务。 l9=4oE3?8pi1.,y

1. Books in circulation. The advanced RFID technology enables self-service check-out and check-in. Over 380,000 Chinese books on shelf are all available to readers. p,~5tz8;9Mu1:7a

2.报纸期刊:陈列637种现刊、过刊,以及部分硕博论文等,自习区同时兼有查找信息、休闲阅读功能。 Q7;3bU8~7fS1-6G

2. Newspapers & journals. 637 current issues, back issues and part of master's theses and doctoral dissertations are avaiable. The study area is also used for information searching and leisure reading. w9=5Mj6:7KI1+2x

3.原版图书:以学术图书为主,包括Elsevier、Wiley等国际一流出版社出版的图书近2万册,内容涵盖力学、物理学、化工、电子电气工程、计算机等学科。 u8;40Q7=8kR7=6E

3. Original Edition books. Mainly academic books, including nearly 20,000 books published by world-class publishers likeElsevier and Wiley, covering fields such as mechanics, physics, chemical engineering, electronic engineering and computers. o68tK9:,0o6.3p

4.工具图书:陈列四库全书等古籍类丛书、中外文工具书和百科全书等共4000多册。 w3~,qt7~9ti26x

4. Reference books. Over 4,000 books including classics like Complete Works of Chinese Classic, reference books in Chinese and foreign languages and encyclopedia. B1?9iF8.4BR1.6G

5.院士名人捐赠图书:雁栖图书馆陈列中国科学院和中国工程院院士捐赠的珍贵图书和期刊文献,如"两弹一星"元勋钱三强院士和何泽慧院士捐赠的图书等5218册,成思危捐赠阅览室藏书近2万册。玉泉图书馆二层设专区开架阅览,现存有100余位院士捐赠的4000余册书刊,阅读这些书刊可从中领略大师们的气息和风采。 n2:1mg,,Sk7.8W

5. Books donated by academicians and celebrities.Exhibited in Yanqi Library are precious books and journals donated by academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Included are 5218 books donated by father of "Two Bombs and One Satellite" Academician Qian Sanqiang and Academician He Zehui. Also included are nearly 20,000 books donated by economist Cheng Siwei. Over 4000 books and journals donated by over 100 academicians displayed on the open shelves on the second floor in Yuquan Library. Reading these books allows readers to get close to these great masters. w3!6df,=2tZ,?8Q

6.第一、二、三书库:在雁栖图书馆一层藏有备用图书,早期图书,藏书约25万册。 L,;9tW2:7Ww5!,j

6. First Stacks, Second Stacks, Third Stacks. Stored on the first floor of Yanqi Library are spare books and old books, adding up to about 250,000 volumes. t4~2rc29aF7?5y

电子资源 Q24nx8,0x7~9j

E-resources e8-,ne,~1ju7+6G

图书馆能为读者提供的中文电子文献资源有:中文期刊数据库3个、中文图书数据库2个、中文学位论文数据库2个。通过参团订购及全院开通,可即查即得期刊21819种(西文期刊7843种、中文期刊13972种,日文期刊4种)。参团采购的数据库可以访问的有154种,其中全文数据库124种,二次文献库15种,工具事实型数据库10个、数值型数据库4个,多媒体数据库1个。此外,我校自主订购了超星、万方、SIAM数据库等中外文数据库13个。自主订购数据库,可访问约170万种图书,7.5万种电子期刊以及1737.8万篇期刊会议及法律条文等文献。 q4;7EK2?,NT2?6W

Electronic resources provided for readers are: three databases for Chinese academic journals, two databases for Chinese books, two database for theses and dissertations. Through group subscription, we are now offering 21,819 academic journals (7,768 western journals, 13,971 Chinese journals and 4 Japanese journals) to users and they can visit 153 databases, including 121 full text databases, 15 secondary literature databases, 10 reference and factual databases, 4 numerical databases and 1 multimedia databases. In addition, UCAS has also subscribed to 13 databases including Chaoxing, Bailian, Superlib, Wanfang, SIAM, Conference Proceedings Database and Key Newspapers Database of CNKI, PKU Law, Dacheng Data and Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI), allowing users to visit about 1.7 million books, 75 thousand journals and 17.378 million conference proceedings and articles of laws. d8-5pG4!5dG87i

移动图书馆:ucas.superlib.com v,;8to8-8ZC7?3s

Mobile Library: ucas.superlib.com T4:2Qb8?9zS75f

随着社会的发展,利用手机、手持阅读器和平板电脑等移动终端即时地获取信息日益成为人们重要的阅读方式。移动图书馆正是依托无线移动网络、互联网以及多媒体技术,使读者可随时随地的利用移动终端享受图书馆文献信息的查询、浏览与获取的新兴服务。目前,学校移动图书馆已正式启用,全校师生可以方便地通过网络,享用移动图书馆便捷的服务:包括服务公告、资源动态;馆藏书目查询;在线阅读100多万册电子图书;在线阅读7800余万篇报纸文章;在线检索阅读超3亿篇中外文期刊文献。读者使用文献传递到邮箱功能,可轻松获取学校未购买的文献资源。 d9+7MO5;8zf6.6M

With social development, accessing information promptly through cell phones, hand-held readers and tablets has become an increasingly important way of reading. Supported by wireless mobile network and the Internet and multimedia technology, the mobile library is a new service which enables readers to search, browse and obtain library resources with mobile terminals anywhere and anytime. Ucas.superlib.com has been officially launched; students and faculty can now enjoy the convenient library service through the Internet: such as service bulletin, resource updates, inquiry of books, reading over one million books online, reading over 7.8 million newspaper articles online and retrieving and reading over 300 million Chinese and foreign journal articles online. Readers can also easily get unsubscribed academic resources through document delivery function. u5~9oe8~7RN2?4p

五.图书馆服务项目 U8?6FN6-5xB7~1W

V. Library Services n5?9q0,:8Xg7!3r

1.文献传递 B4~5PI8~5ef66p

1. Document Delivery t9+8vd5?9CQ,?9v

文献传递系统为全校师生提供远程全文文献的快速查询、获取和传递服务(首次使用时,需进入http://dds.las.ac.cn/进行注册)。读者可检索该系统的联合目录,通过网络请求文献,通常在4小时到2个工作日内可获取申请的文献,计费按照相关图书馆收费标准从账户中扣除,文献情报中心不收取服务费。 z5;1Ca3;3zU8;1N

The document delivery system provides all students and faculty with quick searches, access and delivery of long distance full-text academic resources (register at http://dds.las.ac.cn/for the first time use). Readers can search the union catalogue and request documents online, and can usually get the requested document in four hours to two working days. A fee will be subtracted from the reader's account based on the rates of corresponding libraries; NSLC does not charge a fee. T3:8xI,:4mA49c

2.馆际互借 o4=3UH,.4LI4.1c

2. Interlibrary Loan d4.7AP4-3Gm6;2T

读者可通过馆际互借系统,实现校区间的图书互借,并可借阅文献情报中心、北大、清华、国家图书馆的藏书。 x,?3Gg9.9VB6;2J

Through the interlibrary loan system, readers can borrow books from libraries of other universities and institutions, and from NSLC, Peking University, Tsinghua University and National Library of China. I9.9Du,;1LT6:2P

3.参考咨询服务 G8;4ds5+,CY1+7W

3. Reference and Consultation g5;2vF7=2gS8+2X

为科研用户提供便捷的帮助服务。包括图书馆常规服务指南、各类文献资源查询指引、信息检索方法和工具指导、科技常识解答、知识库检索和网络资源导航等服务。 C3.5Xx,-1tF3+9W

Help and support is provided for scientific researchers, including library regular service, answers to literature inquiries, a guide to information retrieval methods and tools, technology FAQ, and knowledge database and online resource navigation services. f9:1Qy4-6yV,-,m

4.论文收引检索及评价 W1.,OJ6:8gy5+4C

4. Paper Inclusion & Citation Search and Assessment x9:3oF6~7gc3?,n

论文收录引证检索(简称引证检索)指通过SCI、EI、CPCI等国际著名检索数据库查询个人发表论文收录情况以及被SCI论文的引用情况。为用户在申报院士、国家自然科学基金和职称评定等方面提供机构或个人的论文收录引用检索服务。 V7?3fd52ho8?8S

A paper inclusion and citation search (abbreviated as citation search) refers to inquiring about acceptance and inclusion of an individuals' paper and citation by SCI papers through world-famous databases like SCI, EI, CPCI. Users are provided with paper inclusion and citation search services. Such services are required when users apply for the title of academician, or for National Natural Science Funds or when they have their job titles assessed. L79zF5:8wh9-6N

5.信息素质教育 U3-1bg9~6EO8;7I

5. Information Literacy Education h1.3Nm1~6Ax4?8O

为读者提供信息查询、信息检索、信息利用、科研方法等基本知识的讲座和培训,帮助读者学习信息获取的基础知识和方法技能,提高信息资源利用效率,提升科研水平。 E4.5Wp,.2nM3=1U

Lectures and training on information inquiry, information retrieval, information use and scientific research methodology are provided. These will help readers gain basic knowledge and skills of accessing information, and improve information utilization efficiency and enhance their ability to do scientific research. L9!9Zy8=6RJ7:4k

六.图书馆设备及使用 v,.,Bg1~6kI8?6J

VI. Equipment and Use G,=,iF4!7PZ1!5T

雁栖图书馆和玉泉图书馆为读者提供自习学习、阅览报刊、借还图书、检索文献、自助打印复印扫描文档、信息咨询、讲座报告、图书展览和自习等服务。同时,为优化读者借阅流程,提升读者借阅效率,提供了各种现代化电子配套设备设施。主要有: E3~3nJ1+7kA71m

In Yanqi Library and Yuquan Library students and faculty can study, read journals, borrow books and search for literature. They can also print, copy and scan materials, inquire information, attend lectures and see book exhibitions. To increase work efficiency, the University has installed modern electronic equipment and apparatus, which include: K7=3td51FL4-1G

1.自助检索机:图书馆入口处为读者提供了电子检索机,方便读者查阅图书信息,自助检索功能也可以在个人电脑上通过图书馆网站完成操作。 R3=4LC7!9cN5-9W

1. Self-service retrieval machine: At the entrance of the libraries stand electronic retrieval machines for readers to search for books. Self-service retrieval is also accessible from PC via the website of the libraries. C5+10Y5:80B52X

2.自助借还书机:流通书库采用RFID技术,准确定位图书,自助借还,满足玉泉路校区和雁栖湖校区读者的借还图书服务。 h5+9Qu3=4tN8=7s

2. Self-servic check-in/check-out machine:RFID technology enables precise positioning of books and hence self-registration circulation stacks. H,=1uC,:1iG6;1R

3.逾期图书自助付款和查询服务:图书的自助借还要求读者无逾期图书。为方便读者清理账户欠款,图书馆为读者提供了随时可以查询、付款的自助服务系统。 I96HP1+6gy,=,j

3. Inquiry and self-service payment for overdue books:self-service check-in/check-out is not possible for overdue books. The libraries provide the self-service system for inquiry and payment for overdue books. p8=7KZ3=3yl4?1H

4.联创自助打印、复印和扫描服务:为读者提供集打印、复印、扫描于一体的大型打印机。 l6:5qG2;9zy,=2H

4. Lianchuang self-service printing, copying and scanning:a huge printer combining the functions of printing, copying and scanning. P2?4VH9-3Mb7?5K

5.触摸屏电子阅报刊系统:在服务区放置有触摸屏电子阅报刊系统,包括150种报纸、200多种期刊,均为当月现刊,可以实时阅读报纸期刊。 E7?9xs9+3Tw7-4m

5. Touch-screen e-journal reading system:In the service areas stand touch-screen e-journal reading machines, containing 150 newspapers, 200 periodicals, all from current issues. k7!,XX,!9Ti9-,y

6.研修室(IC):雁栖图书馆的研修室室(待改造),配有可移动的白板,空间大,可多组或单组研究讨论,玉泉图书馆报告厅和讨论室也对外开放,供全校师生免费使用。 v37Ci,;2VF4?70

6. Study & meeting room:the study & meeting room of Yanqi Library (to be renovated) is equipped with mobile whiteboards and is suitable for multi/single group discussion. The auditorium and discussion room of Yuquan Library are also open to all students and staff for free. Z7;7IR8+3FD,?5t

7. 24小时室外自助还书服务:在雁栖图书馆西侧,可提供24小时自助还书服务。 a5:1Yb6~8ft7-4j

7. 24-hour outdoor self check-out service:24-hour self check-in service is provided west to Yanqi Library. w6?1oB6+2GS1.1e


"读者第一,服务育人"是图书馆的宗旨。读者既是图书馆的客人,也是图书馆的主人,安静、有序的学习和阅览环境是所有读者的共同需求。遵守下列注意事项,将会使您心情更加舒畅,也将有助于提升您的学习效率。 T6!2vG1;6Xo16u

1. 校内读者凭本人校园一卡通刷卡或者学生证登记入馆;校外读者凭介绍信及本人有效证件登记入馆。 q4~5lu,!,oK1!1J

2.进入图书馆请注意着装仪表,言谈举止文明大方,自觉遵守图书馆各项规定,服从工作人员管理。 u45OA,=1Yz9+4z

3.加强公德意识,请勿用物品占用阅览席位;请勿随意移动馆内设备和阅览桌椅。 f6~,cX6.6CW9!,g

4.请保持图书馆安静,禁止在馆内喧哗;入馆后请将手机置于无声状态,阅览室内请勿拨打或接听手机。 J7?5NM3:2zL7~2g

5.爱护文献资料和图书馆设备、设施;按照设备使用流程规范操作;杜绝污损和毁坏图书的行为。 v3?1av2-7eC3!7p

6.图书馆是重点防火单位,严禁在馆内任何地方吸烟、用火。 v,=6aR4-6fg4,N

7. 读者不可携带食物等与图书无关的物品进入开架的书库及报刊阅览室,禁止在馆内进食一切食物。 U72gc6=,mg6.7i

8. 请保持图书馆环境卫生,不要随地吐痰、乱丢果壳、纸屑、不要在墙上或桌子上涂写刻画。 d,-8af7-1RQ,!8e

9.对违反上述规定者,将给予批评教育;情节严重者报学校有关部门处理。 s2+,sg2-8Xy2!8t



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