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国际图书馆协会联合会(简称“国际图联”,International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions -- IFLA)成立于1927年,是联合各国图书馆协会、学会共同组成的一个机构,是世界图书馆界最具权威、最有影响的非政府的专业性国际组织,也是联合国教科文组织“A 级”顾问机构,国际科学联合会理事会准会员,世界知识产权组织观察员,协会总部设在荷兰海牙。
2017-8-15 09:03
2021-1-1 00:38



国际图书馆协会联合会(IFLA)是代表图书馆和信息服务及其用户利益的领先国际机构。它是图书馆和信息行业的全球声音。 F6.,nh5!2rK4=1y

1927年成立于苏格兰爱丁堡,在一次国际会议,我们庆祝我们的90个生日在2017年,我们现在已经在全球150多个国家的1500名多名成员。国际图联于1971年在荷兰注册。荷兰皇家图书馆是位于海牙的荷兰国家图书馆,为我们的总部提供了充足的设施。 Z4;1nr6~8nU5=6K

目的 Q9?6mW4+3qr2;1p

国际图联是一个独立的,国际性,非政府,非营利性组织。我们的目标是: v,:3Xa2~3EH8?4H

促进提供和交付图书馆和信息服务的高标准 e,=6sq3.3Mc,?5n

鼓励广泛理解优质图书馆和信息服务的价值 B5:4nG2+8Ol4!9S

代表世界各地会员的利益 b4.,Vt7!7XA,=1q

核心价值 V1~9ZD89sl7+6M

为了实现这些目标,IFLA包含以下核心价值观: o,+1vE9,zp39D

认可《世界人权宣言》第19条所体现的获取信息,思想和想象力以及言论自由的原则 j5:6OW9.7sr1+8c

人们认为,人们,社区和组织需要普遍和公平地获得信息,思想和想象力,以实现其社会,教育,文化,民主和经济福祉 k23VM,=1YE,+6b

坚信提供高质量的图书馆和信息服务有助于确保访问 H3;8Kk9~3fg52N

承诺使所有联邦会员能够参与其活动并从中受益,而无需考虑公民身份,残障,族裔,性别,地理位置,语言,政治哲学,种族或宗教 h4~7yr9=9iA9.1f

会员资格 B5~,xY7!8zu8~8t

我们有两类主要的投票成员:协会成员和机构成员。欢迎在图书馆和信息科学广泛领域内的图书馆和信息专业人员协会,图书馆和信息服务协会以及教育和研究机构协会成为协会会员。机构会员资格是为单个图书馆和信息服务以及图书馆和信息部门的各种组织而设计的。我们感兴趣的国际组织可以加入国际协会会员。 G3~5xN4=90J5=7K

全国协会会员,国际协会会员和机构会员在选举和会议中拥有投票权。他们有权提名国际图​​联主席职位的候选人。 n7=6UR18Tq9~4X

图书馆和信息科学领域的个人从业者可以加入个人会员组织。他们没有投票权,但是通过在委员会中任职并为专业计划做出贡献,为国际图联的工作做出了宝贵贡献。 C4!3G06+5Ag2?5x

有关如何加入的完整信息,请参见IFLA成员资格网页。 x4!5vM5=7sZ84N

企业支持者 V6:4qx6;3EH12O

根据我们的企业支持者计划,超过25家信息行业的公司与IFLA建立了工作关系。作为财务和“实物”支持的回报,他们将获得一系列好处,包括有机会向我们的全球会员展示其产品和服务。 f4=2mt9+7lD4=3I

与其他机构的关系 W7!50C78ir5!9O

我们已经与其他具有相似利益的其他机构建立了良好的工作关系,为就共同关心的问题定期交换信息和观点提供了机会。我们与联合国教科文组织具有正式的联系关系,与联合国具有观察员地位,与国际科学联盟理事会(ICSU)具有联系地位,与世界知识产权组织(WIPO)和国际标准化组织(ISO)具有观察员地位。1999年,我们在世界贸易组织(WTO)中确立了观察员地位。 u6+,MX73wV9+,X

反过来,我们为从事相关领域工作的许多非政府组织提供了咨商地位,其中包括国际出版商协会(IPA)。我们是蓝盾国际委员会(ICA)的国际档案理事会(ICA),国际博物馆理事会(ICOM)和国际古迹遗址理事会(ICOMOS)的成员。ICBS的任务是收集和传播信息,并在文化财产面临风险的情况下协调行动。 Y4;1oT1!8wu39l

世界图书馆和信息大会:IFLA大会和大会 Q7=9hi78gR4.2K

我们的会议每年8月或9月初在不同的城市举行。三千多名代表开会,交流经验,辩论专业问题,查看信息产业的最新产品,开展IFLA的业务并体验东道国的文化。 X6!3KK9:2Wr5:,f

有关当前会议或过去和将来会议的更多信息,请参见此处。 Q3;4ga77Ns8;5L

区域会议 U7~4yK8=5Vw,-1k

我们的专业团体和战略计划在世界范围内举办了一系列专业会议,研讨会和讲习班。使用IFLA网站并订阅IFLA-L可以了解何时何地发生了什么。 A,?5Jn1+,op8:1u

管治 D6.5dg5!,LC2~9j

国际图联的治理结构已经过修订,并于2008年生效。必须进行修订,以反映我们日益全球化的成员资格和更便捷的全球交流所带来的机遇。有关治理结构的说明,请查阅《IFLA章程》。 E,+,Za2+4In8;1l

部件 Y7-2Sf6~3Bx5.6Y

该大会成员是最高管理机构,由有表决权的成员的代表。它通常每年在年度会议期间开会。它选举主席和理事会成员。它还考虑一般性决议和专业决议,这些决议经批准后通常会转交给执行委员会和专业委员会以酌情采取行动。 m,=7vD7=2gf1:,f

执董会 a2.3mh5-6Vm5;8M

该理事会是负责国际图联大会批准准则范围内的管理和专业方向。该委员会由 President ,当选 President ,十直选议员(通过邮寄和/或电子投票,每两年一次)andsix通过各部和各专业的专业委员会间接选出的成员(由专业团体,以及图书馆协会管理科主席);最多可以选出三名成员。 06:9Qt,!5IQ5?3d

理事会每年召开三次会议,一次在每年一度的世界图书馆和信息大会上。 o7?4yT,~8rh,=1s

执行委员会 C2!9jg25vl8+3e

该执行委员会已经由理事会委托,负责监督董事会制定的政策范围内该委员会的会议之间IFLA的方向执行责任。该委员会由 President ,当选 President ,司库,主席的专业委员会,理事会的2名委员,由它的当选成员的理事会成员每2年选举产生,国际图联秘书长,EX-的当然。 e3~8js5.7GC3;2n

专业委员会 n,3Qi7.7ik2=5M

专业委员会 的职责是确保协调负责职业活动,政策和计划的所有IFLA单位的工作。该委员会由一名主席,即将离任的委员会选举产生的,每个IFLA的5个部门以及理事会的2名委员的从其成员中的椅子,由董事会选举,当选 President 和FAIFE的主席和CLM委员会;可以选择其他成员。 C5!,wJ4~5hy7:1Q

专业委员会每年召开三次会议,一次在每年的世界图书馆和信息大会上的时间和地点。 y9-5WW,6yF3=7H

战略计划 q9~3mk4+6Ks1.6s

国际图联战略计划关注的是全世界图书馆和信息服务所共有的问题。在专业委员会的指导下,战略计划的目标和项目与联邦计划以及各部门的优先级有关。该 图书馆发展PROGRAMM(LDP) 具有很宽的范围内,广泛关注具体的注意力集中在发展中国家。其他涉及当前的,国际上重要的问题,包括:保存和保护(PAC),IFLA UNIMARC和IFLA标准委员会,它协调IFLA内外的标准工作,并主要在各部分中支持IFLA专业单位中的标准活动。 H6+8Tr8;9Tg9~2l

FAIFE CLM和PAC由IFLA政策和宣传经理管理,并向理事会报告。 U8=8Ko2+6ca92z

LDP由IFLA经理发展计划管理,并向秘书长报告。 Q8+4Ac9:3gx4;5Y

国际图联标准委员会向理事会报告,并与专业委员会就与专业计划有关的事项进行合作。 p6-2FQ6;2VD,2X

UNIMARC向理事会报告。国际图联感谢葡萄牙国家图书馆及其馆员慷慨地主办了UNIMARC战略计划。 Q,.4UG3?6Lr9=4f

师与科 W3=2Bw3!1xp8;6c

这些部分是联邦在特定类型的图书馆和信息服务领域,图书馆和信息科学方面或某个地区的工作的主要重点。所有IFLA会员均有权注册自己选择的部分。一旦注册,有投票权的成员有权提名其所注册的部门常务委员会的专家。常设委员会是制定和监督该科方案的专业人士的关键小组。各节分为五个部分。 T2=1JT7;4TB8=3T

区域活动 q5?8zH81UJ3;2H

三个区域科(非洲,亚洲和大洋洲以及拉丁美洲和加勒比)组成了区域活动部(第5部门)。他们关注所在地区图书馆和信息服务的各个方面。他们促进国际图联的活动,并与位于南非比勒陀利亚的国际图联地区办事处紧密合作;新加坡和阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯。 g7!1kP2+6lR7:5k

特别兴趣小组 Q83Jd,!6YI,=50

可以在临时和非正式的基础上设立特殊兴趣小组,以使成员小组可以讨论与该专业有关的特定专业或社会和文化问题。特殊利益团体可以成立两年,一旦可以连任,必须由一个部门赞助。 W5=8VE6;9Uh,;1L

刊物 P7+9GC18tU2:5u

由IFLA专业组制定的计划结果已记录并在我们的出版物中进行了传播。 d5:,dy7=1Dg5!2S

IFLA期刊每年出版四次。每期都包括经过同行评审的有关图书馆和信息服务的文章,以及影响通过图书馆获取信息的社会政治和经济问题。 r9;7Pc9=4Hd4.3j

在年报中往年记录IFLA的成就。 e5-4mi9~5Oo4;5q

该IFLA系列出版物,由IFLA的出版商出版,德Gruyter在德国柏林。 q5+1fD3;3zY,+9R

该IFLA专业报告系列配备的专业会议和指导方针,最佳实践报告。 C3;6iK6=,QR5~8Y

资源资源 A6~7SV6+3iG6?5V

世界各地的许多图书馆员和信息专业人员付出了他们的时间,专业知识和财力,使我们的成就成为可能。我们约60%的收入来自会员费。 t9-1jB6-1vk3:,f

其他收入来源包括出版物的销售,公司合作伙伴的现金和实物捐助,基金会和政府机构的赠款。 S21Mw1:4on,?9B

我们的战略计划得到国际资助机构的赠款支持,并通过国家和大学图书馆以及国家协会的捐赠和实物捐助提供慷慨支持。 q8-4Ok2-4NW8+9T

最后更新:2019年12月10日 Z3!2BC4:6um,!4c

Who we are V5;,hD4+5BP4+2T

The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the library and information profession. r3?6cJ2;1Dz8.80

Founded in 1927 in Edinburgh, Scotland at an international conference, we celebrated our 90th birthday in 2017. We now have more than 1,500 Members in over 150 countries around the world. IFLA was registered in the Netherlands in 1971. The Royal Library, the national library of the Netherlands, in The Hague, generously provides the facilities for our headquarters. k7.1fO6+,rb3=8T

Aims i7.1aF3:4Og2:1k

IFLA is an independent, international, non-governmental, not-for-profit organisation. Our aims are to: o5;5nv6-8XU7.7G

Promote high standards of provision and delivery of library and information services A8+1R07?8Ab7=7a

Encourage widespread understanding of the value of good library & information services n1+2IF4?4Ir2+9z

Represent the interests of our members throughout the world N6=4OX8=8sH5+3L

Core Values o5;3Qb4:,eq9-7m

In pursuing these aims IFLA embraces the following core values: F1?2Gm,?4um1+9m

the endorsement of the principles of freedom of access to information, ideas and works of imagination and freedom of expression embodied in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights P35VB2?3xX9+6L

the belief that people, communities and organisations need universal and equitable access to information, ideas and works of imagination for their social, educational, cultural, democratic and economic well-being E,+1EB2~8eT2!9J

the conviction that delivery of high quality library and information services helps guarantee that access K4~4Jv2+8Pl3.4w

the commitment to enable all Members of the Federation to engage in, and benefit from, its activities without regard to citizenship, disability, ethnic origin, gender, geographical location, language, political philosophy, race or religion u5:8gF2.3CY9=9y

Membership o6=2Ww130s8=50

We have two main categories of voting members: Association Members and Institutional Members. Associations of library and information professionals, of library and information services and of educational and research institutes, within the broad field of library and information science, are all welcome as Association Members. Institutional Membership is designed for individual library and information services, and all kinds of organisations in the library and information sector. International organisations within our sphere of interest may join as International Association Members. Q,=4Ba7=2Wp9~9W

National Association Members, International Association Members and Institutional Members have voting rights in elections and meetings. They are entitled to nominate candidates for the post of IFLA President. X4-8Aj2+9cL5.8S

Individual practitioners in the field of library and information science may join as Personal Affiliates. They do not have voting rights, but they provide invaluable contributions to the work of IFLA, by serving on committees and contributing to professional programmes. Y68r05!3YP8;9H

Complete information on how to join can be found on the IFLA Membership webpage. l4+3oC,?5ls5:3i

Corporate Supporters R3:1Lx2;2jr6+5V

More than 25 corporations in the information industry have formed a working relationship with IFLA under our Corporate Supporters scheme. In return for financial and 'in kind' support they receive a range of benefits including opportunities to present their products and services to our worldwide membership. b7~8Nv,=6Ff8.4W

Relations with Other Bodies y2.6Xx6=9ky6?,c

We have established good working relations with a variety of other bodies with similar interests, providing an opportunity for a regular exchange of information and views on issues of mutual concern. We have formal associate relations with UNESCO, observer status with the United Nations, associate status with the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) and observer status with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). In 1999, we established observer status with the World Trade Organization (WTO). b,;4ZY2+3bK1=,g

In turn, we have offered consultative status to a number of non-governmental organisations operating in related fields, including the International Publishers Association (IPA). We are members, along with the International Council on Archives (ICA), International Council of Museums (ICOM) and the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), of the International Committee of the Blue Shield (ICBS). The mission of ICBS is to collect and disseminate information and to co-ordinate action in situations when cultural property is at risk. t4+3Ua7:2yU,.7b

World Library and Information Congress: IFLA General Conference and Assembly e6-4tA74Xc6=3S

Our conference is held in August or early September in a different city each year. More than three thousand delegates meet to exchange experience, debate professional issues, see the latest products of the information industry, conduct the business of IFLA and experience something of the culture of the host country. K5.3LY2;1ea4~1I

More information on the current conference or past and future conferences can be found here. u9.5aG9;7MC83E

Regional Meetings r9+2zX8!6VP,;,F

A range of professional meetings, seminars and workshops are held around the world by our professional groups and Strategic Programmes. Use the IFLA website and subscribe to IFLA-L to find out what is going on when and where. C9!3bL7+2Jp6:6a

Governance Y6.9i09;7VJ,+,j

The governing structure of IFLA has been revised and came into force in 2008. The revision was necessary in order to reflect the opportunities presented by our increasingly global membership and the greater ease of worldwide communications. For the description of the governing structure please consult the IFLA Statutes. G3+8oM9+4VT8?2l

Assembly x4.4Sc5-9bs1!5F

The General Assembly of Members is the supreme governing body, consisting of delegates of voting Members. It normally meets every year during the annual conference. It elects the President and members of the Governing Board. It also considers general and professional resolutions which, if approved, are usually passed to the Executive Committee and the Professional Committee for action as appropriate. D5-2BY9.7Cw8;9z

Governing Board q1;8Jj14MB8~5u

The Governing Board is responsible for the managerial and professional direction of IFLA within guidelines approved by the Assembly. The Board consists of the President, the President-elect, Ten directly elected Members (by postal and/or electronic ballot, every two years) andsix indirectly elected members of the Professional Committee (by the professional groups through the sections and divisions, and the Chair of the Management of Library Associations Section); up to three Members may be co-opted. O5=5kZ4+5u0,?7C

The Governing Board meets three times per year, once at the time and place of the annual World Library and Information Congress. a63pm5.4cr8.2z

Executive Committee y9!3vM4?1fL4=1C

The Executive Committee has executive responsibility delegated by the Governing Board to oversee the direction of IFLA between meetings of this Board within the policies established by the Board. The Committee consists of the President, President-elect, the Treasurer, the Chair of the Professional Committee, 2 members of the Governing Board, elected every 2 years by members of the Board from among its elected members, and IFLA's Secretary General, ex-officio. G2+8cg1+3qs7?,m

Professional Committee K6.,EJ1?3Oj5:1b

It is the duty of the Professional Committee to ensure coordination of the work of all the IFLA units responsible for professional activities, policies and programmes. The Committee consists of a chair, elected by the outgoing Committee, the chair of each of IFLA's 5 Divisions plus 2 members of the Governing Board, elected by that Board from among its members, the President-elect, and the Chairs of the FAIFE and CLM committees; an additional member may be co-opted. p9-8OE9;7ea7-3j

The Professional Committee meets three times per year, once at the time and place of the annual World Library and Information Congress. Z4?2ya,~9XE8=3S

Strategic Programmes L7!4zU2;2ge9.8w

Issues common to library and information services around the world are the concern of the IFLA Strategic Programmes. Directed by the Professional Committee, the objectives and projects of the Strategic Programmes relate to the Federation's Programme and the priorities of the Divisions and Sections. The Library Development Programm (LDP) has very wide scope, concentrating on the broad range of concerns specific to the developing world. The others cover current, internationally important issues, including: Preservation and Conservation (PAC), IFLA UNIMARC and the IFLA Committee on Standards, which coordinates standards work within and beyond IFLA and support standards activities in IFLA professional units, principally in sections. k1!,uY8~8GQ14l

FAIFE CLM, and PAC are managed by the IFLA Manager of Policy and Advocacy and report to the Governing Board. Y96rf6!2cF5~7u

LDP is managed by the IFLA Manager Development Programmes and reports the Secretary General. F7+7hf14bo9~,z

The IFLA Committee on Standards reports to the Governing Board and works with the Professional Committee on matters related to the Professional Programme. j5-9Nc55Xl9:9H

UNIMARC reports to the Governing Board. IFLA is grateful to the Biblioteca Nacional, Portugal and their librarians for generously hosting the UNIMARC Strategic Programme. s1-1cm6:1WO4;9c

Divisions and Sections M5!3mT9-2Ry1+3W

Sections are the primary focus for the Federation's work in a particular type of library and information service, in an aspect of library and information science or in a region. All IFLA Members are entitled to register for Sections of their choice. Once registered, voting Members have the right to nominate specialists for the Standing Committee of the Sections for which they are registered. The Standing Committee is the key group of professionals who develop and monitor the programme of the Section. Sections are grouped into five Divisions. X5:7pP36Rb42X

Regional Activities P5:5VT8;8hI7!,r

Three Regional Sections (Africa, Asia and Oceania, and Latin America and the Caribbean) make up the Division of Regional Activities (Division 5). They are concerned with all aspects of library and information services in their regions. They promote IFLA activities and work closely with the IFLA Regional Offices, located in Pretoria, South Africa; Singapore and Buenos Aires, Argentina. W2;3RV6:9yV4;2l

Special Interest Groups x9~1Tf,;3zT4+2y

Special Interest Groups may be set up, on a temporary and informal basis, to enable groups of Members to discuss specific professional, or social and cultural issues relating to the profession. Special Interest Groups may be established for two-years, once renewable, and must be sponsored by a Section. Y8.3PI,~,wO5!5A

Publications F4+9YE7.3Ug1.3o

The results of the programmes developed by IFLA's professional groups are recorded and disseminated in our publications. U7-,Dp9!4vb76h

IFLA Journal is published four times a year. Each issue includes peer-reviewed articles on library and information services and the social political and economic issues that impact access to information through libraries. R6+,RX3?6Cu8!1M

The Annual Report records IFLA's achievements during the previous years. G7.1LF6-7Gq3=4u

The IFLA Publications Series, published by IFLA's publisher, De Gruyter in Berlin, Germany. 05.1MY6~,Kf4,o

The IFLA Professional Reports series feature reports of professional meetings and guidelines to best practice. k28RP1~2Nf4?,u

Resources u7+8OV7~8xF6!3t

Many librarians and information professionals throughout the world, who contribute their time, expertise and financial resources, make our achievements possible. Approximately 60% of our income is derived from membership fees. q77wH1~9Pg5?9K

Other sources of income include sales of publications, contributions in cash and kind from our corporate partners, grants from foundations and government agencies. s,-8Cl,=8bj2?6C

Our Strategic Programmes are supported by grants from international funding agencies and the generous support through donations and in kind contributions by national and university libraries and national associations. b8+7zI1-2Tp9=6k

Last update: 10 December 2019 y4:7ZK1;6UE,:7q


