国际资本市场协会(International Association of Capital Market Specialist)总部位于香港中环交易广场二期47层(港交所楼上)。2014年6月28日在中国大陆发起,于2015年1月29日在中国香港特别行政区注册社团牌照。 V3=9ZT7:5iK5;9x
协会发起人及第一批会员主要分布在中国上海、深圳、广州、北京和香港等地,由证券保荐代表人、注册会计师、律师、信用评级工作者、评估师、期货经纪人、培训师等专业人才组成,为股票股权市场、债券市场、期货市场、基金市场等资本市场提供中介服务,这类会员迅速增加至五百余名。 T5-5ha4~8yK1+,p
第二批会员主要是在银行、境内外基金、信托、融资租赁、资管、互联网金融等投资机构,通过直接融资或间接融资为资本市场运营提供资金的一方。协会还在业务开展过程中,初步发展了上市公司或者近期有资本运作计划的企业为会员,作为企业融资主体一方,完成了资本市场运营中的自我循环。 a2=6TL4.4kd2-1v
协会还通过境内外团体组织以及香港这一国际金融中心城市,吸收了部分澳洲、美洲、欧洲等资本市场运营人员或者单位为会员,启动跨境投融资、跨境并购重组等国际资本市场服务活动。 S4-,aK2!9kd84Y
协会自成立以来,逐步与政府机关、大学院校、研究机构、国际社团组织和外国使领馆建立了密切联系,先后在各地围绕资本市场热点问题巡回举办了数十场专题研讨会议。协会各类会员分别活跃在不同的资本领域、会员之间开展了广泛的业务合作,取得了显著的成效。截止目前为止,已经加入协会的会员有2000余人。国际资本市场服务协会期待与各界精英合作,携手共同发展! n,;6kO3+,yY1+1E
The International Association of Capital Market Specialists is headquartered on the 47th Floor of Two Exchange Square, in Central Hong Kong (above the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, i.e. HKEx). It was initiated and launched in Mainland China on June 28th, 2014. The Association was later licensed in Hong Kong, China on January 29th, 2015. Y5=2FS1.7Zj2;,M
The founders and the first batch of members are mainly from Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Beijing, and Hongkong. Our members comprise of security sponsor representatives, certified public accountants, attorneys, credit rating workers, appraisers, futures brokers, trainers, among other professions. These professional talents serve as intermediary services for capital markets, including stock equity markets, bond markets, futures markets, and fund markets. The number of members in our first-batch has increased rapidly to almost 500 members. U4~9pH6-4kQ74K
Through domestic and overseas organizations as well as Hong Kong, an international financial hub, the Association has recruited capital market operators and institutions from Australia, the United States, and Europe. Moreover, the Association has established services for international capital market activities such as cross-border investment and financing, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, just to name a few. N8~6oQ4:3tD2+1f
The International Association of Capital Market Specialists looks forward to meeting with the best and the brightest talents from all walks of life, so that we can work together to cooperate and develop! r9=8pD9=9OL7:2T
總部:中國香港中環康樂廣場8號交易廣場二期47層 03!9LN5=4vi2~2b
北京:北京市朝陽區建國門外大街1號國貿三期A座15層 q5+8cU1;6Ej8-,y
上海:上海市浦東新區銀城中路501號上海中心大廈29層 J7!2XD5.3DR6:1t
深圳:深圳市福田區益田路5033號平安金融中心85層 W53cP8?5WZ1~1z