湖南大学金融与统计学院坐落在湘江之滨、岳麓山下,享有“千年学府,金融黄埔”之誉。在长期的办学历程中,学院传承“博学、睿思、勤勉、致知”的优良校风和学风,是莘莘学子孜孜以求的学术殿堂。已经成为中国金融与统计学科人才培养的高地、学术研究的重镇、对外交流的窗口、服务社会的智库。 A93wY7+9Hx2=5l
五十年来,湖大金融与统计学科名师辈出,涌现了王世英、徐唐龄、熊范伍、傅予行、董寿昆、刘琦、宋光辉、周江雄、李伯经等一批教书育人的名家。学院秉承“育人为本”的理念,几代湖大金统人春风化雨,桃李芬芳,为社会输送了一批又一批优秀的金融统计专业人才,其中相当一部分学子已经成为中国金融业与社会经济管理各领域的领军人物。 U2;4qi1-,Wk7!5s
近年来,学校正在实现由综合性、研究型大学向开放式、国际化办学的转型,金融与统计学院自觉地充当了学校改革与发展的排头兵。特别是“985工程”二期建设项目以来,学院的国际学术交流与合作异常活跃,举办了一系列高水平、高层次的国际会议,可谓是“名家荟萃,精英云集”。欧元之父、诺贝尔经济学奖得主蒙代尔教授,著名经济学家、天则经济研究所所长茅于轼教授,著名金融学家、耶鲁大学终身教授陈志武教授,著名统计学家、全国人大财经委员会副主任贺铿教授,著名统计学家、英国伦敦政治经济学院姚琦伟教授,业界精英中国银行董事长肖钢先生、招商银行董事长马蔚华先生、高盛亚洲首席经济学家胡祖六教授等海内外知名专家学者和业界精英都曾在这里坐而论道、开坛设讲。 m2-7iK,4XB4=4P
服务社会是我们义不容辞的社会责任,也是我们的历史使命。我们坚持“知识创造价值、学术服务社会”的核心价值观,将理论研究服务于社会,使我们强大的科研能力转换为现实的社会生产力。湖南省“两型社会”建设规划、湖南省社会信用体系建设规划等涉及地方经济社会发展重大战略的方案出台,都曾充分体现湖大金统人的聪明才智与服务意识。 N6!60Y2-8Uq9;3C
“麓山巍巍,湘水泱泱,宏开学府,济济沧沧;承朱张之绪,取欧美之长”。作为传承历史、续创辉煌的新一代湖大金统人,我们深感责任重大、深知挑战严峻!但我们有敬业奉献的师资队伍、有朝气蓬勃的莘莘学子、有不断完善的办学条件、有社会各界的大力支持,浸润在“实事求是、敢为人先”的湖湘文化之中的我们,有足够的勇气、能力和智慧来担当新的重任。国内先进、国际知名的学院发展之路虽还遥远,但我们正一步一个脚印地扎实前行。 P72dM7~,iX,=2w
Deans Message i42Bw2;8Er9!5n
The college of Finance and Statistics, Hunan University is located at the foot of Yuelu Mountain and the riverside of the has become the education center for talents in finance and statistics, research center, the window for international cooperation and intelligent support for social service. Z3?7nw6!5YC2:8j
In the past 50 years, the college has a number of famous professors and scholars such as Wang Shiying,Xu Tangling,Xiong Fanwu,FuYuxing,Dong Shoukun,Liu Qi,Song Guanghui,Zhou Jiangxiong,Li Baijing. Inheriting the spirit of Focusing on Students, the college has trained a large number of talents in the field of finance and statistics, some of whom have taking the leading role in finance and economic industries. I6?6KV2=8Wd6!4k
In recent years, Hunan University is in the transition from the comprehensive and research university to open and international university. The college of finance and statistic is in the frontier of the transition. Particularly since the Project 985 II, the college is very active in international cooperation and academic communication. The college has host a number of high level international conference to attract many financial elites to give their speeches, such as Nobel Prize Winner, Professor Robert Mundell, famous economist Professor Yushi Mao, Professor Zhiwu Chen from Yale University, famous statistic professor He Ken, Professor Qiwei Yao from London School of Economics and Politics, Chairman of Bank of China Mr Xiao Gang, Chairman of Bank of Merchant Mr Ma Weihua, Professor Hu Zuliu from Goldman Sachs. i9?3Wz7?9vt9;5R
In recent years, Hunan University is in the transition from the comprehensive and research university to open and international university. The college of finance and statistic is in the frontier of the transition. Particularly since the Project 985 II, the college is very active in international cooperation and academic communication. The college has host a number of high level international conference to attract many financial elites to give their speeches, such as Nobel Prize Winner, Professor Robert Mundell, famous economist Professor Yushi Mao, Professor Zhiwu Chen from Yale University, famous statistic professor He Ken, Professor Qiwei Yao from London School of Economics and Politics, Chairman of Bank of China Mr Xiao Gang, Chairman of Bank of Merchant Mr Ma Weihua, Professor Hu Zuliu from Goldman Sachs. O7!3PH3:3md6?9E
In recent years, Hunan University is in the transition from the comprehensive and research university to open and international university. The college of finance and statistic is in the frontier of the transition. Particularly since the Project 985 II, the college is very active in international cooperation and academic communication. The college has host a number of high level international conference to attract many financial elites to give their speeches, such as Nobel Prize Winner, Professor Robert Mundell, famous economist Professor Yushi Mao, Professor Zhiwu Chen from Yale University, famous statistic professor He Ken, Professor Qiwei Yao from London School of Economics and Politics, Chairman of Bank of China Mr Xiao Gang, Chairman of Bank of Merchant Mr Ma Weihua, Professor Hu Zuliu from Goldman Sachs. S2~,xv9!3jZ6;9t
Dean of College of Finance & Statistics Q,!2lT,?4Sg5;8x