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昆明学院经济管理学院成立于1984年(原昆明大学经济系),2004年开办昆明学院第一届本科专业(国际经济与贸易专业)。目前在校生2300余人,是昆明学院在校生最多的学院。除中国学生外还负责培养十余个国家70余名留学生,留学生采用全英文教学模式。2019年承担昆明学院首届创新人才(理科)基地班的人才培养工作。 P81OO4:9lC,!4i

学院现有国际经济与贸易、财务管理、会计学、工商管理、人力资源管理、物流管理、城市管理七个本科专业,财务管理专业2019入选云南省省级一流本科建设专业,国际经济与贸易专业2011年成为云南省本科特色专业,并获批云南省专业群建设改革试点专业。2020年国际商务专业获得教育部硕士学位授权,为昆明学院现有五个硕士点之一。 k,=6BG9+2gL9~9R

学院现有在职教师70人,其中教授、副教授占专任教师50%,博士、硕士占专任教师95%,学院教师来源于国内双一流高校并多人具有海外留学经历,三分之一以上教师具有美国注册管理会计师、注册国际商务师、高级会计师、高级经济师、投资理财规划师等双师型资质。除在职教师外学院还聘有国内一流高校长江学者、教授做客座教授,柔性引进各行业专家做学生导师团队。有一支理论功底深,专业能力强,既潜心研究又具创新精神,对学生尽心尽责的教师队伍。 e4-6he7?6Wo2!3J

学院近年共获批国家、省市本科教学质量工程20余项,荣获“云南省高等学校教学管理先进集体”称号,建有 “西南跨境经济发展研究院”校级科研平台。近三年学院教师共获得国家社科基金、教育部人文社科基金、云南省、昆明市哲社规划重点课题、云南省科技联合基金、昆明市智库课题30余项,到账基金上百万元。 P3.6Kq1~6CS8~7y

学院校内教学设施先进。建有云南省实验教学示范中心——经济管理实验教学示范中心,中心下设国际贸易综合实验室、财务ERP模拟实验室、证券投资仿真模拟实验室、物流综合实验室、金蝶ERP工商管理实验室、人力资源管理等13个专业实验室。建有云南省第一个跨境电商人才培训基地平台(互联网+云南跨境电商创新创业实验平台)。2019年又获得云南省虚拟仿真实验中心(云财务决策虚拟仿真实训)立项。学院现有的教学设施及实验中心、平台完全能够满足所有学生理论和实践性教学需求。 D,-5Ao7~1KO8:,B

学院校外培训基地充足。与国家统计局昆明调查队、国有控股上市公司云内动力集团、沃尔玛、阿里巴巴、上海“财金通”教育公司签订战略合作协议共同开展科研项目和人才培养基地建设。与京东西南公司、晨农集团、贵研铂业等20余家企业合作建立学生实训实习基地。与美国、英国、新加坡、爱尔兰、泰国等高校进行学生互访和研究生联合培养。 V6=7qh8~9yM4!1C

学院秉承“克己精进、笃行经世”的院训,坚持以人才培养为核心,统筹兼顾科学研究、文化传承和社会服务的办学理念,致力于培养品德优、基础实、上手快、后劲足的高素质应用型人才。近三年学生在全国大学生数学建模竞赛、全国“挑战杯”大学生科技节作品竞赛、全国大学生“外研社杯”英语竞赛、全国校园财会大赛、全国商科院校技能大赛、大学生模拟沙盘大赛等比赛中获得国家、省级50余项奖项。毕业生就业前景好、行业广、质量高,就业率一直保持在98%以上,毕业生普遍受到用人单位的好评。 E6:4Qj3?5RY9;8P

Introduction E3-,vn4:4xB1;5b

Founded in 1984, School of Economics and Management (the original Economics Department of Kunming University) started recruiting undergraduate students of International Economics and Trade in 2004. With a student body of more than 2,300, the School stands as the largest one in Kunming University. More than 70 international students from over 10 different countries are currently enrolled in English-taught programs. The School has been dedicated in undertaking the task of cultivating the first batch of Innovative Talents (Science) Base Program of Kunming University since 2019. I5?7XQ6+8kT98U

School of Economics and Management offers 7 undergraduate majors, including International Economics and Trade, Financial Management, Accounting, Business Administration, Human Resource Management, Logistics Management, and Urban Management. Among the seven ones, Financial Management has been selected as the First-rate Undergraduate Program in Yunnan province in 2019, and International Economics and Trade has been approved as the Provincial Undergraduate Feature Specialty in 2011 and the Yunnan Provincial Specialty Group Construction Reform Pilot Major. With International Business authorized as a master’s degree program by the Ministry of Education in 2020, the School is also featured with one of the five master’s degree programs in the University. m3!9xO7:2Ze8+6U

School of Economics and Management now has 70 faculty members, among whom 50% are associate and full professors, 95% have master’s or doctoral degrees from top universities home and abroad, and one third are authorized as CMA, CPA, senior accountant, senior economist, CFP, etc. In addition, students are co-advised by Yangtze River scholars and guest professors from other top universities. The professional and dedicated faculty provides students with countless opportunities to research, create and innovate. X48XE8+7vC1+4B

The School has been granted more than 20 national, provincial and municipal high-quality undergraduate teaching programs, and honored as the “Advanced Collective of Teaching Management in Colleges and Universities of Yunnan Province”. The School is facilitated with a university-level research platform “Southwest Cross-border Economic Development Research Institute”. In recent 3 years, the School has received funding of over 1 million Yuan from National Social Science Foundation of China, the Social Science Foundation of the Ministry of Education, Provincial Social Science and Philosophy Key Programs, Provincial Science and Technology Union Foundation, Kunming Think-tank Programs, etc. v9:,MH8;5KW2+1t

The School is well facilitated with a provincial experimental teaching center “Economics and Management Experimental Teaching Center”, which includes 13 professional labs, for example, International Trade Comprehensive Lab, Financial ERP Simulation Lab, Security Investment Simulation Lab, Logistic Comprehensive Lab, Jindie ERP Business Administration Lab, Human Resource Management Lab, etc. The School also owns the first Cross-border Electric Commerce Training Platform in Yunnan province (Internet+ Yunnan Cross-border E-commerce Innovation and Entrepreneurship Experimental Platform). In 2019, the project Yunnan Virtual Simulation Experiment Center (Cloud Financial Decision-making Virtual Simulation Training) was officially approved. The current teaching facilities, experimental centers and platforms can fully meet the theoretical and practical teaching needs of all students. Q3+6QQ36li6:8j

The School has plenty of off-campus training bases. It has signed strategic cooperation agreements with Kunming Investigation Team of the National Bureau of Statistics, Yunnei Power Group (a national owned public listed company), Walmart, Alibaba and Shanghai Caijintong Education Company to jointly develop scientific research projects and build talent training bases. It also cooperates with more than 20 enterprises, such as Jingdong Southwest Company, Chennong Group and Sino-Platinum Metals Co., Ltd., to establish student training and practice bases. Student exchange programs and postgraduate joint cultivation programs have been explored with the universities of USA, UK, Singapore, Ireland, Thailand, etc. u1=5KP3.7Sf8~6a

By insisting on the School’s motto “Self-abdicating and striving for progress; Practicing earnestly and benevolently” and by adhering to its education philosophy, namely, taking talent training as the core, giving overall consideration to scientific research, cultural inheritance and social service, the School is committed to cultivating high-quality application-oriented talents with excellent moral character, solid foundation, quick skills and sufficient stamina. In the past three years, students have won more than 50 national and provincial awards in National Mathematical Modeling Contest, National “Challenge Cup” College Students Science and Technology Festival Works Competition, "FLTRP Cup" National English Competition, National Campus Finance and Accounting Contest, National Business College Skills Contest, College Students Simulation Sand Table Contest and other competitions. Students are offered widely by various kinds of industry with fulfilling jobs after graduating. The employment rate keeps as high as 98%, and employers keep speaking highly of the students. F6,jz7+6eW3:2W



昆明学院 共收录 个子站

校本部位于云南省昆明市·昆明国家经济技术开发区浦新路2号;昆师路校区位于云南省昆明市·五华区昆师路2号。 详情>>
